Woman Is Fed Up With Her Husband’s Parents Calling Her A Made-Up Name, Starts To Ignore Them

Our names accompany us throughout our entire lives and are a significant part of our identity. If that name happens to be quite unique, there are also some additional nuances that come with it.

Some may love it and remember you better for it. However, just like this Redditor shared, others might think it’s inappropriate and choose to call the person by a name that is more to their liking despite being asked multiple times not to do so. Scroll down to check out the full story!

More info: Reddit

Some people feel like they know better regarding how you should be named, and there’s nothing you can do to change their mind

Image credits: Hannah Bickmore (not the actual photo)

Ever since the man’s parents met his wife, they were baffled that her full name is Flora and she likes to go by Florry

Image credits: Liza Summer (not the actual photo)

They kept calling her Florence, ignoring her requests to stop this behavior, so the woman stopped answering them

Image credits: EnvironmentalWave740

During their latest encounter, the in-laws and their friend called the woman childish for acting this way, which got her wondering if she was being unreasonable

The OP began the story by stating that her legal name is Flora, but some call her Florry. She said that while she prefers the latter, she likes both variants and everyone except her husband’s parents seems fine with it.

From the moment they met, her in-laws couldn’t believe this was her full name. What bothered them even more was the fact that the woman liked to be called Florry, as, according to them, the name was too juvenile-sounding for a professional woman.

The OP’s husband supported her, and they have distanced themselves from his parents ever since. But the meetings couldn’t be avoided altogether, so every time they saw each other, the in-laws would call the poster Florence.

The husband suggested that the woman could just ignore them, which she chose to do. However, the next time they met, the parents had brought some friends with them, and all of them together were calling the OP childish for refusing to answer to the name she didn’t want to be called. They argued that it can be seen as just another nickname and shouldn’t be a big deal. This made the woman question her decision and seek validation from the Reddit AITA community.

People in the comments jointly agreed that the OP was not a jerk. They seemed just as annoyed with the situation and were very supportive of the woman, suggesting various creative and even slightly malicious ways of dealing with the situation.

Image credits: Abdiel Hernandez Villegas (not the actual photo)

The OP’s story revealed that having an unusual name can come with some possible downsides. But it also got us curious about why this happens and about the other side of this coin. So, to get a fuller picture, Bored Panda reached out to  Vanessa Marie, who is a certified women’s life coach seeking to help her clients by “Instilling a positive mindset and reprogramming subconscious beliefs to foster a holistic approach, empowering women in every facet of their lives.”

The expert began by saying that she loved the name Flora and explaining that distinctive names like that may elevate individuals by fostering personal branding and uniqueness. However, at the same time, having an unusual name might raise some challenges, as it can be perceived as unconventional or might simply be difficult to pronounce, which can possibly lead to biases or misunderstandings. “Acceptance can be elusive for many as they grapple with a natural discomfort with the unknown, steering away from what is unfamiliar.”

Additional issues may arise “When individuals feel entitled to express unsolicited opinions, potentially intruding on personal matters or decisions,” said Vanessa, adding that this type of behavior disregards boundaries and usually stems from the lack of awareness, sensitivity, and respect toward others’ choices and autonomy.

The expert suggested that when encountering resistance regarding one’s preferred name, it’s wise to consider involving a trusted ally who could help convey the importance of the matter. “Sometimes, a persuasive voice can influence a change in behavior more effectively. Setting a clear boundary and conveying that judgment and criticism of your name are unacceptable is an act of self-preservation.”

Image credits: CHUTTERSNAP (not the actual photo)

However, just like in this story, sometimes, the boundaries may end up being ignored. According to the expert, taking issues with someone’s name may very well indicate broader control issues. “Disputes over personal choices, such as a name, can be symptomatic of a desire to exert influence or manipulate various aspects of an individual’s life.”

Vanessa continued by saying that in situations like this when your boundaries are being disregarded and repeatedly violated, it may be quite necessary to take a step back from the relationship in order to uphold your sense of identity and protect your overall well-being. “It allows individuals to prioritize their own growth and establish connections with those who respect and support them without the constraints of controlling behavior.”

So, in the end, the OP’s decision not to speak to her husband’s parents due to their actions toward her really seems like a wise choice. After all, ignoring someone’s wishes to be called by their legal name is disrespectful, to say the least. 

While now, thanks to Vanessa Marie, we also better understand why her in-laws may be acting the way they do, this still doesn’t justify their actions, and distancing herself even further from them might be the only choice that Florry has that doesn’t make her give into their game.

Who do you think was the real jerk in this story? How would you have acted in Florry’s place? Let us know in the comments below!

The commenters supported the woman and suggested various creative ways to deal with her situation

The post Woman Is Fed Up With Her Husband’s Parents Calling Her A Made-Up Name, Starts To Ignore Them first appeared on Bored Panda.

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