In a sense, we are all strange because of how different each one of us is from the other, but as adults, we try to keep this “weirdness” under control. However, some kids don’t really have a filter and they just do what comes to their mind, and often get labeled as “weird kids”.
Apart from getting called so, their antics also make them memorable, to say the least. That’s why when Reddit user Ch3ks posed the question, “What made the weird kid at your school weird?” folks online could easily remember these antics and shared them. Ready to check them out? Just scroll down!
More info: Reddit
He was obese, with greasy hair and body odor. He was smart but weird.
Years later we got in touch through FB and he told me how difficult things had been in school, growing up with no father and a mentally ill mother.
That's a lesson to learn: sometimes the weird kid seems weird because they are doing their best to try and live in a bad situation.

Image credits: FallsOffCliffs12
He wore a cape and fake vampire teeth throughout the year. He’s a Hollywood visual effects artist now. I’m happy for him.

Image credits: jlegarr
So, i have a great story. We had a bit of a weird kid we called ‘Storyteller’. He was always making up story’s that were really far fetched but he swore they were all true. This was in the 90’s. For example, his dad was a German spy, he himself (at 14) was already working on some classified ‘computer stuff’ that he couldn’t talk about. Also, he was dating a German model. And so on.
Well, a few years ago I randomly moved in across the street from him. He’s fully retired from a cushy IT job when he was like 45 and he’s married to a smoking hot German woman.

Image credits: discostud1515
Well, as you scroll through the list, you will realize that some of these "weird kids" are not really what they were labeled. In fact, we understand that there are quite a few underlying factors and issues that come to light.
To understand more about it, Bored Panda reached out to Shazia Lalljee, who has over 2 years of experience as a teacher. She stressed that "weird" is a social construct formed to criticize someone.
"I personally believe that labeling someone as 'weird' has less to do with the individual's quirks and more to do with society's inability to embrace differences," she added.
I was the weird kid.
It was autism .

Image credits: bovinehide
Weird in a good way really. He was simply too smart. In a high school with many smart kids - suburban high school in a wealthy area with - 99 percent going to college and lots of kids going to Ivies and high academic publics - he still stood way way above us.
I looked him up not too long ago as we were talking “whatever happened to ….. Not a surprise I guess; he is involved in deep space research. Has a couple fellowships and writes papers about stuff that I can’t even understand the titles.

Image credits: cargdad
There was this girl a few years older than me who thought she was a werewolf among other things. As you can imagine a lot of kids who made fun of her. She was a sweetheart once you got to know her though. I'm not an expert but I always wondered if she went through some super traumatic event when she was little that triggered some of her behaviors.

Image credits: AuraOfTwilight
To further elaborate on her point, Shazia explained that children in their formative years are learning to conform to the societal norms and expectations that they are taught. As per her, when they encounter a different child, they label them as "weird", usually mimicking adults' biases of what is considered "normal" in society.
"Labels of any kind can impact a child. Being singled out and being labeled 'weird' definitely impacts their self-esteem and might also lead them to suppress their individuality to fit in or isolate themselves," Shazia noted.
He would pull out his glass eye and chase people with it.

Image credits: spaceaging2k29
At my school, the weird kid was this guy who used to bring a pet lizard in his pocket every single day. Like, he wasn’t sneaky about it either he’d pull it out in the middle of class and just casually let it chill on his desk. He also talked to it like it was a person, and once told everyone the lizard gave him “advice on life.” Honestly, it was kinda iconic, but at the time, everyone just thought it was super weird.

Image credits: aassi_2008
He’d sit alone at lunch but bring a whole orchestra of action figures with him.

Image credits: babe_charmingkitten9
We spoke to Shazia about her thoughts on being “weird” in school, and whether it is something students grow out of or just a sign of creativity and uniqueness. She smiled and said, "That's a tough one to answer, simply because every child chooses their own path."
She expressed that some choose to grow out of it because being liked and feeling a sense of belonging to the group matters to them. Other students, according to our expert, retain their creativity and uniqueness.
"This also depends on many factors. I have seen some children with a strong support system at home or a friend circle that accepts and motivates them for their uniqueness. Some enjoy being in the spotlight and embrace being different, so they never grow out of it," she emphasized.
He loved Doctor Who so much that he dressed up and spoke like the 4th doctor. This was before anyone knew what Doctor Who was and 80% of us were Mexican American (including him).

Image credits: ElBroken915
He brought a raw onion to school every day and ate it like it was an apple. Never explained why.

Image credits: Ste1ni_
I was the weird one.
Someone once referred to me as "the cat girl with the socks". I wore cat ears and thigh high socks to school almost every day. ??.

Image credits: Alleykittiee
Lastly, while concluding the interview, we asked Shazia about how, as a teacher, she approaches encouraging individuality while managing behaviors that might disrupt the class. She replied with some really wise words that every new teacher might find helpful.
Shazia said, "It's actually easier than it seems. Teaching students while retaining their individuality is all about channeling their unique qualities through creativity. It simply requires observing them carefully and acknowledging their strengths."
"Once children feel seen, heard, and accepted, they naturally regulate their individuality to ensure the class functions smoothly. As a teacher, I never miss an opportunity to give a child their moment to shine, allowing the entire class to view their individuality as a gift rather than a subject for debate or acceptance," she added.
Kid smelled like he bathed in cat pee every day.
Hissed at anyone who came near him.
Used to run through the hallways from class to class.
Threated to [end] me in a computer lab because I used internet explorer instead of firefox.

Image credits: dreamybabe_eyes
They used to sit on the sidewalk and eat ants.
It was me. I did that.

Image credits: hurryuplilacs
Well, for one he stockpiled an entire desk full of spoons from the lunch cafeteria over the course of several months (all clean).
Then one day they all fell out.
He was strange, but pretty harmless.

Image credits: redyellowblue5031
Our expert really got me thinking about how social constructs can actually harm these young, budding minds, and what a loss it can be if they lose their creativity in the process. Many netizens confessed that they were the weird kids in their school, but only because they were going through something and nobody sympathized with them.
Well, as you scroll through the list, take a closer look at these antics by the so-called "weird kids" and see if you can figure out the underlying issues. Also, feel free to share such instances in the comments as we'd love to hear from you!
He’d talk to his backpack like it was his best friend.

Image credits: HoneyDoll_23
Adam. He was just weird. Like, kinda dumb, and just...weird. I remember at grade 8 graduation I met his dad. Thought "wow, I've never known a kid to look so exactly like his dad before". Then I met his mother and realized he looked exactly like her, too. .

Image credits: dongbeinanren
There was a kid in my school who was obsessed with Mario. He had Mario sweatshirts and notebooks, and a Mario backpack. Well someone figured out that if you told him “Mario is dead” he’d flip. Scream and cry “f**k you no he’s not” every time. He got in trouble multiple times for attacking kids who said anything about Mario dying (even if they were talking about in the context of smash bros or something). This happened 8th-10th grade then I never saw him again.

Image credits: starrybabe_soul
He responded to everything with "I know you are but what my I?" regardless of whatever was said. Eventually people just stopped trying to talk to him.
I remember seeing him sitting alone and asking if he wanted to sit with us, and he replied
"I know you are but what am I?"
I said "mm yeah, but do you want to come join us?"
"I know you are but what am I?"
"I'm being serious, come join us"
"I know you are but what am I?"
"Okay nevermind"
"I know you are but what am I?".
When I was a freshman in high school, there was this kid I sat next to in math class. On several occasions, he brought handcuffs to class. He also had made a hit list of everyone in the school he despised. I don’t recall being on the list, but I do remember being told by a friend that he said he would chop me into pieces and stuff me into his trunk.

Image credits: Acceptable-Ice4340
Had a kid that s**t his pants all the time and seemed to get pleasure out of it. Always asked people if they wanted to see his s**t. Very weird but I imagine there are tons of mental issues that could be involved.

Image credits: Rare_Security9455
He used to bark at people randomly in the hallways. no context, no warning, just full-on barking like a dog. definitely memorable!

Image credits: Effective-Virus-6954
For the schoolwide talent show he put a plastic bag on the back of his head on which he had hastily scribbled something resembling a smiley face, he faced away from the audience and touched his hands behind his back. That was his talent, touching his hands behind his back.

Image credits: eruditeimbecile
He was afraid of Inspector Gadget for some reason., Kids would sing the theme tune and he'd have a meltdown.

Image credits: BrawnicusAndronicus
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