“Who Do You Think Has Legitimately Lost Their Mind?” (34 Answers)

Being a public figure isn’t easy. They’re stripped of their privacy, scrutinized for their appearance, their behavior is constantly judged, and they can no longer enjoy or do things that regular people do. Not to mention the “friends” who are only with them for the fame or the admirers who are out of control.

It’s really no surprise that this pressure can take a toll on a person’s mental wellbeing. People are noticing this more and more as celebrities begin to exhibit strange and erratic behavior.

When redditor Darvelic asked netizens who they thought had legitimately lost their mind, they received more than 8,000 comments within a week. Scroll down to find celebrities who couldn’t cope with their fame and unfortunately got out of hand.


Kanye. He’s def gone off the deep end. 


Strange to think we’ve been saying that for nearly 20 years and he’s still out here demonstrating we haven’t seen nothing yet 

Image credits: springtimeinparis


Rudy Guiliani. He was smart enough at one point. Now, his brain is just pickled. He's a good lesson in what alcohol can do to you, long term.


Rather than going down in history as a hero, he will go down as a very confused villain

Image credits: superfastmomma



I liked Elon for a while. He bought water filters for the people of Flint, Star Link is going to get high speed internet to the farthest reaches of Earth and Teslas were self-driving bad**s electric cars! All good ideas IMO. Then the stupid cyber truck. And ruining Twitter and blowing 44billion dollars. Nobody even calls it X. Now I hear he’s trying to get employees to sleep at work. What a dingleberry! People got families and pets and personal lives. Nobody wants to live at work!

Image credits: ATXKLIPHURD

It’s convenient to believe that being a celebrity is all glitter and glamor. Sure, wealth, status, and endless opportunities may create a picture of a perfect life, but it can also mask the psychological effects that come with being a public figure.

Producer Julie Crosby from Cromono International acknowledges that mental health issues in the entertainment industry are widespread and severe. Meanwhile, various studies show that rates of suicide, suicidal thinking, depression, anxiety, and substance abuse are significantly higher in show business professionals than in the general public.


Tom Cruise and all of Scientology.

Image credits: Reasonable_Tenacity


Madonna. Have you seen her Instagram? Do yourself a favor and DON’T go look at it. It’s sad and pathetic.

Image credits: JustAGuyGettingBy93


Britney Spears. I think she had untreated post partum psychosis, and has just continued to spiral. Obviously, the conservatorship (sp?) was completely wrong of her family to do to her, but I truly think she has gone round the bend. Very sad.

Image credits: emilybg78

Film and TV growth brings exceptional opportunities but also demands incredibly long hours, with 78% saying that work intensity had negatively affected their mental health.

Not to mention the bad behaviors that seem to flourish in this environment, with 57% of respondents having experienced bullying, sexual harassment, or racial discrimination in the past year alone. Because of this, a fourth of them have considered leaving the industry.


Jada Pinkett Smith

Image credits: Dirty_poster55


Ariana Grande. There’s no way she didn’t know how bad poaching that man was, if she didn’t. She’s truly lost.

Image credits: penndelnj


Have no idea how it isn't mentioned but Antonio Brown. Dude seemed much more calm and collected off the field while still being an excellent athlete. He could handle a post game interview like he was just a normal and fairly charismatic dude for years, but now I'd go as far as saying he's legitimately insane


His info when you google him right now says that his occupations is “failing to pay child support” lmao

Image credits: Aggressive_Bubble17

Stars like Kit Harrington often seek help after playing an iconic character role for a long time. Soon after the series “Game of Thrones” ended, he checked himself into rehab after having played the role of Jon Snow for 8 years.

Page Six reported that the actor had trouble managing his alcohol use and stress. Because a long project of his finished, he had a frightening moment of “What’s next? Is that the best thing I’m ever going to do? What’s the point in doing anything now? Should I just stop?”

Mathew Perry also had several visits to rehab due to alcohol abuse during the final seasons of “Friends” and after it ended. John Hamm went through all of this just before the last episodes of “Mad Men” aired, as well.


Most, if not all, Q-Anon followers

Image credits: MooseMalloy


Terrance Howard. Dude thinks he’s unlocked some new math.

“Twenty years from now, they'll know that one times one equals two. We're about to show a new truth. The true universal math. And the proof is in these pieces (of plastic that he builds with his wife). I have created the pieces that make up the motion of the universe. We work on them about 17 hours a day. She cuts and puts on the crystals."

Image credits: longhornmike2


Still Ezra Miller.

I think any celebrity who has an outstanding warrant has basically lost their mind.

Image credits: Remember-The-Arbiter

“For actors and performers especially, the roles they play become an increasing part of an identity,” Sarah Davies, a psychologist who has worked with actors, told Insider. So when everything comes to an end, they may feel grief for what they lost.

Harrington told Esquire that he broke down after the producers called “Wrap!”

“It was this onslaught of relief and grief about not being able to do this again. It wasn’t so much about Jon. It was about not being in this world, not getting to smell those smells, fight those fights, be with these people — the whole package.”


Nick Cannon? I think this is the guy. Trying to populate the world having children with as many women as he can. Just stop. Massive insecurities or ego issues.

Image credits: FunAdministration796


Jaden Smith. When I saw him in 2010's The Karate Kid I was convinced he was going to be a huge star. Now he's just a huge......I honestly don't know what to call him!
He has just tried too damn hard to act quirky and unique with his style of clothing and his "deep" tweets. He honestly sounds like he's certifiably crazy.

Image credits: Elle12881


Vince McMahon


Vince was always Vince. There just used to be enough hush money and a lack of digital footprint or accountability for evil powerful men. The recent stuff, I imagine, is only a teensy peek at an iceberg of things he's done.

Image credits: 44035

Psychologist Sally Baker told Insider that acting is sometimes so intense that it can leave a gaping hole inside when it ends. Being in tune with the character can convince a person’s mind that it’s real, and when it’s over, it often leaves them feeling flat and in low spirits.

Being on location for an extended period away from home can also make the experience more emotionally consuming. Furthermore, some roles are so disturbing it takes therapy and medication to recover from them.


Jon Schaffer from the band Iced Earth. He was active as a musician from 1984 until 2021, when he was arrested for the Capitol terror attack.

The band Iced Earth was a good power metal band. It was active from the 80's until the 2020's. He's a really talented guitarist. But somewhere along the line, he got deep, deep, deep into conspiracy theories. I watched an interview with him a while back and he just didn't seem all there.

He gets sentenced next month. Even if he gets a slap on the wrist, Iced Earth is probably done as a band unless they get a touring guitarist for the international gigs. As a convicted felon, it's doubtful that Jon will be able to do international tours anymore.

Jon turned state's evidence on his fellow insurrectionists. He's sent some big name Oath Keepers to prison for a long time. I think that, because of this, he'll have a hard time in prison. Feds will probably keep him isolated.

Image credits: Wulfbak


Super shocked to see no mention of Joe Rogan.


He has no mind to lose.

Image credits: getdivorced


Get Mitch Mcconnel out of there. dude is literally phasing out of consciouness.

Image credits: kaowser

What may help is a good support system, as it’s important to have people around them to whom they can talk and escape from the noise that eventually comes with success. Those who recover the best are the ones who pick up their lives right where they left off. Meanwhile, offering them therapy and a safe space where they can talk everything out can also be very beneficial.


As an older guy wanting to sound hip on current events, I'll go with Nicki Minaj.


Megan Thee Stallion indirectly dissed Nicki Minaj on her latest song by saying 'These h**s don't be mad at Megan, these h**s mad at Megan's Law'. Nicki Minaj felt alluded to because her husband is a convicted sex offender.

Nicki Minaj is now acting extremely erratically. She's having IG lives where she's sputtering literal nonsense for an extended amount of time, hurling abuse at her own fans on social media, tweeting NONSTOP, making fun of Megan for being tall, for having big feet, for being shot on the foot, making fun of her mom's death...

Megan's diss was a throaway line on a song, Nicki devoted the entire track to Megan, and she said a lot of vile and childish things. It's just not a good look for someone with the career trajectory she has. Public sentiment is very much against her and has been for years, and her ramblings now feel like she has lost every shred of sanity she had.

Image credits: SardineAbuser


Graham Linehan. Once a well-loved comedy writer whose work (Father Ted, Black Books, The IT Crowd) was popular in the UK/Ireland and beyond…

…then someone pointed out a fairly transphobic joke he’d made in an episode of The IT Crowd.

Instead of doing what most comedy writers would do (“it was of it’s time, it hasn’t aged well, I wouldn’t make that joke now,” and move on) he turned overnight into a seething little anti-trans demon, spending his every waking hour on Twitter arguing with anyone who even slightly disagreed with him (right down to spending all of Christmas Day one year tweeting anti-trans s**t).

His work dried up as people understandably didn’t want to commission anything he had a hand in, lest they see their name associated with his in an way. Which meant his rage-tweeting then doubled to include anti-trans rhetoric AND moaning about being “cancelled.”

His wife left him and he lost his home. He’s now essentially your classic basement-dwelling neckbeard keyboard warrior.

Image credits: signalstonoise88


Amanda Bynes, which makes me sad. She had so much potential when she was younger, and then she went absolutely bats**t.

Image credits: The_Dog_Lady444


Laurence Fox, apparently he did the haka while under cross examination in his recent court case (that he lost)

Image credits: jodaqua


Past Disney star Orlando Brown. Nobody talks about this enough but I legit worry for him and think something strange is happening. Look at his "interviews." They are just him rambling drug-riddled nonsense and I think they added in questions later to make it seem like a conversation. His interviews look like they take place in a sketchy basement. He even acted this way on Dr. Phil and everyone just pretends it's normal and that he isn't high as a kite. I do not wish to shame this man, but I think something is going on and I know I sound insane but I legit think he needs help

Image credits: BlueberryQueasy7802


Dilbert guy.


He was always kooky but he had a rare disease that made it so he couldn't speak and during that time he basically drove away everybody in his life and became a recluse. There is also a theory that he may have gotten brain damage while getting surgery to address it

Image credits: LadyStag


Anyone who thinks Taylor Swift is a CIA asset or whatever. That's just hilariously dumb.

Image credits: pabodie


Transvestigators. There are people online on twitter who legitimately think that every famous person is trans and have had sex changes to swap their genders for some reason and they spend all day posting like skeleton and skull comparisons for various actors or other famous people, using skeletal diagrams that have obviously been photoshopped.

Image credits: Korrin


Kevin Sorbo


For what it's worth, Sorbo had three distinct strokes caused by an aneurysm in the shoulder. This caused some issues with his ability to physically perform as an actor, and likely also caused some brain damage.

This isn't to say that brain damage causes people to be stupid or evil, but the trauma of that event - plus the limited career he had afterwards - would provide an opportunity for him to begin seeing the world through the lens of bitterness and persecution that is modern conservatism.

Image credits: Thaery


The my pillow guy needs a conservatorship.


Mike Lindell is the name you’re looking for, though a lot of people just call him the MyPillow guy. But yes, he’s insane.

Image credits: Generallybadadvice


Gary Busey


Oh he's been off his rocker for years. I remember seeing him on Celebrity Rehab where he convinced himself that he was there to help the staff, not as a patient.

Image credits: WatchTheBoom


Greg Abbott. Seriously, dude?


I don’t think he’s lost his mind, I think he knows full well exactly what he’s doing. He’s just an evil monster.

Image credits: Meggarea


Tila Tequila

Image credits: DammieIsAwesome


Covid-19 made a lot of people's minds melt. Either the actual disease, or the isolation. The list hit musicians especially hard.

Ozzy Ozborn is basically incoherent now. More so than normal.

Eric Clapton told a giant crowd to "Keep Britain white" awhile back.

And Roger Waters somehow became more of an a*****e than he was before.

Image credits: kegman83


Jim Carrey is full Murray mode.


Saw some twitter posts from him a few years ago and it appears he had lost whatever sanity he had left

Image credits: Wiccen


Honestly Biden

I've seen interviews he did back in the 80s when he was in congress, and there is a huge difference between him then and now.

He used to be extremely good at speaking and conveying a point. Now it's clear that he's an old man with dementia. 

Image credits: Pleasant_Law_5077

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/szBecOt
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