“What’s Unusual About Your Body?”: 38 People Share Their Unique Quirks

Everybody is unique, and every body is special! From the shape of our belly buttons to the birth marks and freckles that adorn our skin, none of us are exactly the same. But some lucky individuals have particularly unique characteristics that deserve to be celebrated!

That’s why one curious Reddit user recently invited others to share the most unusual qualities about their own bodies, and they certainly did not disappoint. Below, you’ll find some of the cutest and most fascinating quirks people can boast about their bodies, so enjoy scrolling through and remember to upvote the replies that you find most amazing!


My stomach is 1/10 the size it should be. I’m a cheap date because I can get drunk off nothing and it’s nearly impossible for me to overdrink.

Image credits: FlexGoalsBongwater


My hair started losing its color when I was 10 years old. I used to be brunette. My hair has been completely silver and white since my 20s.

Image credits: ConcernedApath3


When I was born, none of my organs were in the places they should be.

Had 5 surgeries after birth to get everything moved around, and put to right places.

Luckily, no issues since.

Image credits: iMissTheOldKimye

We're all human beings, but there are infinite possibilities to how we can look. With over 8 billion of us on the planet, we're bound to share some traits, but we can't all have 10 toes or hearts that function properly without a little extra help. And there's nothing wrong with these unique quirks we might have. In fact, they should be celebrated! For example, I have unusually small nostrils, so if I inhale through them extremely hard, I can suck both of them in until they fully close up. My elbows and a few of my fingers are double jointed. I have a several quite visible birthmarks, one of which was fire-engine red when I was born but has since stretched out into tiny red splotches on my chest.

To learn more about how this fascinating conversation about the unique qualities of our bodies got started, we reached out to Reddit user MissingYouB, who posed the question, "What's unusual about your body?" They told Bored Panda that they had recently spoken with a friend who was depressed about a deformity that they have and decided to ask others if they have something unusual about their body to prove that none of us should be insecure about these traits. "You need to love your body no matter what," they added.


Two of my toes on each foot are webbed halfway. The index(?) and middle toe, each side. Nothing else.

I can’t swim any faster which I personally think is *b******t*.

Image credits: dirtyethanol73


I was born with 1 Kidney. But my 1 Kidney is the size of 2 combined. So I have 1 super kidney.

Image credits: Jay12678


My sweat is extra acidic. I can fully rust guitar strings in a week or 2, and have eaten holes on 2 laptops where I rest my hands, both happened within a year of use

Image credits: MoofieFoofer


Every spring and autumn, my palm sheds its upper skin. There is no exposed lower layers, I just literally regenerate and dispose of my palm skin like a snake. Doesnt hurt, doesnt bleed. It just happens.

Image credits: Aldnoah_Tharsis


When I was born, the doctor said he "had never seen a baby with this much nose hair". At 46 it is still my superpower.

Image credits: chamel321


I have a third boob. Never even knew it was there til my milk came in after giving birth, and suddenly there was this giant baseball-sized lump under my armpit. When I saw my lactation consultant, she said it's a rare thing that can happen to some people. It has a teeny tiny nipple and even had milk coming out of it. I had to ice it for a week so it would stop producing milk.

Before anyone asks - no, I don't have any pictures of it. I was super sleep deprived and recovering from a traumatic labor, so the last thing on my mind was taking a picture of my new accessory boob. I wish I had, though.

Image credits: ArcticFox46


I have a lot of extra things....extra toe, and a few extra teeth, there's one growing on the roof of my mouth rn, its like I'm a deformed vampire lol

Image credits: oppapoocow


I can taste when I'm sick and I can smell when others are too.


Whooo. This is a big one.

1. Abnormal bone density. I sink in fresh water(fun playing Terminator though). Been hit by cars 6 times in my life and all Ive ever gotten was bruises; every vehicle has needed body work.
2. I require at *minimum* twice the recommended dosage for a lot of medications. Not fun when cost is factored in or the potential for damage. My liver is that of a demigod.
3. Abnormal temperature response. I act like a stroke victim(according to my wife) at temps above 85, but I can sit in a snow drift in a t shirt and shorts and the snow drift melts before I get bothered. I can bare-hand dry ice for short periods without issue.
4. My eyes are too large for my head. The only reason I need glasses is because my eyes kept growing waaaay longer than they should have, since my skull had decided early on it was going to quality for membership in Neverbrokeabone
5. I somehow outgrew cilantro tasting like soap. 20 yrs of that, then all of a sudden 'Naw my troll, you get to enjoy it again'
6. If you pop my right foot's pinky toe, my entire leg twitches. Full 'pull back shaking and twitching like I grabbed a 220v line.' Every damn time.

Image credits: Thaser


I have a large facial scar, literally just like Scar from the Lion King. My hair and beard just make it worse. Sucks meeting new people, especially kids.

Image credits: mellbs


I have the gigachad chin, like, it's VERY square

Image credits: orpmetal


I have pectus excavatum and was born with a 3rd ear on my cheek.

The 3rd ear was removed with plastic surgery when I was a child but now I have a patch on my cheek that can't grow facial hair.

Image credits: xDracoian


I can dislocate my shoulder at will

Image credits: InterestingRead2022


I have two uvulas (those hangy ball things in the back of your throat).

Image credits: bzsbal


I have microtia type 2 in both ears which makes them look like elf/orc ears. Also deaf in my left ear thanks to this.

Funny thing is, until I was like 15 years old, I did not know that I was deaf in one ear. Which was surprising to me but the doc said it is because you are so used to hearing from one ear that you do not feel the difference until a point. I just thought my left ear was obstructed with something.

Image credits: Rude-Newspaper7928


I can vibrate my eyeballs


I am a woman with a beard that can rival most 15 yr olds


When I was a kid I had such severe allergies to everything that even my medical allert bracelets made me break out in hives and being in the same room at peanuts would send me into anaphylaxis. I outgrew all of my allergies.


I have one ear that's a carbon copy of my father's (left ear), and the other my mother's. Thus, one is slightly longer and significantly harder(cartilage).


I am biologically and male presenting, but I've got huge tits. Like stage 4 gynecomastia. I've had them basically my entire life, and they've never been affected by my changes in weight. Doctors have confirmed they are legitimately breast tissue.

I always hated them, made highschool a living hell. But now I'm a grown adult, I identify as non-binary so I no longer feel bad about not having a "masculine" chest.

I consider getting rid of them every so often but I legitimately wouldn't know what life would be like without them and I feel I'd look inproportionate without them.

Image credits: Old-Paramedic-4312


I sweat on the left side of my head when I even think about spicy foods. The worst part is I love spicy food.

Image credits: Pwnch


My big toes are almost twice the size of normal big toes. They’re so wide that I can stand only on my big toes without it hurting. I’m told my feet look more like paws than human feet.

edit: no I'm not posting feet pics

Image credits: lunatea-


When i was born my umbilical cord was inside out and it was the first time the hospital i was born at had ever seen anything like it. So they asked my mum if it could be sent to a nearby university to be shown to students in order to show them what the inside of one looks like in real life. I am going to that exact university next year and will be on a quest to take back my umbilical cord. (Provided its not been thrown away idk how long they last)

Image credits: WonderfulAd6836


I was born with no wisdom teeth.

Image credits: BigFackingChungus


I’m 21 and going through menopause! I hit puberty at the age of two, had a lot of hormonal issues growing up but my mother was resistant to getting me help so I’m the same height and weight I was in 5th grade some 11 years ago. I can also type with my toes and do simple origami with my feet like a ninja star or paper airplane which is a fun party trick.

Image credits: Acceptable_War4993


When I was a baby I got a vaccine in my a*s cheek and it got infected. It was left alone so long that it got infected all the way down my muscle on everything the needle touched. They had to cut it out and for a couple of years I didnt have an a*s cheek, then my a*s grew in alright and now it just looks like I have a dimple. It's by my hip so it doesn't look weird and everyone that's seen it has said it adds character lol but to me it's just a crater on my a*s and theres no muscle there and if I touch the middle it still hurts

Image credits: almostparent


The heart inside of me isn’t mine. And that I was on life support that caused nerve damage in my leg so I don’t get goose bumps on my left thigh.

Image credits: Veca_marie


Small hole at the base of my spine just before my a*s hole
To clarify I’m not talking about the actual a*****e it’s self I’m talking about a small hole a inch above it
It’s not a cyst I was born with it

Image credits: Happy-Watercress3232


In my 60s and I don't have gray hair. It's mousy brown, so when people insist I dyed it, I tell them I wouldn't pay money for such a dull color.

Image credits: VapoursAndSpleen


My torso is longer than it should be in comparison to my legs. Like, my legs stopped growing before my upper body did or something.

Image credits: redditpornacc666117


My heart is bionic at this point. I’ve had 4 open heart surgeries, aorta and mitral valves are now titanium. It makes a ticking noise like a clock. I’m only 30. Hopefully I live longer

Image credits: Tired-humanoid


I have a rare condition in which my large intestine is smashed over to one side of my torso and my small intestines are smashed over to the other side. The only reason we discovered it is that one day, they decided to physically switch places causing extreme pain.

They have switched places a total of four times in my life. It's really painful and kinda gross hearing your goopy bits flop around inside of you.

Image credits: jtolb65


My super power is that I don’t get hangovers


I sneeze when really hungry.


I'm a medical mystery in that I got a Salmonella infection in a cyst on my spleen and to this day no one knows how it possibly got there.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/hQzl73K
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