99 Times People Came Across Such Confidently Wrong Statements, They Just Had To Share Them (New Pics)

It feels good to be right, like getting the correct answer to a TV quiz show or proving someone wrong in the middle of an argument. However, some people present their statements so confidently without thinking they could ever be wrong, which puts them in embarrassing situations far more often than they’d like to admit. 

The Reddit community Confidently Incorrect collects these laugh-worthy moments from all over the internet. We’re featuring them today yet again as proof that people’s ‘I’m always right’ gene seems to have no bounds. Scroll down to find the crème de la crème of incorrect statements people shared without hesitation online, and don’t forget to let us know your thoughts below!

#1 Bro Doubled Down And Had The Audacity To Tell Others To “Educate” Themselves

Image credits: ExpressionExternal95

#2 Good News! Woman Can't Die Anymore!

Image credits: Vox_and_Occ

#3 So… I Guess There Are No Real Tests For Any Illnesses At All?

Image credits: professorearl

#4 Mmh-Hmm

Image credits: EveningIndividual289

#5 Today I Learned Oslo Is In Sweden

Image credits: Clint_Bolduin

#6 Physical Isn’t Actually Assault

Image credits: PerhapsNotMaybeSo

#7 What Causes Strep Throat?

Image credits: SeriouslyImNotADuck

#8 Triple Facepalm

Image credits: I_Like_Sneks197

#9 Transphobe Embarrasses Themselves

Image credits: TheChaosIndex

#10 Finally Found One

Image credits: hetty147

#11 Apparently Dough Doesn't Rise

Image credits: WhippyWhippy

#12 Kids Are Dumb

Image credits: TheLightners

#13 An Argument Over What’s Part Of Africa And What’s Not

Image credits: 7LeagueBoots

#14 That’s One Way To Approach The Topic I Guess…

Image credits: evanctaylor

#15 The Holy Trinity Of Trying To Teach Someone What Prefixes Are

Image credits: thegovtknows

#16 Betty Has No Mrna

Image credits: shixiaohu172

#17 Oh My Sweet Summer Child

Image credits: romeovf

#18 A Silly Person Not Understanding Physics

Image credits: samprich

#19 Fool Still Stubbornly Believes That Vaccines Cause Autism

Image credits: ZhangtheGreat

#20 “You’ve Gotten Off Lucky”. The Smugness Is K*lling Me

Image credits: Kira_Bad_Artist

#21 Mathematician Proves The Earth Is 8,000 Years Old

Image credits: Kabuut

#22 I Don’t Think That’s How It Works

Image credits: Last-Quarter-432

#23 Poor Sod Doesn’t Know What An Idiom Is

Image credits: KitonePeach

#24 Men Are Missing A Rib, Just Google It

Image credits: jrDoozy10

#25 F In Math

Image credits: Sam_Tartner

#26 50 Years Is A Long Time To Be So Wrong

Image credits: harry_fifteen_ones

#27 The Amount Of Likes Is Scary

Image credits: EvelKros

#28 Guy Thinks That The Democratic And Republic Parties Haven’t Had Political Shifts In Over 150 Years

Image credits: YEETAWAYLOL

#29 American Architecture > European Architecture

Image credits: HeiligerJacobus

#30 Oh God, This Thread Goes On For 600 More Replies

Image credits: TurquoiseBeetle67

#31 Trying To Correct Someones Spelling Mistake

Image credits: ClassicMycologist935

#32 "Yep!"

Image credits: WannaGoMimis

#33 How Big Was That Year?

Image credits: PhantomBanker

#34 This Sh*t

Image credits: namebrandcloth

#35 How Dare They Use French In France…

Image credits: ExtremeOccident

#36 Native Americans Aren't Native?

Image credits: Character-Rooster295

#37 Correcting Someone’s Spelling

Image credits: FearTheBeast

#38 Idiot Thinks You Straighten Hair By Washing It

Image credits: Memediator

#39 It's Just A Theory/S

Image credits: G3rmTheory

#40 Not How Percentages Or Averages Work

Image credits: sudosciguy

#41 Simple Math Oh God

Image credits: dengoy-px

#42 A Reddit Attorney Explains Tort Law

Image credits: Masta-Blasta

#43 He’s Still Trying To Tell Me The Earth Is Stationary And The Sun Revolves Around Us…

Image credits: carterartist

#44 Um, What??

Image credits: ifeellost_wav

#45 Most Peaceful Man

Image credits: GeorgRaev22

#46 Woke Up To This Conversation Between My Co-Owner And A New Member

Image credits: xhyenabite

#47 Georgia

Image credits: rengam

#48 “Barista” Confidently Incorrectly Thinks There’s No Difference Between A Latte And A Cappuccino

Image credits: lightly-sparkling

#49 Repost, Just With The Names Removed

Image credits: serouj2000

#50 Some People Are Just Allergic To Telling The Truth

Image credits: MelanieWalmartinez

#51 Someone Skipped Biology

Image credits: MickeySwank

#52 Transphobes Don’t Even Know How Chromosomes Work

Image credits: jumbled_beans

#53 “African American Is Just The Eloquent Way Of Saying Black, You Smart A*s”

Image credits: -TeddyDaniels

#54 What Modern Human Doesn’t Know This? Uh…you, Friend

Image credits: Tony_Three_Pies

#55 When A Bot Corrects You But You Double Down On The Mistake

Image credits: Optimal_Cynicism

#56 The English Major

Image credits: bumjiggy

#57 Somebody Refuses To Learn Junior High School Astronomy

Image credits: PirateJohn75

#58 You Are Parents Failed You?

Image credits: reddit.com

#59 Guy Thinks America Wasn't Founded In 1776 And You Can Only Be One Of Three Christian Denominations

Image credits: CockroachDouble7705

#60 Them's Some Mighty Big Letters Considering You're Incorrect

Image credits: SaneYoungPoot2

#61 In Regards To Leaving Someone "On Read"

Image credits: Youhadme_atwoof

#62 I'm Embarrassed Grown Adults Can Be Brainwashed

Image credits: im2short4this

#63 Each Country Has Its Own Sun

Image credits: SuitableJelly5149

#64 This Is So Embarrassing

Image credits: lemu_r

#65 "6th Grade Problem In Europe"

Image credits: Don__Geilo

#66 Yikes

Image credits: Temporary-Wrap-6094

#67 Approximately 47 Mm LOL

Image credits: Onefish257

#68 Basic Physics

Image credits: TheWouldBeMerchant

#69 Good At English

Image credits: lobotech99

#70 Paycheck/Paycheque

Image credits: Soytheist

#71 Hmm

Image credits: Knee_Strong

#72 Are Posts From This Sub Allowed Too?

Image credits: RD____

#73 Stay In School, Kids

Image credits: TheBatmam

#74 It's Spelled Frunk

Image credits: Indigo-au-naturale

#75 When You're From The UK And Don't Even Know The Geographic Boundaries Of Your Own Country

Image credits: scubasteve254

#76 This One Hurt My Brain

Image credits: LyttleMysseWolfe

#77 I Think This Belongs Here...

Image credits: pizz_amozzarella

#78 When Transphobia Backfires: Jk Rowling Told This Trans Man He'd Never Be A Real Woman

Image credits: Aneriox

#79 The "Useless Emergency Doors" On The Architecture Shaming Page

Image credits: DependentDonut6816

#80 The Sacred Wedding Constipation

Image credits: spectroscopicrays

#81 “The American Is Normal”

Image credits: Angelix

#82 When You're Too Busy Inhaling "Crystals" That You Forgot The Existence Of Natural Crystals

Image credits: sarcastic23Pinoy

#83 Trying To Incorrectly Correct A Famous Author

Image credits: Aniki1990

#84 Um Actually, You Might Want To Check Your Spelling

Image credits: JP_Ultra

#85 Alright Science, Time To Pack Up: Rando#55496 Got Us Again

Image credits: Apprehensive_Bug_826

#86 This Guy Claims To Be An Anthropology Expert

Image credits: deathtobourgeoisie

#87 I Don't Remember This From History Class

Image credits: amperstance

#88 If Only We Discovered This Tecnology Earlier

Image credits: paulhack45

#89 "Britain Is Not Located On The Continent Of Europe"

Image credits: OnlyIGetToFartInHere

#90 Mike Graham Tries To Correct The Archbishop On The Name Of A Religious Holiday…

Image credits: AutonInvasion

#91 *you're

Image credits: FightingTable

#92 .999(Repeating) Does, In Fact, Equal 1

Image credits: smkmn13

#93 “Y’all” Isn’t A Plural “You”

Image credits: daboys9252

#94 Chihuahua's K*ll More Infants Than Pitbulls

Image credits: increment1

#95 On A Post About Schools Bringing Back Their Old Names For Confederate Leaders

Image credits: Mr_Jackcity

#96 Literally Could Of K*lled That Grammar-Bot

Image credits: namebrandcloth

#97 2% Does Not Equal 1 In 50

Image credits: Subject-Dot-8883

#98 Communism Is When Capitalism

Image credits: Cucker_-_Tarlson

#99 You Can Use "Are" With Every Plural

Image credits: Trappist-1ball

source https://www.boredpanda.com/people-being-confidently-incorrect/
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