27 Funny Little Details In Home Alone That Make It Worthy Of A Rewatch Every Year

Every holiday season, most of us sit down to watch various Christmas movies to get into the festive mood. And, well, let's not deny that for most of us, Home Alone is the supreme one. And for good reason - the movie is full of brilliant moments that make it an undying Christmas classic. Today, let's take a trip across the moments the internet folks deemed to be the funniest out of the first two Home Alone movies. 

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Daniel Stern’s scream when Kevin puts the tarantula on his face is, for my money, the greatest on-screen scream in the history of cinema and it never fails to crack me up.

Image credits: IndyO1975


When Buzz is explaining why he doesn’t care that Kevin got left for “three reasons” and then lists them as reason A, 2, and D

Image credits: jloknok


I always crack up when Kevin’s buying groceries and tells the clerk “It’s for the kids”.

Image credits: normanfell

As probably many of you are aware, “Home Alone” is a series of American Christmas family comedy movies. The original idea was created by John Hughes, and the first two movies, about which we are talking today, were directed by Chris Columbus. The movie follows the adventures of a kid named Kevin, who is left alone at home (or in New York, like in the second movie), hence the name, during Christmas and has to defend himself and his home from criminals. 

The first movie was released back in 1990, and the second one back in 1992. Both of them star such big names as Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern, John Heard, and Catherine O'Hara. 


I also love in the second movie, where Catherine O’Hara and the dad are at the police station explaining it isn’t the first time they’ve lost Kevin, etc. but they also never manage to lose their luggage lolz and they both laugh and knock on the desk/wood.

The look on the cop’s face is priceless!

Image credits: Jasminewindsong2


"I know you're not the real Santa. I'm old enough to know how this works.

...but I also know you work for him."

Image credits: roomandcoke


I just love kieran culkins grin when kevin hears he may need to share a bed with him.

*sips more pepsi

Image credits: gogul1980

To get cinema expert insight about the Home Alone movies, Bored Panda has reached out to Cleiton De Veras, who is a creative director at History of Cinema

Cleiton stated that he believes that the enduring popularity of the Home Alone series movies originates from “its timeless theme of family, relatable characters, and unforgettable humor, creating a nostalgic and cross-generational appeal that has solidified it as a cherished holiday classic.”

Also, the brilliant performances of actors also played quite a big role in the movie’s success: “Macaulay Culkin and Joe Pesci's dynamic in Home Alone created a legendary on-screen rivalry. The epic good-guy-versus-bad-guy battle was infused with humor and holiday spirit, adding a special charm to the film's enduring appeal.”

Cleiton agrees that the same is true with the movie’s direction - it also contributed to the franchise’s success: “Chris Columbus's direction in Home Alone stood out for its skillful pacing, creative choreography of comedy, and emphasis on family themes, creating a timeless holiday classic that seamlessly blends humor and heart.” 


Why did you take your shoes and socks off?

Why are you dressed like a chicken?

I don’t know know why, but that bit gets me every time

Image credits: iamdecal


For me it's 2 scenes in the second one. When Marv falls down the hole in the house, stands, looks up, and says "Wow, What a hole!" Then when he says "Suck brick kid!" And misses by like 8 feet ?

Image credits: Ganu_Minobili


Agree on the John Candy scene. Also love the first scene with him talking about his polka band…”we’re big in Sheboygan”.
The other scene that makes me roll every time is the pizza delivery guy/filthy animal scene. The thought of being that guy and hearing, “keep the change, you filthy animal” cracks me up every time!

Image credits: lake-rat

After its premiere, the first movie received mixed reviews, and only in later years did the reception become generally positive, praising the cast, humor, and even music.

Cleiton De Veras expressed his thoughts about that: “Critics may not accurately predict a movie's likability in the eyes of the public, particularly when it comes to holiday classics, as personal connections to festive themes often play a significant role in audience enjoyment.”

Yet, the mixed reviews did not hold the movie’s initial success back, as it became the highest-grossing live-action comedy until the crown was stolen by The Hangover Part II, released in 2011. Also, it was the second-highest-grossing film of 1990.

Do you love the Home Alone movies? Did you find your favorite moment from the movies on the list? If yes, don't forget to upvote and if not, share what your favorite unmentioned moment is in the comments! 


My absolute favorite moment in the movie is when Harry is trying to open the basement door and he keeps slipping on the ice. That scene has made me belly laugh since I was a child.

Image credits: 14kanthropologist


I totally agree with you. Just watched this a couple days ago and rewinded to watch the van scene a couple of times.

Also, at the end “how did you guys get home?” “Oh, we took the morning flight. Remember? The one you didn’t want to wait for.”

And Buzz being shocked that Kevin went grocery shopping then a few moments later, “KEVIN, what did you do to my room?!?!”

Image credits: neverendingicecream


I have such a love for the scene towards the beginning as they're preparing to leave for the airport, and the neighbour kid is asking all the inane questions to the taxi drivers.

"Did you know the McCallisters are going to France? Do you know if it's cold there? Do these vans get good gas mileage?"

Destroys me every time to the bafflement of my wife and children

Image credits: tbusby3


I love the part in the second one where Marv says, in a very nasal voice, “That was the sound of a tool chest, falling down the stairs”

Image credits: dinoroo


The funniest part of Home Alone that doesn't involve Macaulay Culkin or slapstick for me is uncle Frank trying to console Kevin's mom by saying he forgot his reading glasses.

Image credits: gahanofgathol1127


“I wouldn’t let you sleep in my room if you were growing on my a*s.”

Just the way Buzz says it, and Kevin’s look of pure shock/terror gave me a chuckle as a kid and still does to this day.

Image credits: ExcitedGolem


Kevin had the best lines:

Waiter: “Two Scoops, Sir?”

Kevin: “Two? Make it 3, I’m not driving”


Kevin: “No Clothes on anybody. Sickening”

Image credits: CecilRuckus


When he gets ready to hit the spider (on the other bandits chest) with a crowbar gets me every time

Image credits: WaltDiskey


I totally understand. My favorite bit in home alone 2 is when Harry reads the newspaper in Central Park and out of the blue he starts whacking away at a pigeon nearby. I crack up every time.

Image credits: dirtyearsbill31


Hyper on 2! Is a catchphrase in our house.

Image credits: artisan1066


The slapstick part is great, but the rest of the movie is so funny even without it. The way that Kevin and his family interact is great. "You're what the French call, les incompental"

Image credits: castleman4


“Kevin go pack your suitcase.”

“Pack… My suitcase???”

The camera zooming in as a 5 year old kid goes wide eyed realizing he doesn’t know how to pack his suitcase is gold.

Image credits: ketchupmustardrelish


A bit that always gets me is the way John Heard says, ‘What a funny guy,’ when he finds out Kevin has been doing all the washing and stuff.

Image credits: SordidSplendor


Kevin's line "Nice night for a neck injury" in #2 cracks me up every time.

Image credits: dos_reboot


Don’t ask me why, because I don’t know, but the line “Kevin, you’re such a disease” kills me every time.

Image credits: ConspicuousSomething


Any mention Sheboygan (SP?) just brings mirth. Funny funny man.

Image credits: FinancialHeat2859


I love when Kevin uses a folk and knife with his Mac & Cheese Dinner.

Image credits: smeade1987


I don't know if it's meant to be funny but Buzz's lines always make me snicker with how his mood swings at a moment's notice. He goes from being a typical teenager talking about girls and nude beaches, to being the typical older brother that doesn't have a single nice word for Kevin (and he does have some pretty sweet zingers), to being surprisingly sagely and self-deprecating when he lists all the ways Kevin can benefit from being exposed to the wider world on his own and there's no danger because he's (as in himself) is a boring, unlucky guy who lives with a boring family in the most generic, safe neighborhood around.

The fact he even manages a somewhat backhanded compliment towards Kevin at the end is endearing in its own way.

Image credits: Sourbrit

source https://www.boredpanda.com/funny-things-home-alone-movie/
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