35 People Open Up About What Makes Them Silently Judge Others

We often form opinions about others based on the words they say, the actions they take, even the clothes that they wear, and since it's impossible to see the world through their eyes, we have to be extra careful with our perceptions.

At least, that's the theory, which in practice can be really hard. So when Reddit user DolphinsR4evr made a post on the platform, asking everyone "What is something you have a hard time not judging people about?", many had something to share.

From littering to neglecting pets, here are the submissions that received the most attention.


Poor treatment of pets.

u/FirehawkLS1 added: 

I see that often (I volunteer at our local shelter) and it really makes me angry seeing the people come in and just surrender the dog because they couldn't be bothered to put in the time and dedication. Dogs aren't a damn appliance. They are a living breathing being with feelings. There honestly should be a database that those people get added to that prevents them from ever having a dog in the future if that's the reason why they are surrendering a dog (or any other animal). And I get that there are legimate reasons for surrendering an animal (owner dies and surviving family cannot properly care for it, loss of housing and job, etc).

Image credits: Willing-Survey7448


Leaving trash in nature or anywhere really. I don't get it.

Image credits: AbsoluteEva


People who don't use their turn signals.

Image credits: cutiecakepiecookie


People pressuring other people to do something after the other people have already said no

Image credits: Orchid_wildflower


I hate people who feel the need to constantly bring others down and make them feel bad about things they enjoy. It's so sad to watch someone's enthusiasm about their hobby deflate because another person decided to be a d**k about it.

Image credits: ReporterOk4531


Being extremely loud in public place or restaurants and bragging

Image credits: anonnautilus


being proud of being awful and absolute a**holes to their children

Image credits: YamAnxious


Not cleaning up after their dog. Just get a doggy bag ppl

Image credits: jfg1435


I find it hard to muster up sympathy for people who die doing exciting but dangerous activities. Free climbing? Scaling a building to dangle your feet for Instagram? Free diving? Cave diving? Motorcycle tricks on the highway?

I’m sorry to the family for the loss, but like… they died voluntarily doing something completely unnecessary and super risky.

Image credits: FourWordComment


When they shove their religion in other peoples’ faces

Image credits: anywherebutarizona


Anyone who participates in that awful tradition of slamming someone’s face into their birthday cake.

Image credits: Jkkramm


People with loud cars or people that drive like they own the road

Image credits: ShadowCobra479


Mistreating folks in the customer service industry.

Image credits: randomNumber20


People smoking around their kids.

Image credits: tinecuileog


People with no sense of self awareness, so they stop in the middle of walkways/entrances/crosswalks for no reason.

Image credits: progressiveanarchy


People with enormously obese pets that can barely walk. It’s not cute, they are not a “chonker,” you just kind of suck.

Image credits: PistolPetunia


A parent leaving and ignoring one family to get a new SO and raise that person's children.

Image credits: blyblotbloidberg


People who use their phones on full volume in public. It’s one thing for kids, but I keep seeing adults doing it. I just cannot imagine being that self centered. I’m seeing it way too often.

Image credits: Pugilist12


When someone outgoing “adopts” a shy person. “I'm gonna make you more talkative!!” Stfu, and mind your own business, you weirdo.

Image credits: Nervous-Plate-4409


People who act tough.

I can't take them seriously.

Image credits: Routine_Guarantee34


People who’ve been in a difficult situation, got themselves out of it (usually with some sort of luck or help) then look down on people currently in that same situation because they themselves were able to get themselves out therefore so should others.


How well taken care of their pets are.

Image credits: MissTifff


People who decline vaccinations for their children.

They just "know better" with zero real education on anything remotely related to science behind vaccinations.

Image credits: thingsorfreedom


Whether they wash their hands after a bathroom break. Game changer


Drivers who don't stop at crosswalks for pedestrians.


Excessive PDA.


When people knock or doors and try to preach or give you a word about their religion. Especially if you’re clearly trying to leave

Image credits: anon


Bragging about not reading books. Please stay away from me.

Image credits: CellApprehensive7651


When their kids are acting up and they’re ignoring it and/or doing nothing to try to stop it

Image credits: anon


people who do the whole 'competitive misery' thing. or similarly, people like the woman I work with constantly feel the need to act like my pain (and anyone else who mentions being in pain) couldn't possibly be as bad as hers and it's just very s***ty 

Image credits: ActuallyApathy


People who “declaw” their cats

Image credits: attunedmuse


Overly "performative" people. Not just bragging, but... I know a guy for whom the act of reading is something you have to do in Starbucks in the hope someone will comment on the book he's reading, not actually about the act of reading.

Image credits: Bisto_Boy


Constant aggression at the slightest thing. Could be a mental health issue, but lashing out isn't the answer. I just wish the mental health system wasn't completely useless now.

Image credits: Valkyraria


People who DECIDE to have kids when they aren't in a position to raise them


having kids with someone you knew damn well wasn't fitted to be a parent but that's convenient because you want kids and then complain how bad parents they are.

Image credits: kha-ci


People who complain about a situation and do nothing about it.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/AEDjK1H
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