Every family has its quirks, but there are an unlucky few who end up marrying into a dynamic so toxic and strange that they might need to actually seek legal help. Being passive aggressive pales in comparison to folks who chose to be actually aggressive, fortunately, most folks never have to deal with it.
A man shared the bizarre and unhinged behavior of his MIL after she sent his wife a Christmas card with a one way ticket home and a demand to become her guardian. We reached out to the husband via private message and will update the article when he gets back to us.
Some people just have unpleasant in-laws
Image credits: Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo)
But one man shared the legitimately illegal things his MIL would do to ruin his marriage
Image credits: Ave Calvar/Unsplash (not the actual photo)
Image credits: HodorTargaryen
The wife seems to come from a very dysfunctional family
Image credits: Niko Tsviliov/Unsplash (not the actual photo)
While details are, unfortunately, a bit scarce, this MIL might take the cake for being one of the worst ones ever featured in these sorts of posts. Some in-laws are just unpleasant to be around, demanding, petty and entitled, but fake terrorism charges are something out of a movie. Interestingly, the man only puts this detail later in the story, not opening with it. Talk about burying the lede.
For example, it does truly seem that the mother actually cares for her daughter. She seems to have a good job, education and a caring husband, and the MIL just wants control. Even if we are being generous, this is a pretty clear example of very conditional love, which is a key part of many dysfunctional families.
We don’t know if the mother actually thinks the daughter is in some way disabled or is just making it up as some sort of power play, however, in the end, both options are just terrible and toxic. She also seems downright proud that she tries to isolate her daughter, which is cruel behavior. This isn’t just an annoying mom, this is basically abusive behavior.
Trying to take her out of her home, alone, and then trying to find ways to literally take away her independence is just cartoon villain-type behavior. Unfortunately, isolation is a common method for cults and abusers to limit their victim’s ability to leave or stand up for themselves. Whatever the reason, this is still just toxic behavior.
The MIL’s actions were downright bizarre and dangerous
Image credits: Christian Buehner/Unsplash (not the actual photo)
Fortunately, the FIL does at least seem to be more reasonable and was even willing to speak to the police about this, because bombing a hospital (a crazy thing to write on a story about a MIL) is an extreme issue. He could have been arrested or worse, had something gone wrong. This is by and large enough to fully cut contact and perhaps seek some sort of restraining order.
While annoying in-laws generally aren’t the sort of thing one stresses about when alone, at home, this family seems truly bizarre and the man’s concerns are quite valid. As many commenters note, they should get security systems and even legal action done, because at this point, who knows what the MIL might do?
Ultimately, it does seem like the wife worked very hard to escape an absolutely horrible family situation, one that was restrictive and definitely toxic. The MIL asking for guardianship just sounds like a sick joke, considering the information presented here. One can only hope this family actually manages to get some sort of restraining order in place.
Some folks needed more details
The MIL’s behavior raised more than a few eyebrows
source https://www.boredpanda.com/one-way-plane-ticket-mil-threats/
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