46 Scary Facts That People Shouldn’t Know But Do, As Shared By People On This Thread

We all have different life experiences, and because of that, we all have a unique set of knowledge floating around in our brains. You might know off the top of your head that Vigdís Finnbogadóttir was the first woman in the world to be elected president of a nation, or you might be able to list the capital cities of every single country without having to pause and think. 

Some of us also have interesting information living rent free in our brains that might immediately lead to some follow-up questions. Reddit users have recently been sharing their “don’t ask how I know” fun facts, so we’ve gathered their most bizarre responses below. Enjoy reading through this list, and be sure to upvote the information that makes you wonder why in the world anyone would know that!


If you ever trying to survive in the arctic, don’t eat polar bear liver. It is so high in vitamin A it will kill you.

Image credits: WrongWayCorrigan-361


There's a guy in Germany who has a 1 year waiting list and makes 6 figures making leather harnesses and masks for people who like to roleplay as horses.

Image credits: BITE_AU_CHOCOLAT ·


Old human bones are very porous so if you lick them, they’ll stick to your tongue.

Image credits: clanculcarius


If you work 40 hours a week and spend 10 minutes a day pooping it equals a whole week of paid vacation per year.

Image credits: poop_stains


TV shows and movies go out of their way to make military/intelligence officers look bad a*s. Real life “spies”, by design and training, are boring. Regular house, standard 2nd hand cars, dress down, have vague boring”-job titles (accounts receivable) as cover and do not draw attention to themselves. Most come from specialized academia.

Image credits: Ok_Worth_1093


Everyone here with the creepy crime stuff and I'm just "A soft-furred rat has 22 nipples".

Image credits: horrescoblue


A severed human head has a strange uneven weight distribution. So you better hold it tight or you will be known as the guy that dropped the head.

Image credits: uselessInformation89


A significant component to what makes stealth aircraft stealthy comes down to how their parts are painted.

Image credits: the_dumbest_man


A pigeon will only eat a Starburst if you chew it up a little bit first. Just to clarify chew the Starburst not the pigeon.

Image credits: OhTheHueManatee


Killing someone by smothering them is not a foolproof way to commit murder, as smothering-caused asphyxiation damages a specific capillary in the eye. The pathologist will check the eye and immediately pronounce the corpse a murder victim, and there are many, many people in jail around the world that did not know this prior to their conviction.

Image credits: fearthe0cean


If your cat chews on fresh eucalyptus, they might start hallucinating and fall over repeatedly, leading to a $400 emergency vet bill just to be told she’s just kinda high.

Image credits: oddidealstronghold


You can tell a frog's gender by the size of its ears.

Image credits: level 1 narniasreal


Although never technically illegal, oral sex has officially been legal in England since 1828.


You have quite a lot of time, certainly more than ten seconds, to turn back on the main pumps of a nuclear reactor once you have accidentally turned them off.

Image credits: egorf


Your muscles can keep twitching for several hours after you die.

Image credits: JustDave62


Rare af, but sometimes 2 ova are released during ovulation. If you have multiple partners and either very poor (or very good. No judgment) timing, the resulting twins could have different fathers. It's called heteropaternal superfecundation.


The antidote if you drink antifreeze (ethylene glycol) is whisky (or any hard alcohol).

Image credits: Hutchison5899 ·


Earthworms, specifically nightcrawlers are way crunchier than you think.

Image credits: Snappingslapping ·


There is a species of turtle that can breathe through its butt.

Image credits: Dragon_Rot79 ·


If you eat a bunch of McDonald’s and then down about half a liter of vodka, then throw it all up, tastes just like funnel cake from a county fair.

Image credits: MrLanesLament ·


Wikipedia has shockingly accurate nuclear munitions counts for locations and weapon types.

Image credits: Eyouser


When a drowning victim is revived, get them to a hospital as soon as possible. Drowning is the leading cause of death of kids from the age of 1 to 7 and is ruled as accidental drowning when it comes to secondary drowning or dry drowning. Basically your lungs are full of water despite being revived. Your lungs will absorb the liquid, but not before your body acidifies from high levels of carbon dioxide. The only chance to survive is to have the lungs pumped with oxygen via cpap machine and time.

Also drowning is extremely quiet. You don’t hear the victim go under. And if you see flailing, do not attempt to save the victim otherwise you’ll become another drowning victim. Throw them a life line and hope their amygdala realizes that there’s a rope or something floating near them and grabs on it.


Hershey’s chocolate has the strong smell of vomit or feces to some people (me), and that’s because they use butyric acid as a preservative. Butyric acid is the compound that makes vomit smell so bad.

Image credits: hefewiseman1


Chlorine gas in ww1 was made industrially by running an electric current through salt water.

The more worrying one: bacon grease mixed with lye makes glycerine. Glycerine with nitric and sulfuric acid makes nitroglycerine. Nitroglycerine with wood pulp makes dynamite.


There is an acceptable amount of rat droppings allowed in candy bars and some other foods.


The smell of a dead body can stick with you for a day or two no matter how many times your wash your hands or shower


Even if you don't want to, if you sit in the back of the plane, you have a higher chance of surviving a plane crash.


Both HPV & Epstein Barr seem to cause a measurable increase in breast cancer.


Asbestos tastes like chalk. And if you lick it, it has the texture of extremely gritty sandpaper. Which is actually the feeling of microscopic asbestos needles piercing your flesh!!!


Bleach alone doesn’t get rid of blood from a UV light however hydrogen peroxide does for the most part. If you need to clean out a large amount of blood pour hydrogen peroxide on it, wait about 5 mins scrub it then use bleach. After cover the smell with candles or if it’s in the bathroom open a window and turn on the shower for about 10-20 mins.


Doctors, or surgeons more specifically, that make too many mistakes during surgery, ie, leaving instruments in patients, frequently gets ‘quietly traded’ to other hospitals where they continue their path of destruction with the patients not being aware of their past record. Hospitals tend to keep quiet about the matter to avoid lawsuits.


The act of cannibalism is not illegal in the Netherlands. If you were to aquire human flesh in a legal way, you are allowed to eat it.


If you are going to dismember a corpse after murdering them, when pulling the teeth, don't forget the impacted wisdom teeth. They may contain enough mitochondria DNA to allow an ID


If you overfill a fast food gravy cup then put a lid on, it will create a pressurized gravy stream that sprays all over your face and uniform while your coworker looks on in horror.


The Zoroastrians leave their dead in special towers to be eaten by vultures.


The US had the ability to view any American’s backyard via spy satellites about 15 years earlier than you would think could be scientifically possible.


Turmeric can be used as clothes dye. It is capable of permanently dyeing cotton cloth even after it has passed through the digestive tract of an adult male.


A nurse went missing in Saskatoon, SK, Canada in the spring of 1962. She went to mail a letter and go for a walk. Her body was found in a shallow grave by the river a few blocks away. At the time her next door neighbour, across the alley, was the 48 year old postman. In 1929 that postman was the unwilling accomplice of his serial killer uncle, leading the police to numerous shallow graves on his uncle’s farm. His story was told in the 2008 movie Changeling.


During the 1969-71 occupation of Alcatraz by Native American protestors, a drunken Richard Nixon ordered a nuclear strike of the island, but the order was ignored.

Image credits: DiscoInferiorityComp


When Marie Antoinette was awaiting her execution , Her best friend Marie-Thérèse Louise de Savoie Carignan, Princess of Lamballe was taken and tried..They offered her grace only if she swore to Liberty and Equality, and hatred of the King and Queen. She agreed to the first part but refused to claim hatred and denounce her best friend even after her father begged her to in order for her life to be spared..... she was taken to a slaughter yard and a mob brutally murdered her. Then... the mob decapitated her and crudely impaled her head on a pike... and then placed the pike on front of Marie's cell window so she could see what had become of her best friend and what fate awaited her.


Most people put effort into "hiding the body" however what you need to focus on is ANYTHING that can link you TO the dead body.

"I don't know, he was dead when I got here!"

Don't say anything else. It's up to them to link fingerprints, DNA evidence etc. Anything else is just circumstantial evidence.

Of course you should avoid any circumstantial evidence to a dead person obviously if you can.


Most traffic cameras have live feeds online, free. Never needed to do this for any reason myself, but pair that knowledge with an AM radio and knowing what frequency the local authorities are on, and you could become practically invisible.


Male and female beavers have different colored fluids that come out of their anal glands. In males, brown, and in females white or clear. It is one of the main modes of gender identification, as they don't have external genitalia.


The German guy who sought to meet men on the internet so he could cut of their genitals, with their permission, and fry them up and eat them. When asked by the judge why he rejected other ‘applicants’, he replied : There was a guy from Italy who wanted to be electrocuted first. I thought he was a bit weird


The most commonly overlooked item for residual blood in a room where a murder took place is the frame of a standing mirror.

You're technically supposed to remove the frame and clean it, or continuously apply a peroxide based cleaner to the edges until it stops bubbling, but in most cases insurance adjusters will allow you to throw it out and replace it if you tell them a standing mirror was affected


Beginning in 1911 in anticipation of the outbreak of WW1 in 1914, two statesmen, one from England and one from France, began visiting locations in France that they believed would be the settings for a number of major battles that would occur during the great war. Long bike rides through these future battle zones in the countryside and weeks spent building a foundation for a French-Anglo codebook that would later prove important in helping win the war.

source https://www.boredpanda.com/dont-ask-how-i-know-random-facts/
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