Man Spits In Stepkid’s Face After Being Confronted About The Identity Theft He Committed

Identity theft is no laughing matter. Victims’ lives are turned upside down when their identity is stolen and abused to enrich criminal enterprise. Not only can it negatively affect the victim’s credit score, it could even lead to health-threatening information being added to their medical records. 

One netizen got the surprise of their life when they found out their credit score was 200 points lower than it should be. After some investigation, they discovered that two credit cards had been opened in their name. That’s when the trouble started.   

More info: Reddit

Netizen shocked to discover their credit score had crashed by 200 points, decided to investigate

Image credits: drobotdean (not the actual photo)

Person bewildered when they discovered that two lines of credit had been opened using their ID

Image credits: freepik (not the actual photo)

After asking their parents about it, it turned out their stepdad stole their ID to get two credit cards, claiming it’s for unpaid rent from 8th to 12th grade

Image credits: Viral Videos (not the actual photo)

When the netizen confronted their stepdad about his fraud, he literally spat in their face

Image credits: AffectionateBus6281

The poster was determined to report the fraud to the police, but their mother suggested they slow down and think it through first

When you think of identity theft, it’s likely you picture a criminal network committing their nefarious deeds in shady backrooms. Probably the last thing on your mind would be the idea that a close family member might rip you off.

For Reddit user u/AffectionateBus6281, though, that’s exactly what turned out to be the case. In their post on r/CreditScore, OP says they’d never had a reason to check their credit score until a couple of months ago, other than when they got their credit card in 2021. At that time, they wrote, their score was 745.

Fast forward to April of this year and, while trying to buy their first car, the dealership let them know that their credit score was only 541. This immediately confused OP, not only because they hardly ever use their credit card, but also because they always pay it off in full and on time every month.

OP decided to put off buying the car while they investigated their credit. They were shocked to discover that there were two other cards on their report, both pretty much maxed out, and with around 15 late payments between the two of them. Flabbergasted, OP asked their mom and stepdad about the cards.

Seemingly without any qualms, OP’s stepdad proceeded to tell them that he’d opened the accounts when OP went to college, because they’d stopped paying rent. While OP had been living at the house during their two years at community college, they had paid $500 rent per month, but had stopped paying that when they moved away to college. 

The stepdad then took it a step further, saying he expected rent for the time OP was in 8th to 12th grade. Things quickly descended into an argument, during which OP told their stepdad that he can’t just do that without their permission. That’s when the stepdad said he doesn’t need their permission and spit right in their face.

Shook, OP left in tears. Their mom called them later to apologize and tried on the excuse that the stepdad had had something similar happen to him in the past. OP told her that wasn’t going to fly and added that they’d have to go to the police about the accounts, but their mom urged them to slow down and think it through. 

After OP hung up, they turned to Reddit for advice. At the time, OP was still thinking about calling the police but reached out to ask the community if there was any other way to deal with the situation.

Image credits: Liza Summer (not the actual photo)

From what we read in OP’s post, there are two major issues at play here. Firstly, there’s the matter of fraud, committed by close family no less. Secondly, there’s the spitting. 

As far as fraud goes, OP’s stepdad is in hot water. Identity theft is identity theft, no matter your relation to the parties involved. 

The Georgia Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division writes that few people are emotionally prepared for the impact of identity theft. Victims of identity theft will feel overwhelmed at times by the psychological pain of loss, helplessness, anger, isolation, betrayal, rage, and even embarrassment.  

They add that you might also have to deal with the fact that someone you know personally was involved in the theft, which is exactly what OP is going through. Some victims can lose the ability to function and cope with everyday activities. 

According to Aura, a report from the Federal Trade Commision states that nearly 4.3 million Americans were victims of fraud and identity theft in the first 9 months of 2023 – with losses exceeding $6 billion. But financial losses aren’t the only serious danger of identity theft. 

When criminals gain access to your personally identifiable information (PII) — full name, Social Security number (SSN), birthday, etc. — they can do serious damage to your career, reputation, credit history, and even leave you with a criminal record.

Aura’s post goes on to suggest 2 ways you can protect yourself from identity theft:

  • Learn to recognize the warning signs of a phishing attack. Phishing — where scammers send fake emails, texts, calls, or social media messages pretending to be someone they’re not — is still one of the most common ways that identity theft happens. Here’s a guide on how to prevent phishing attacks
  • Regularly check your credit report and bank statements. Scammers are almost always after your financial accounts. Check for the warning signs of identity theft — such as strange charges on your bank statement or accounts you don’t recognize.

While it might seem challenging to protect yourself when the scammer is someone close to you, it’s an even better reason to keep your personal documents safe and sound.

Now, on to the icky part of OP’s post – the stepdad’s spitting in their face. Beyond it being a frankly disgusting thing to do, there can also be legal ramifications. 

According to law firm Albers & Associates, spitting on someone is a form of assault and battery, and the person who did it can face criminal charges if you choose to press charges. 

In certain states, spitting on someone is a crime regardless of whether it’s considered an assault or not. The punishment for such an act can range from a fine to jail time, depending on the state and the context of the offense.  

What do you think of the mess OP finds themselves in? And which of the stepdad’s two crimes do you find more heinous? Is it the fraud of a family member or the spitting in OP’s face? Share your opinion with us in the comments section after this article!

The consensus in the comments was simple – File a police report

Image credits: Kindel Media (not the actual photo)

The post Man Spits In Stepkid’s Face After Being Confronted About The Identity Theft He Committed first appeared on Bored Panda.

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