37 People Share Things Others Do That Are Just Downright Cringy In This Viral Thread

While most of us can internalize that we all have different preferences, some people’s actions are so annoying that we can’t help but shake our heads in frustration. Even worse, through constant repetition, certain actions end up becoming accepted or at least tolerated by the majority of society.

One netizen asked “What's something other people do that you find really cringy?” and people online gave their examples of things that have become too normalized. We got in touch with No-Hamster7526 to learn a bit more, so get comfortable as you scroll through and be sure to upvote your favorites. 


filming urself crying for social media

Image credits: cottonballs-_-


Gender reveals.

Image credits: ElJayEm80


Adults doing baby talk.

Image credits: Ermitanyong-Avocado

Bored Panda got in touch with No-Hamster7526 who made the initial post asking for people's ideas. They were kind enough to answer some of our questions. First and foremost, we were curious to hear why they wanted to pose this question to the internet.

“I just created the Ask Reddit post because I thought it'd keep me entertained for a while,” they shared with Bored Panda, which does seem like it’s a pretty common reason to get thousands of internet users to share their thoughts. However, the post itself ended up with over three thousand comments, more than enough to keep someone reading for days. 


Guys that HAVE TO BE the “alpha male” in a group. Talking over people. Trying to be the toughest person around. Talking s**t for no reason.

It’s so gross it literally gives me goose bumps. I’m like bro, just be you. If you’re a badass, you don’t have to prove it.

Image credits: TypicalJeepDriver


Calling the man your dating "Daddy"

Image credits: Ionisasleep


Post personal (often medical) details about their children on social media

Image credits: I_am_Reddit_Tom

As No-Hamster7526 noted, “I got hundreds of comments at a time, so it was hard to sort through them,” when we asked them if they had any personal favorites. “I think there was one about someone telling you heaps about something you don't care about,” they shared as the one they related to the most. 


People filming for social media, and acting like everyone around them just walking by is being rude and getting in their way. Where I live (a pretty beach town) I see this s**t every week, at least. I’ve literally heard people say “uh, can you leave?” to random strangers

Image credits: Burgundy_Starfish


People that make "i hate Kids, all People are horrible and suck i only get along with animals, dogs are better than People" their whole personality and never shut Up about it.

I get it, i Like dogs and Kids can annoy me too but some People Just Go too far with those Jokes to a Point where it Just gets grotesque and dark.

and with peace and love, i know people can suck but if someone truly only ever gets along with an animal that was breed throughout centuries to be obedient and love Humans unconditionally then i think there might be a chance they are the people that suck.

Image credits: ComprehensiveTap190


Those TikTok videos where someone just stands there without speaking, pointing at bits of text as they appears one by one on the screen, pulling a different pose/expression for each text.


Image credits: eggmayonnaise

Most of the answers here ranged from annoying to downright bad for society. This is both a representation of how many bad things have become normal as well as an indication that the word cringe has perhaps lost some of its nuances. As No-Hamster7526 told us, the appeal of the thread came from it being so universal, “Everyone has something they find cringe.” 


Talking badly about the poor and homeless. Any sort of talk where a person is devoid of empathy will make me cringe.

Image credits: ReflectiveObjective


child pageants - grown adults dressing their kids in skimpy outfits and parading them around on stage, so many parents living their lives through their children despite most of them just wanting to live ordinary lives. starting high school beef with one another, makes me wanna rip my skin off

Image credits: sheerduckinghubris


People who flaunt helping others online. Like the ones who clearly do it for clout.

My friend’s gf does this, she constantly looks at the camera, smiles & poses, waves, asks the homeless (who looks *so* uncomfortable) to wave to the camera too. NO.

Image credits: vivrelavie


“Tough” bumper stickers like “I don’t retreat. I RELOAD” like sir we’re in the Taco Bell drive thru who are u shooting at?

Image credits: Strokesonfire


Being annoyed by other people’s joy.

Image credits: Tasty-Tree-6243


People who demand attention. Need to be the loudest in the group/room. It’s exhausting

Image credits: KiKi31Rose


Post inspirational quotes online that they don’t live by.

Image credits: eatingaclitkat


People who don't pick up after their dogs on walks. My neighbour makes this massive production of flicking a few leaves or pieces of grass over her dogs turds and leaving them on peoples lawns while making out she is a paragon of community responsibility.

Its your dog, and poo bags are cheap if not fashionable.

Image credits: cruiserman_80


people who get mad at others for being happy in the morning. i see too many people saying “it’s to early for all this happy energy” and i’m not even a morning person myself but who gets mad at someone for being positive ????? i don’t understand and it annoys me so much

Image credits: hurricanebonni


obnoxious/pretentious people especially in public. i’m a freshman law student, and whenever my class goes out to hang out there’s this one mate who heavily uses legal jargons, references, and terms around other people just to let them know that we’re law students. it’s so annoying. like chile we’re still on our first semester lmao.

Image credits: reginaphalange46


When they think everything that’s traditionally feminine is useless or stupid. I hate misogyny. Women shouldn’t have to compete with men to be taken seriously.

Image credits: RosePeonylavender


Explaining something in a condescending tone - and incorrectly.

Image credits: KatKaleen


Brag about how mentally unstable and "psycho" you are. Like... dude, I legit hear and see things and I'm paranoid all the f*****g time. It's not fun. It's not something to be proud of. Just stop.


Something about people talking about how tough and scary they can get irks me so badly. Someone the other day described themselves to me as a Doberman because they were “cute but people know not to f**k with them because they’ll bite their face off” and my innards curdled from the second hand embarrassment.

Image credits: agentwhizkey


Back when I used Facebook, I found it cringy when people boasted about how happy they were with their spouse . Why are you telling us this. ( it automatically made me say to myself that they must be having problems) Or people who would come on and say life is great and everything is working out for them. I am so superstitious, I feel like a piano would fall on my head if I went around boasting how happy they are.

People filming themselves at the gym is another one. Uggh, just stop it already.

Cringiest thing I did on Facebook was keep the world updated on how my divorce was going.

Image credits: ouijahead



I'm a guy and sure I did it it as a kid but it's so low class for adults to do it.


People who video call in public and talk loudly, especially in trains or busses, I recently dealt with a customer who was on video call and had to show me a coupon in her phone and her whole family saw my face and I cringed and was so uncomfortable that I told her to put it away or I’m not authorising the coupon.

Image credits: angelmaddie


recording while on public transportation.
during peak hours.

Image credits: Acceptable-Golf-1584


Tiktok dances

Image credits: NorskoTheScorpion


Explicitly telling the price of stuff they own

Image credits: No-Reach5853


Auto defense when asked questions

Image credits: DarkGraphite


Posting an hour worth of concert footage on Snapchat stories

Image credits: HondaRedneck16


Jumpers. As in people that jump to conclusions. It seems like every online discussion becomes an argument of putting words in other people’s mouths. “You just seem the type.”

Nobody knows each other here. Just listen.

Image credits: Jooj-Groorg


Talk too loud, especially when they are on the phone and it is speaker.

Image credits: Worsethanboys


Anything that has to do with eating in front of a camera

Image credits: paigeesummers


People who consistently keep up with the fashion trends, what ever happened to personal style?


Make politics their personality


Post pictures of birthday presents piled up like it’s Xmas to show off on social media

Same with Xmas gifts

“Just in case you didn’t see how much better I am doing than you posts”

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/NjPZL59
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