Man Disappoints Wife By Suggesting She Move Out To Avoid Moving His Senior Cat She’s Allergic To

Addressing and solving issues that arise in a couple often requires effort and understanding from both people involved.

Yet, when it came to the allergy of this Redditor’s wife to his cat during the woman’s pregnancy, the couple reached no agreement, and the situation developed into an unfortunate and sad sequence of events.

More info: Reddit

A couple’s disagreement about who should move due to a woman’s allergy left everyone disappointed

Image credits: Created Stories (not the actual photo)

After getting pregnant with the couple’s first kid, the man’s wife developed an allergy to his cat

Image credits: HiveBoxx (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Amina Filkins (not the actual photo)

Image credits: aitapwaway

The man suggested moving in with the woman’s parents to avoid rehoming his cat of 16 years

Image credits: Sasha Sashina (not the actual photo)

The expecting mom refused to move out and asked him to find a new home for the cat instead

A man brought it to the Reddit AITA community online when his wife developed an allergy to his cat after getting pregnant with their first kid and the couple disagreed about how to solve the issue.

The woman was expecting the man to find a new home for his cat; however, the man preferred them to move into the spare bedroom in the woman’s parents’ house, a 10-minute drive away from their own.

The man only offered to look into finding his cat a new home after the birth of their baby if the allergy persisted for either the woman or the baby, and sought advice online after he was called a jerk by his wife for prioritizing his cat over her.

After the update, the man planned to give the cat to his brother in two weeks, yet his wife had put it in a shelter

Image credits: Alex Green (not the actual photo)

Upon arriving to the shelter, the owner was told that he lost his pet as it got frightened by a dog passing its cage

Sometime later, the man posted an update, explaining that after reading through the feedback online, he had decided to move his cat; however, he had planned to wait for two weeks for his brother to return and take the cat in.

During this time, coming home from work the man couldn’t find his cat, and was told that his wife left him at the shelter. Unfortunately, upon arriving to the shelter, the owner was heartbroken to find that he had lost his cat as it got frightened by a dog that was passing by its cage.

Marital strife was discussed by Verywell Family, who advised parents not to lose sight of how they argue as it tends to eventually affect their children, firstly, by creating a respectful emotional climate in the family and secondly, by teaching a certain way to solve problems, regulate emotions and handle disagreements.

They also brought up the messages that are being sent to a person’s kids when they treat their partner poorly or disrespectfully, listing such red flags in a couple’s relationship as name-calling, insults, threats of abandonment, physical aggression, walking out or withdrawing from the argument and giving into the other parent.

Coming back to the original story, the man’s post gathered 7.2k upvotes on Reddit, and people judged he was a jerk in this situation.

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Redditors shared their takes on the situation

The post Man Disappoints Wife By Suggesting She Move Out To Avoid Moving His Senior Cat She’s Allergic To first appeared on Bored Panda.

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