50 Mysteries People Would Love To Know The Answers To

There are a number of things most of us learned about growing up that, as it turns out, were not nearly as mysterious as they sounded. Take, for example, the Bermuda Triangle, which, as it turns out, isn’t nearly as dangerous as sensationalists love to make it out to be. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t things out there that are still unknown to this day.

Someone asked “if you could know the truth behind one unexplainable mystery, which one would you choose?” and people described what they would love to know. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote the ones you also find engaging and be sure to share your own examples in the comments below.


I’d probably go with something that has always fascinated me: the origins of consciousness. Why do we have subjective experiences? Why do we have thoughts, emotions, and self-awareness? It’s one of those ultimate mysteries that cuts across science, philosophy, and even spirituality. Despite all our advancements in neuroscience and psychology, we still don’t fully understand what consciousness actually is, or how it arises from the brain.

Image credits: WomanishGirI


I want to know if Larry Hillblom (The H in DHL) actually died in that plane crash? Or if he lived on with his facial reconstruction to avoid consequences.

Dude survives a plane crash in 93. Has facial reconstruction. Plane goes down again in 95, his body is never recovered, but his pilot and coworkers are. Multiple underage rape accusations across Asia. Investigators show up to his house and it is found completely scrubbed with acid destroying any traces of DNA. All personal items removed and found buried in the backyard.

Crazy, but I believe it was planned and he lived.

Image credits: WeHaveToEatHim


All the human history of civilization before “recorded history”…
Most of human history is lost to time.

Image credits: Icy-Slip-1950


Where does space come from and where does it begin and end
edit2: if at all (I am not implying there even is an end/beginning)
Edit: and what existed before it or has it always just been

Image credits: Any-Rise4210


Supposedly the Iliad and odyssey were part of a much larger serried of stories lost to time.

So that, I want the rest of those stories.

Image credits: Pabsxv


I used to think I would want to know who zodiac or Jack the Ripper was.. Now I think I would want to know who the sea people were.

Image credits: Sure-Virus-9581


Is there anyone 'out there' ?

Image credits: DontWeEverGetSmarter


What happens when you die.

Image credits: gabe2591


Everything that was lost in the library of Alexandria.

Image credits: WentzWagon1152


What happened to Madeleine McCann. It's quite trivial compared to some of the other questions being raised, but it still intrigues me. Poor girl.

Image credits: akselfs


If language evolved once before humans spread out, or if it evolved many times in different areas.
I really want to know if Proto-World existed.

Image credits: sunbearimon


DB Cooper. Without a doubt. What happened to him? Who was he? How the f**k did he fare after jumping out of the plane in a cold November night?

Image credits: pennywhistlesmoonpie



Image credits: Corrinaclarise


Jonbenet Ramsey.

Image credits: HolyCitySatanist


What was before the Big Bang.

Image credits: Gaspasser09


Can I say I want a book of what happened in all unsolved missing persons cases ever?

If not that,, Malaysia flight 370.

Image credits: PersephoneeeXX


Amber Tuccaro, in Nisku, Alberta, Canada. The police released some audio that definitely sounds like her talking to her killer while he's driving her to the killing site. Pretty tough to hear. I used to work up there in the oil field when she went missing and there was basically nothing about her at the time. Stumbled on to the story later in life and it always kinda bothered me. I could have been driving the road she was on at the time and probably drove around the site in the same time period.

Image credits: vaguecentaur


Why does everything I do feel like I'm going in the wrong direction.

Image credits: Briguythespyguy


Where’s Shelley?

Image credits: elroyonline


Where did cotton eyed Joe come from and where did he go.

Image credits: ZoM_Beefstump


Who put Bella in the wych elm?

To elaborate:

In 1943, four boys were exploring Hagley Wood in Worcestershire, England, searching for bird nests to raid eggs from for food. One of the boys climbed a large wych elm tree, looked inside and found that it was hollow, and at first he thought what he'd found was sheep skull. He and his friends quickly realised it was human. At first they swore never to speak of it, but one kid soon cracked and told his parents, and law enforcement was alerted.

The recovered skeleton was that of a woman who was speculated to have been there around 18 months. The skull still had a patch of skin and strands of hair. She was fully dressed, although her clothes were badly rotted, and a strip of taffeta was found in her mouth, implying death from suffocation. She still had a wedding ring and one shoe, and one of her hands was found buried under the tree rather than connected to her body. Although police were able to create a depiction of what she would have looked like in life, and contacted local dentists for help with identifying this woman, nobody could tell who she was. Worse still, headlines about her were soon pushed out of the papers by wartime news, and to top things off, her remains have been lost without trace, so modern analysis is impossible.

But at some point in 1944, graffiti began popping up in the area asking "Who Put Bella in The Wych Elm?" implying that *someone* out there wanted this woman's killer to be identified, and suggesting that her name was Bella. To this day, the mystery has remained unsolved, and unless her remains are miraculously found, we will never know who this woman was or, indeed, who put her in the wych elm.

Image credits: RainyMeadows


Figuring out how to read the Minoan script (Linear A) would be kind of neat. It would certainly help us lean more about the Minoans, and the Bronze Age.

Image credits: SnooChipmunks126


If this counts, what alien life/civilization is actually like. not whether or not it exists, but what it is like given it exists. I want to know about CULTURE, man. alien anthropology and sociology.

but if that doesn't count and it has to be a more straightforward mystery...well, does "unexplainable" mean literally nobody on earth knows? or just for most of we can only rely on theories. because then I want to say "info about aliens from area 51" or "what's in area 51" but if that's still breaking the rules because obviously the higher ups can explain that...

then i'll finally say "What really started the universe, the actual origin point" and blow my mind trying to comprehend infinity. or find out there actually is some kind of deity.

Image credits: BigtheCat542


Where all the missing Indigenous women, girls, 2Spirit folks are, and what happened to them so their families can have some closure.


What happens inside a black hole's event horizon? Is there a sigularity or is there a yet unknown pressure that prevents complete collapse or does matter and energy take on a new exotic form with new properties that prevents it? If it is a singularity, how does quantum effects work there?

In virtually all other contexts, when you calculate a signularity it is due to the theory being an approximation that breaks down there. Like, you can construct a theoretical circuit to get infinite voltage or infinite current somewhere, but when you try it in real life you just fry the electronics and never actually get to infinity. I imagine the inside of a black hole will do something that prevents a singularity, but what is it?

Image credits: AidenStoat



Image credits: onaplinth


I would go for what exactly is autism. What parts of the brain does it affect? What causes it? Is something missing? Deformed? Overproduced? That way you could show why everything happens and what exactly causes it. I’ve always wondered why my mind is so different ((diagnosed autistic here)) so knowing what is different in my brain literally would help.

Image credits: Trans_autistic_boiii


The universe.

Image credits: Vermont-Maple


Who the F**K built Teotihuacán.

Image credits: BreastRodent


Why exactly was JFK murdered and who was all involved?

Image credits: imdonewithhumans


Jack the Ripper and The Black Dahlia. OK, that's 2 things... I'd like answers to both, but I'll accept either one.

Image credits: DebiDoll65


I would use my 'wish' to solve the 8-years-unsolved murder of a friend's father. The victim wasn't famous, but was well loved and those that survive him live with such distress over just having no idea why their person was snatched away from them ?.


Who the f**k was the Zodiac killer?!


What happened to the Beaumont children. Missing since 1966.



It’s not necessarily unexplainable, because there are people who do know the answers, just very few of them, and one singular person probably doesn’t know all of it.

I want to know the ins and outs of all the federal government and military’s safety and security processes. I want all the details about the hidden tunnels underneath Washington DC, any government bunkers that are hidden around the country for potential nuclear fallout, all of the inner workings of the Secret Service, how federal buildings operate behind the scenes, all the little nooks and crannies of the White House and Camp David, and anything else that they won’t tell us.


Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs).
How many are there and how many people are there in them? How deep do they go? What is their real purpose if they exist at all?


Where is the real Ark of the Covenant?


Everything surrounding the Sodder children.

Yes, the most likely answer was the fire, but there were a lot of odd happenings around that whole thing and it'd be fascinating to just... know for sure.


What was the question to get 42 as the answer.


The Wow! signal. Basically, if you wanted to send a message that says "I am here" and you obviously don't know anything at all about any potential alien language, what do you do?

You send something unambiguous, like just the number 1 to show it's not a natural signal. But how do you send the number 1?

Well, hydrogen is the same everywhere in the universe, one proton, so you send a modulated signal in the emission band of hydrogen, basically just saying "1". This was predicted long before we ever detected it, and science isn't about explaining s**t after the fact, but making predictions beforehand and having to wait to see if you ever find evidence.

I'll never live to see it, but I want to know who or what created the Wow! Signal. It's scarier to me than almost any space discovery ever.




What happened to Kyron Horman?


When I come back from the laundromat I keep finding strangers socks in my clothes, even though it’s happened enough times that now I thoroughly check the washers and dryers before I load them up. So where the hell are the strange socks coming from?!


Location of the nearest extraterrestrial civilization with radio telescopes.


Amelia Earhart's fate.


I’d like to know the real truth behind how religions came to be. like the real story of their creations.


The Fermi Paradox.


How much ancient structures, artifacts, and pictographs/petroglyphs did we lose forever when Lake Powell was filled? Yes I know they did surveys as the dam was being built but it was basically a mad scramble to document things, and there’s so so much out there in canyons nearby, so there’s no way the archaeologists saw it all, especially without modern gps and being in the absolute middle of nowhere in those days. How many pots and baskets and textiles and beautiful structures and intricate barrier canyon style pictographs were drowned? 

How much of human history will we never know because our ancestors lived in areas now completely submerged by 100+ft of seawater? Maybe we get lucky and find some more sites like Doggerland that preserved enough material to be studied, maybe we find some more underwater cave entrances that lead to stunning cave paintings, but what if we always have that gap in prehistory because the ice age ended and flooded everything .


If there are parallel worlds universes.


What was the "one line of code" that could change the result?

source https://www.boredpanda.com/want-know-truth-behind-unexplainable-mystery/
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