43 People Share What Ended Their Friendship With Someone

It’s both a beautiful and sometimes sad thing that we as humans are constantly changing. This often means that our relationships also change with us. The result is that, over time, people we thought were close to us might end up showing their true colors.

Someone asked the internet “People who fell out with their best/close friend, what killed it?” and netizens shared their stories. From simply drifting apart, to huge disagreements and fights, all sorts of things ended up causing friendships to simply fall apart. So get comfortable as you read through, upvote your favorites, and share your own thoughts below. 


I worked with them. They were very lazy and constantly started drama between myself and our coworkers. Lost pretty much all the respect I had for them.

Image credits: AmericanTitan07


I’m a man, my best friend was a woman. I loved her like a sister, it was never sexual. She got married and her husband didn’t like the idea of a male best friend. She tried to fight for me, but I willingly stepped away.

Image credits: anon


Nothing at all, and that is the saddest part. No big fight, no disagreement, no nothing. One day they met their now spouse and suddenly that was it. Since then radio silence

Image credits: Showfina


Realizing that he was a s**t friend who saw me as lesser than him, and he used that as justification to try and completely control my life

Image credits: yeetgodmcnechass


She literally turned into her mother, only caring about appearances. At 23. I couldn’t take the judgment any more.

Image credits: Obi1NotWan


They were brainwashed by Qanon.

Image credits: thyartmetal


He developed romantic feelings for me. One night he decided to drunk message my husband about how lucky he was to have me, he better treat me well, etc. Had to cut him off and end the friendship completely.

Image credits: anon


Apparently me being gay. oh well

Image credits: DeannaBeeee


Introducing my absolute best friend of years to my other friends. They created their own friend group without me:)

Image credits: hallie-173


I cared more about the relationship than she did. I’m not gonna beg anyone to be my friend.

Image credits: Superkittymeowmeow


school ended. Never heard from her again lol

Image credits: Overall_Expert8667


She found new, cooler, less ugly friends and suddenly I was "an embarrassment" to be around

Image credits: furiousfran


His wife insulted me for over 10 years and he never said anything to stop her or stood up for me. I ain't gonna ask him to choose between me and the mother of his children.

Image credits: Mindctrlr


She blew off my wedding to go to burning man with some dude that dumped her shortly after.

Image credits: rebeccakc47


I got pregnant and had a baby. She is still single and was/is jealous (we are in our mid 30s and I know she is worried that it won’t happen for her). She totally ghosted me during my pregnancy and postpartum which really hurt tbh.

Image credits: hibiscus416


They discovered their boyfriend was making fake accounts and inappropriately contacting minors (average age being 8) and didn't leave. I immediately ended the friendship. She went on to marry him and have a little girl. Still makes my stomach turn...

Image credits: muselessiam


showing me that we had different definitions of loyalty and always knowing that I couldn’t trust her to have my back, even though she undoubtedly knew I had hers

Image credits: Weak_Ad1605


I can’t be the kind of friend most people want. depression, I’m always slow to respond, I don’t want to go out often. Also time doesn’t seem to affect how I feel about friends, but people think it’s weird to get back in touch after a couple years and act the same. It’s on me tbh

Image credits: smileymom19


She adopted a pitbull, let it off leash immediately during the very first meeting with my dog, and her dog instantly attacked mine. Almost ripped her ear off. I had to literally beat the s**t out of that pitbull to get it to release my dog. My ex best friend just stood there screaming and did nothing. The next day she reported MY DOG to the county as the aggressor.

Luckily my dogs vet vouched that she was a sweet, completely non aggressive dog. She also submitted evidence of all of the injuries my dog had, while the pitbull only had injuries from ME, when I had to beat it to stop it from murdering my dog. Luckily my dog ended up having her name cleared, but that instantly killed a 12 year friendship. I never spoke to her again


She warned me about my fiancé at the time, now ex-wife, and I didn't listen to her. My fiancé didn't like that and told me to pick her or my friend. I picked my fiancé and then she eventually cheated on me multiple times including while we had an infant at home. Never been more wrong in my life.

Image credits: thegodfaubel


Friends for 20 years. Helped her with rides, money, cloths ect. The first time I asked her for anything was after my husband had brain surgery and needed meds the local pharmacy didn't have. I couldn't leave him alone and could not take him with me so I asked her to watch him for an hour. She said no she wanted to go to the store with her bf.

I never talked to her again. And thank goodness she didn't have the balls to show up to my husband's funeral.


My son was delayed. Hers was not. Her son was roughly a year younger and there were constant snide comments about how much sooner her son hit milestones than mine did. I gave her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she didn't mean it the way it came across and I was just touchy. And then she called my 2 year old stupid because he was mostly nonverbal. She got told to f**k off.


I got divorced because my ex was hitting my son (2 at the time). I knew my then friend was extremely religious but it had never affected our friendship until that point. Apparently I should have tried to work it out ¯_(ツ)_/


I suspected her husband could be abusive, asked her if she was safe, and she flipped on me for "accusing" her husband of something like that. I told her I'd have done it again. For context it's an arranged marriage.

Well I guess... irreconcilable differences in fundamental values.


We were arriving in a foreign city from different places, so at different times. She had the shortest distance to go and was the only one with a car.

When one friend’s flight time was changed and she was going to be stranded at an airport an hour drive away, the dumped-friend refused to drive out to get her. There was literally no other way for the stranded-friend to get to us, she was going to be stuck alone in a foreign city overnight with no accommodation.

We cancelled the trip because I refuse to entertain women who leave other women in danger when they can help fix it.


I was bff with mine from age 16 to 30. It slowly became apparent that she was a narcissist. I loved her anyway stupid me. When we were 30 we were all out at a restaurant and I went to use the bathroom. For some reason I could hear her voice clear as day and she was taking so much s**t about me! I came out of the restroom, dropped some money on the table and told her to suck my a*s. I left and never looked back. She tried to message me to tell me I was crazy. I blocked her. Last 13 years without her have been great


It was my fault. I have bipolar, and I wrecked her 21st birthday party while I was manic.

I apologised, but I’d done too much damage and she told me she didn’t want to see or hear from me again.

That was decades ago, and we haven’t spoken since.

Image credits: FormalMango


She married an abusive husband.
Emotional and verbal abuse that I know of (including personally being present for the abuse), though she once left, before being married, because she was concerned he would hit her…

I tried so hard to be a safe space, but through a series of unfortunate meetings, I had to prioritize myself.

On a gentle note to others, I have had lots of great best friends, but growing up without a cellphone and social media being everything all the time, I have moved and changed, and previous relationships have naturally passed. And that’s OK. Enjoy the times you’ve had and the things you’ve learned.


He cheated on his girlfriend a bunch. I couldn't support that, but at the end of the day it was none of my business. He acted like it was no big thing and said, "I just need to get some strange every now and then. Afterwards our relationship is stronger than ever." Whatever, man. None of my business.

But THEN she cheated on him and it led her to finally leave him. He acted like it was the biggest betrayal he'd ever faced and he couldn't understand what would make her do such a thing to him. Again, none of my business, but at some point i just had to ask myself if that's really the kind of person I wanted in my life.

I don't.


Best friends for 12 years. She was a complete bridezilla.

Long story short, I was maid of honor and was expected to pay for multiple showers, ended up paying for part of her dress, and was asked to plan/pay for the entire bachelorette trip. I was in the process of building a house so I said no to the parties and trip (paying not planning/attending) and was swiftly booted from the wedding.

Funny part was, the guy had been cheating on her and she knew and told me she was gonna leave him. She didn’t. She cheated on him back. He found out while I was with them, they broke up. Couple weeks later I got a call they were engaged. So bizarre.


In all honesty I believe having my kids ultimately sealed the deal. I was focused on them while still trying to maintain relationships with my mates when I could, but they would just assume I couldn’t attended things due to kids so they stopped asking. Found out myself and another mate with kids were being left out of the group on invites camping, not even a thought or question.
I asked in the end if anything was wrong as it seemed as if they were ignoring me, got completely ignored and no invite to a bucks trip when everyone else in out group of 5 got one.
Sucks a lot being mates since I can remember and it ends up being like this. But sometimes life starts a new chapter so looking forward to what’s next.


Realised I was only her best friend as a placeholder until the next best thing came along. She would cling to me, insert herself into my circles and accompany me everywhere because I was her “only real friend”, until she would start dating and then would not need me at all. Didn’t help that we were roommates too and she expected me to cook and clean for the both of us. The straw that broke the camels back was me having a depressive episode and her leaving me alone in the house for a whole week (while I was battling serious thoughts of offing myself) because she couldn’t cope with my “bad vibe”.


They moved and stopping putting any effort into the relationship whatsoever.

I offered to go there, I offered to fly them here (they hadn’t secured work yet) and they never made time. They never reached out.

When I finally wrote and said it seemed apparent they’d lost interest in the relationship and I respected that but needed to move on rather than wait indefinitely, they refused to acknowledge anything had changed, and told me I sounded crazy. I asked why I hadn’t heard from them or seen them in a year and a half. No response.

Reality is subjective, as they say.


We were best friends in high school. I moved in with him in 2015 because I needed a place to stay, and his father offered to let me rent out a spare bedroom for super cheap.

Within five months, my friend made a romantic/sexual pass at me. I was not interested. This eventually escalated into fighting every day, which ended with him threatening to slit my throat with a knife.

I left that night and have never looked back.


He got married and his wife decided I was “not the kind of person that they want in their mutual lives moving forward.” I’d never even met her, they lived in another country at the time, but he & I were friends for twenty years. Strictly, absolutely, never crossed a line platonic, it’d be like kissing your brother, gross. I still get sad every birthday because his midnight phone call was the highlight of my year.


I met her through one of my guy friends that I used to work with. We became extremely close. Hung out all the time talked about our issues. Thought I really knew her as a person. Then a year after she married my friend, she cheated on him with an ex and just left to be with the ex and his family. My guy friend was heart broken and so was his daughter who she had grown close to. I refused to even talk to her after that. Cheating isn’t something I will overlook or condone.


i was best friends with this person for almost 4 years. we were literally platonically married. it was always a 2-in-1 package deal, because EVERYBODY knew the other's number 1 (which was each other).

he, and two of my other really close friends, began spreading a rumor that i was racist and transphobic (with no proof). i lost almost all of my online friends because of it, and while i was crying over the entire situation every night, he was treating the whole thing like it was the funniest thing in the world. when my friend talked to him, he didn't take the conversation seriously at all.

and before anyone asks: no. i am not racist or transphobic.


Sadly, I discovered I wasn't as important to HER as SHE was to me. She got married (maid of honor of course), had kids (was in the delivery room for both), and slowly got...side lined. I didn't think about it that much. She's married now, got these kids, this ahole...um....anyhooo....So I didn't think much of it. Till her high school bestie moved back into town for a minute. And she started having OUTINGS. WITHOUT THE KIDS. WITH HER. When she was too busy to even CALL ME! I was so HURT!

So one day? I just quit calling her.

It's been over 20 years, sadly.


I met the best friend I’ve ever had in high school and we remained super close in college but during our last year I became very depressed and withdrew super hard socially. It took a few years for me to bounce back and by then we had grown too far apart. We’ve spoken about it and she says she understands but we’ve never really recovered. There is too much distance.

It’s honestly one of my bigger regrets in life. I miss her all the time.


They literally wanted to be me. They started dressing, acting like me and competing with me. Last straw was trying to basically take over my life by purposely not inviting me out in an attempt to isolate me from friends and would try to make a pass at any guy I expressed an interest in. So overall found out they were crazy and just wanted reactions from me so I cut them off and life’s been great since; although they still stalk my social media…


They were jealous when I got engaged to now SO. They got a bracelet vs me getting a ring. Wouldn’t commit to even coming to my wedding 10 mos away. She told me that SO and I wouldn’t last. I walked away. Didn’t tell her we were done, just dropped the rope so to speak. Ran into her right before her first divorce was final. Saw she’s now on marriage #3. It is sad because we really were best friends. But I could not deal with her jealousy. More the 30 yrs later SO and I are together. Better than ever. Looking back now she and I were drifting apart because our life focus was different. I was in college and she was pursuing a very different field. She’s done alright. I’m happy for her. Last I heard there was some jealousy over something else in my life. So I chose well to walk away.


He was working towards a philosophy major. He was becoming more conservative, I was becoming more liberal, he never wanted to talk about ANYTHING but philosophy and politics and he loved to talk. It became exhausting, I found myself dreading spending time with him because the conversation would be exclusively politics even if I explicitly asked to change the subject it would quickly come back.

Then COVID happened and we didn't see each other for a year. Then we just never reconnected and now it's been over 3 years.

I still have other very conservative friends and family who I have great relationships with but politics isn't the only thing we talk about.


A*****e wanted me who was barely affording to live where I was to save 2 - 3k to go to his wedding out of state. Wanted me to.pay for the suit, flight, lodging, food, and oh my gf wasn't allowed to come. Also wanted me to meet his female friends??? Told him couldn't do it and he blocked me on everything. Keep in mind this dude was making 100k plus, living with parents so not really paying rent. Also he told me 3 months before the date. Savings barely had $50 and with my bills I was barely making an extra $100 a month.

Other BFF tried to convince me to convince a mutual friend to f**k him behind his gfs back. Started date rape drugging others. Left fast af

source https://www.boredpanda.com/people-fell-out-with-best-friends/
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