90 Photos Of Animals Having A Worse Day Than You (New Pics)

Are you one of those people who think bad things constantly happen to them? A car splashed you with a puddle on your way to work? Your hand got stuck in that jar when you were cleaning it? Your cat got mad at you for some reason and left you a 'surprise' under the bedsheets? Bad luck!

Well, check out these poor animals, and you'll probably see that they might be having a way worse day than you. Just like us humans, our furry friends – dogs, cats, squirrels, and even lizards – can get themselves into pretty sticky situations. We've scoured the Internet and found you the silliest and most 'aww'-inducing pics of animals having a rough day. Let us know which ones you like the best by upvoting them!

#1 I Heard Pawing And Complaining, Turns Out He Got Himself Stuck In The Bath

Image credits: pm_me_cute_sloths_

#2 Our Dog’s Reaction To Bringing Home Our Tiny Human

Image credits: drscurvy

#3 My Friend's Cat Got Shaved At The Vet And Now She Looks Like A Game Of Exquisite Corpse

Image credits: pbrinkworth

Animal experts unanimously agree that pets can feel sad and depressed. How do veterinarians diagnose it? Usually, there's a change of behavior that the owner should notice.

Either a change in eating habits or less energy, but not all signs of depression are equal in all pets. For example, if a dog has depression, it might start licking its paws excessively. Cats, on the other hand, might begin ripping their hair out.

Why does a pet become depressed? Just like in humans, hormone changes might influence pet depression. If there's no underlying health issue, it might also be because of change. Whether it's a change of routine, their usual environment, or just people that they're used to.

A change in owners can be even traumatic for a pet. When there's a particularly strong bond between the pet and the owner, they might sense that the person has depression and start feeling depressed themselves.

#4 He’s A Good Boy, I Swear

Image credits: emmethompsonn

#5 Probably 10 Inches Of Snow In Our Garden. Making It A Little Bit Tricky For Otto - Our Sausage Dog - To Get Around

Image credits: GordonMaw

#6 They Were Both Sleeping 3 Minutes Ago

Image credits: E-P-I-C-K

So, how can pet owners help their depressed furry friends? The first step is to get a vet to do a checkup. As mentioned above, depression can sometimes be a sign of a more serious health problem. Ruling out other afflictions allows vets to pinpoint the cause of the problem.

And what's the treatment for pet depression, you ask? Well, it's not that dissimilar to human depression. Exercise and fresh air, for one, are great for depressed pets, too. Exercising will release hormones the pet needs to feel better. If it's a depressed cat, you might want to spend more time with them.

Extra cuddles and playtime applies to dogs as well, especially if the cause of their depression is a new family member, such as a baby. In worst-case scenarios, vets can prescribe medication. Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft are usually the medicines for depressed pets.

#7 Dog Got Into The Cereal Box

Image credits: reddit.com

#8 My Dog Snuck Off For A Few Minutes, Then Brought Me This

Image credits: bizcat

#9 A Girl Teaching Her Cat How To Write

Image credits: usernot_found

A sad pet doesn't always equal a depressed pet. As clearly evidenced from this list, sometimes they're just having a bad day. John Woods, founder of All Things Dog, told Romper that it's important to differentiate when the pet is seriously sad and when they've just had a difficult day.

#10 I'm Bringing Home A Baby Bumblebee. Won't My Mommy Be So Proud Of Me

Image credits: Rolltop

#11 Albert Got An Owie. Albert Got Shaved And Had To Put On The Cone Of Shame. Albert Is Not Having The Best Day

Image credits: Ben_zyl

#12 My Indoor Cat’s First Time Experiencing Heights. He Instantly Regretted It

Image credits: supercj926

"Dogs love human interaction; they are man's best friend for a reason. If your dog isn't getting the love, attention, and fuss that they should be, this can result in destructive behaviors or an aloof temperament. We can easily confuse an aloof and sad dog for a dog who just isn't getting loved," Woods said.

#13 Owner Used The Wrong Shampoo. It Was Hair Dye

Image credits: AbanaClara

#14 Caught Him Stealing A Slice Of Beef Cheek This Taco Night

Image credits: tctochielleon

#15 He Went From Happy To Really Mad

Image credits: karsen_xo

A sudden loss of appetite is one sign that your pet might be unhappy. And if your pet is starting to eat like crazy, they're also trying to tell you that something's wrong. Basically, what you want to do is watch out if there are any deviations from regular eating patterns. Dog behaviorist Cesar Milan writes on his blog that this could be one of the signs of pet depression as well.

#16 If The Vet Can’t See Him, She Can’t Treat Him

Image credits: magenta_thompson

#17 My Dog Got Stuck On The Swing Today

Image credits: lollersk8s

#18 The Groomer Did Him Dirty. He Looks Like A Half-Cooked Chicken With Feathers Still On It

Image credits: _aalyssaaa

If your pet seems like they just don't have any energy one day – that could also be a sign they're having a bad day. "The emotional state of depression can drain a canine of their usual enthusiasm and vitality, leading to a noticeable decrease in energy levels and overall sluggishness," Milan writes.

#19 Kevin Caught Herself In A Bit Of A Predicament

Image credits: foxfiregalleries

#20 "I Think You're Sitting On The Cat." "What Cat?"

Image credits: GilfMagnet

#21 Our Puppy Got Into The Wax Strips

Image credits: lachai2

Rollpet adds that disinterest in other pets also qualifies as a possible sign of depression. Sometimes, pets can lose interest in playing with other pets that they've always had fun with. If they start biting or scratching their play partner, that's a sign they don't feel comfortable around them for some reason. Experts advise not to push your pet and give them time to adjust.

#22 My Friend Helped Rescue A Raccoon That Was Stuck In A Drain

Image credits: Josh Behling

#23 I Guess My Puppy Doesn’t Know How Big He Is Anymore

Image credits: Aegeas2k

#24 Ghostly Imprints Of Pigeons That Flew Into The Window Where I Work

Image credits: wurmpth

It can be hard to read a pet's facial expression as they don't use their facial muscles the way we humans do. However, there are still ways to tell a pet is feeling bad just by observing their body language.

Fingers And Paws Dog Training lists some signs that a dog might be feeling off. And they say it's important not to test their limits and give them some space if they're exhibiting this behavior.

#25 Now He Knows How Fire Smells

Image credits: Sweet_Polly1

#26 The Sad Face He Gives Me When He Can't Sit On My Lap While I Drive

Image credits: pupsaurus

#27 Poor Baby Got Neutered And The Dog Thinks He’s A Toy

Image credits: discoheaven97

Alarming body language can include rounded and worried-looking eyes. If their ears are angled sideways or back and down, that's also a sign that the dog feels anxious. Their tails can also tell a lot about how they're feeling. It shouldn't be lower than usual, and the wag should be sweeping and loose.

Sometimes, pets might want to make themselves look smaller – that's also one sign of anxiety. Unnatural crouching with a lowered head and rounded back can signal that a pet is worried about something.

#28 My Boyfriend's Dog Tried To Fit Through The Yorkie-Sized Dog Door

Image credits: niabais

#29 Was Wondering Why My Dog Wasn't Coming Inside

Image credits: CommonPinkDaisy

#30 Dog Got Excited To See Grandpa And Ran Through A Bush Full Of Burrs

Image credits: reddit.com

However, try not to jump to conclusions. All these signals by themselves might signify nothing. Context matters – always look at the bigger picture. If the pet isn't eating, wants more quiet time than usual, and avoids eye contact with the owner, that might indicate an anxiety or depression problem. Remember – it's always better to consult with a vet than try to diagnose your furry friend yourself.

#31 Our Sweet 7-Year-Old Dog Has A New Firework Phobia Thanks To The Neighbor Who Just Had To Shoot Illegal Fireworks Above Our House

Image credits: freebaer

#32 Toby Snuck Out Early This Morning When I Opened The Door To Take Out The Trash. He's Back Now, And Very Remorseful

Image credits: JephriB

#33 Went To Show My Bunny The Forest. Sounded Better In My Head

Image credits: lil_sakamadaV2

#34 Sully Is Afraid Of The Neighbor's Cat

Image credits: DudeWantsHisRugBack

#35 Opened The Door To My Bluebird Nesting Box To Check On The Growth Of The Baby Birds And Found This Snake Inside. All The Birds Were Eaten

Image credits: Marty_the_Cat

#36 Best Friends, But Cat Doesn't Seem Very Happy

Image credits: CoeurdeBois

#37 This Sad Raccoon At My Back Door At 2:00 AM, He Was Looking For My Cat Who Wasn't Home

Image credits: FeeValuable22

#38 “Mom? Halp”

Image credits: emnazee

#39 Crumb Bum Sometimes Walks On His Injured Paw, But Mostly He Uses It To Boop Jabroni

Image credits: PennyLaane

#40 He Was Mad That He Was Awake, So He Woke Me Up Too

Image credits: werndog69

#41 My Dog Doesn't Know How To Use The Pet Door And Thinks We Locked Him

Image credits: cursedcurry

#42 Send Help

Image credits: daniitrix

#43 The Saddest Face Ever. Message From The Puppy Sitter Who Couldn’t Let Him Play Outside Because It’s Raining

Image credits: sugarcream5w30

#44 I Told Him To Stop Eating Plastic, And He Put Himself In Timeout. He Looks Genuinely Sad

Image credits: rebelraf

#45 My Neighbor's Cat Just Got Stuck In My Garage

Image credits: LordFistus

#46 Looking After My Parents' Dog, And My Cat Is Not Impressed With Our Visitor

Image credits: afyyrch

#47 Dinner Is At 5:00, Not 5:03

Image credits: kamokutie

#48 We Let Our 2-Year-Old "Help" Cook And She Dumped All Of The Cheese On Top Of Esteban. It’s Stuck In His Hair Now

Image credits: UndrehandDrummond

#49 Emergency Vet Visit After Trying A Prickly Snack

Image credits: somewhat-helpful

#50 My Dog Got Bit By A Snake This Morning And Couldn't Walk. After Getting Back From The Vet She Got Stung By Bees

Image credits: jacob7384

#51 Jack Decided To Give Himself A French Pedicure By Stepping In The Paint Tray

Image credits: laurapsalas

#52 "Hmm, I Remember My Legs Being Longer... I Hope No One Is Watching"

Image credits: lolaandpenelopes

#53 Stole His Bed On The Very First Day Home. The Audacity

Image credits: AnsleyStar

#54 Got My Dogs Groomed, But The Groomer Called After She Had Begun The Second One And Said She Couldn’t Finish. This Is How They Sent My Poor Baby Back Home

Image credits: LaineyBoggz

#55 My Dane After Getting Fixed. He Stayed This Way For An Hour

Image credits: reddit.com

#56 A Friend's Pets

Image credits: Magnus_Rufus

#57 Just Keeping His Buddy Comfortable Underneath

Image credits: Gordon_Freeman_TJ

#58 My Dog Got Her Head Stuck In The Sleeve Of My Robe

Image credits: AmandaPandaPants17

#59 The Pain

Image credits: contextdogs

#60 Moved To The Country So My Dog Would Be Happy. Found Out She's Alergic To Bees

Image credits: Cheffyboii97

#61 Banished From The Kitchen For Stealing Hamburger Buns Off The Counter

Image credits: iced327

#62 My Dog Was Slow, Afraid Of The Door, And I Forgot My Hotel Key Card

I stayed at a hotel and was taking one of the dogs out for a potty break. I held the slow-closing exit door open for her. After seeing her following me, I looked forward and let go of the door with plenty of time for her to pass through. My Great Dane is super unaware of her size. The door started closing and she bailed on exiting the building. I feel a tug on the leash and look back, realizing the door is locked, I reach for my key and realize I forgot my access key card.

Image credits: Natural-Army

#63 Tried To Groom My Dog And The Shaver Broke

Image credits: Mr_Lunt_

#64 Cat Rescued From The Camp Fire In California

Image credits: Metaphoricalsimile

#65 Defeat

Image credits: GoFetch130

#66 The Haircut My Dog Got From The Groomer

Image credits: Inevitable_Ice1040

#67 She's Sad Because The Chipmunk Won't Come Out To Play. Really, She Just Wants To Sniff It

Image credits: Common-Cell-1233

#68 "Oh, That Is Why My Horse Has Been Limping In The Pasture". My Husband Is The Horseshoer

Image credits: TakenAHike

#69 "Move", "No"

Image credits: reddit.com

#70 Decided To Make A Quesadilla For Lunch. As Soon As I Was Finished Cooking, Wormie Jumped Onto The Stove

Normally just have a shake for lunch but decided to cook myself something today as an act of self-care… A heartbreaking and costly mistake!

Image credits: funnygirlsaywhat

#71 That Face When You're Allergic To Shrimp, But Still Love It Enough To Dig It Out Of The Trash

Image credits: Dezean

#72 Came Outside To Find Him In A Difficult Situation

Image credits: __belle__

#73 Found Out Why My House Started To Smell Every Time The Water Heater Turned On

Image credits: bigwilly311

#74 Coyote Lays In My Dog's Bed

The black lab belongs to my uncle. This coyote just up and plopped itself in his outside nap bed and stared him down, as if saying, "What are you going to do about it?"

Image credits: Network-Bob

#75 My Dog After Only 5 Minutes In The Woods

Image credits: ku3ah

#76 Meet Bonnie, Our 3-Month-Old Collie. During The Night She Discovered A Can Of Blue Paint With A Loose Lid

We call this her "blue period" since she is going through some artistic phase. The Chinese rug cost nearly $6,000.

Image credits: Gainsborough-Smythe

#77 She Was Very Mad That I Wouldn’t Let Her Go Outside To Bark At The Construction Workers

Image credits: Grape-Kelly

#78 Our Dog's Reaction When He Doesn’t Get Treats After Going Outside

Image credits: devilsbard

#79 The Best Pillow Is An (Unwilling) Friend

Image credits: LackingUtility

#80 Achilles Accepting He Can't Escape The Hammock

Image credits: Applepiee300

#81 My Dogs Are Not Pleased With My Child’s Throwing Abilities

Image credits: EpicbutNot

#82 Operation No Scratch. She Hates Me So Much Right Now

Image credits: froglet_kittygunfire

#83 My Dog Got Out Of Her Harness And Then Got Hit By A Car While On Her Evening Walk

Image credits: Tangerino28

#84 When It's Your Birthday And There Are No Other Dogs At The Dog Park

Image credits: PennyLane_87

#85 My Dog Has To Celebrate The New Year Like This

Some lady let her antisocial dog escape and it attacked mine inside my own home. She refused to pay the vet's bill, and a lawsuit is on the way.

Image credits: Yliblye

#86 Lily Had A Bad Hair Day Today

Image credits: carrerasdgdfgdfg

#87 My Dog, Rocket, Literally Sitting On My Other Dog, Bones

This is common. Rocket will push Bones out of the way for pets and treats. Classic younger brother. 

Image credits: Stephi1452

#88 This Is $4200 Worth Of Cartilage Taken Out Of My Dog's Shoulder

Image credits: qbande

#89 Neighbors Just Ditched Their Doggo At Our House And Moved. Sadly, We Can't Keep It

Update: my husband's boss is taking him tomorrow, he will have an amazing home. We would but can't have dogs at our home and neither of us have time for an active dog with work and school.

Image credits: winterweed78

#90 My Neighbor’s Cat Is Outside Trying To Get In My Back Door 90% Of The Time. It’s Currently 19°F Where I Live

He is the sweetest boy, and I am very friendly to him. I pet him when I see him, but I had severe respiratory issues when I lived with cats previously, so I can’t let him hang out in my apartment.

Image credits: Many-Equal-9141

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