104 Christmas Posts That Are Beyond Heartwarming (New Pics)

Christmas 2023 may be behind us, but I’m in absolutely no rush to tear down the decorations or lose the joy of the holiday season. So if you pandas are interested in keeping your Christmas spirit alive, we’ve got a heartwarming list down below that could melt any Scrooge’s heart.

We’ve gathered some of the sweetest pictures that have been shared online of families, animals and friends spreading holiday joy. So enjoy scrolling through these photos that might remind you of the true spirit of the season, and be sure to upvote the pics that bring you a bit of warmth during this cold winter!

#1 If My ICU Patients Forget For Just A Few Minutes That They're Stuck In ICU Over Christmas, Then It Is All Worth It

Image credits: tessellating

#2 Side Note: "My Fiancée And I Have Been Together Since 2014. Her Dad Has Always Been The Best. Tonight, Just Confirmed It"

Image credits: KateAustin_

#3 This Woman Brings A Bag Of Hats To The Shelter Every Year, Which She Knits From January To December

Image credits: Pueblo Cooperative Care Center

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Despite all of the hustle and bustle of shopping, preparing meals, baking endless amounts of cookies and attempting to make time for every single relative, the holiday season really can be a magical time. The end of the year welcomes plenty of time for reflection, and it’s great to have the chance to relax with loved ones during those beloved days off from work.

If you have kids of your own or little ones in your family, it can be exciting to see the magic of Christmas through their eyes, and if you have the time, volunteering at soup kitchens can be a great way to give back to your community during this season of giving. The holidays are exactly what you make them, and in my opinion, it’s always worth it to make the best of them! 

#4 Lovely Of Him

Image credits: ahmedhankir

#5 My Cat Lucy Is 20 Years Old, And I Want Her To Live Her Best Life, So We Drove Around To See Christmas Lights Tonight. I Think She Enjoyed It

Image credits: Lucy1967

#6 My Father Has Early Onset Alzheimer's. I Brought My New Dog Home For Christmas This Year, And He Said, "I Know I'm Going To Forget A Lot, But I'm Going To Remember This Dog For A Long Time"

Image credits: constipated_giraffe

While Christmas is a time for many of us to gather with our families, it can also be a challenging time for those of us who can’t. If you’ve recently lost family members or don’t have the chance to travel and be close with them, I understand the feeling of dread that the holidays can bring. Over the past 5 years, I’ve only been able to see my family for one Christmas, and admittedly, I’ve shed a few tears the other 4 years.

But just because you can’t see your closest loved ones doesn’t mean that Christmas is a lost cause. The Real Simple shared a piece recently detailing some of the best ways to spend your holidays if you’re on your own, and one suggestion is to find a way to volunteer. 

#7 I Didn't Get Any Christmas Presents This Year Except From My Landlord. He Has No Idea How Much I'm Struggling, And It Was The Best Gift For Me

"Chris, I figured the best Santa gift for you would be, taking off half the January rent. So just pay $440 at the end of this month. -Jee"

Image credits: Neogalik

#8 A Coworker's Relative Got This Pup Without Consulting The Wife And Couldn't Keep It, So I Swooped In To Take Him In. First Family Dog, And My Wife And Daughter Are Ecstatic

Image credits: reddit.com

#9 It's Finally Done. I Crocheted And Knitted Pretend Food For My Niece As A Christmas Present. She's Almost Two. I Think We Are Going To Have A Great Time With All Of This

Image credits: funundrum

Just because you can’t be close to family doesn’t mean that you can’t make a difference or that you have to be completely alone. Visit your local food bank, volunteer at an animal shelter, buy gifts for children whose families can’t afford any, and donate clothing to unhoused individuals who are out in the cold. Consider fostering a pet or pet sitting as well, if you want to keep yourself from being completely alone. Volunteering can have a profound effect on your mental health and make your Christmas much warmer.

#10 Every Year On December 1st Someone Puts A Knitted Hat On Top Of The Post Box At The End Of My Road. This Year's Is The Best So Far. It Looks Very Cute

Image credits: reddit.com

#11 Christmas Dinner For The Homeless In London Euston Train Station

Image credits: kboglarka_

#12 I Gave Mom A Blanket Made From My Dad's Shirts. This Is Her First Christmas Without Him Since He Passed In January 2021

Image credits: Mrsbingley

While it may seem like everyone you know is spending time by the fireplace with their families or partners, that’s certainly not the case. Don’t hesitate to reach out to friends in your area who might be alone on Christmas as well. You could host a potluck, find a showing of a Christmas film, go look at Christmas lights or find somewhere to dine out with those who are also in need of some company. It can be a great way to bond with others, and it can be a surprisingly cozy way to spend an evening that would have otherwise been alone.

#13 Workmate Knows I've Been Finding The Last Few Months Very Tough Financially. I've Only Known Him For Six Months, But He Got Me A Bag Full Of Things. This Guy Filled My Cupboards

Image credits: d10x5

#14 Someone In My County Set Up A Christmas Tree By Her Wildlife Camera And Caught These

Image credits: mama_c6

#15 This Is My Father-In-Law. My Mother-In-Law Spends Thousands Of Dollars Every Year Buying Different Items So My FIL Could Give Away Gifts At Hospitals, Churches, Schools, And Shelters

Image credits: Cabbagetoe

Thankfully, today’s technology also makes it much easier to be without family on Christmas. With the simple touch of a button, you can video chat with your relatives or send e-cards to your friends. And if you’re really feeling festive, don’t hesitate to write physical cards for your family members or send them packages with freshly baked cookies and small gifts to let them know you’re thinking of them. Distance doesn’t mean you can’t send some holiday cheer to loved ones.  

#16 My Dad Is A Professional Santa, And He Thought He Would Never Be A Grandpa. He's Been So Excited For Christmas Since My Baby Was Born

Image credits: MaliceMes

#17 My Fiancé And I Foster Dogs. For Christmas This Year, She Announced That We Were Adopting This Guy. He's The Cutest

Image credits: MrMcGrumbles

#18 We Found This Little Mouse In Our Christmas Tree Today

Image credits: Wolferesque

It can also be tempting to sulk and complain if you’re not looking forward to the holidays, but if you can manage to find even a bit of joy in them, it will be worth it. Bake your favorite cookie recipe even if you only want to eat a few, and share the rest with your neighbors. Watch your favorite feel-good holiday film, and buy that popcorn that reminds you of childhood movie nights. Take a drive to see the city’s best Christmas lights and drink hot chocolate, even if you have to do it alone. Find the little pieces of joy that you can’t have year round and embrace them. 

#19 Apparently, I Got Piglets For Christmas. I'm So Excited

Image credits: rossionq1

#20 I Love My Grandma So Much. She Took Me In, 15 Years Ago, And No One Makes Me As Happy As She Does. We Had The Best Christmas This Year

Image credits: Faris-Hilton

#21 I Recently Lost My Brother, And I Made These Pieces For My Family Out Of A Part Of A Christmas Tree He Chopped Down Last Year

Image credits: areyouthree

Just like any other time of year, it’s important to take care of your mental and physical health around Christmas. Psychologist Yvonne Thomas, PhD told Real Simple, “Make a conscious effort to get enough sleep, eat right, exercise, laugh, and get emotional support from loved ones to maintain your physical and emotional health.”

"The bottom line is...you still can find ways to broaden and add to your life and, as a consequence, grow emotionally stronger, even...when you might not be in person with your family and friends during the holidays,” Thomas added.

#22 This Man, Jeff Snowball, Walked Into B&M Store Wallsend Today, Spent £130 On Toys, Put Them All Straight Into The Cash For Kids Drop Off Trolley, And Walked Out Again. Such A Hero

We just happened to be in the store at the same time and chased him across the car park for a photo! In his words: "No kid deserves to get nothing at Christmas." It's people like Jeff and the thousands of others who donate gifts that make all the hard work worth it. Thank you so much.

Image credits: Cash for Kids North East

#23 My German Shorthaired Pointer Got A Sibling For Christmas

Image credits: CallMePeat

#24 In March, My Wife And I Built An Apartment In Our Home For A Ukrainian Family. Tonight, We Celebrate Christmas As A Family With Them And Their Friends

Image credits: IamRasters

We hope you’re enjoying scrolling through these wholesome photos, pandas. Whether you had a warm Christmas surrounded by loved ones or you’ve had a difficult time embracing the holiday spirit this year, we hope you’re able to look forward to the new year with a positive attitude. Keep upvoting the pics that bring a smile to your face, and if you’re looking for even more precious photos from Christmas, you can find Bored Panda’s article on the same topic from last year right here!  

#25 Our Annual Tradition, To Any Delivery Drivers Reading This, We Really Appreciate You

Image credits: Kitty_Girl_1717

#26 Our First Family Christmas Card - Never Been Happier, Never Been More Exhausted

Image credits: Jwalla83

#27 My Dad Retired Last Year From The Post Office And Became A Professional Santa During The Holidays. I May Be Biased, But I Think He's The Best Santa I've Ever Seen

Image credits: bellsmob84

#28 These Wholesome People

Every year, my company hands out Christmas wishlists for kids who wouldn't otherwise get anything. This year, my team picked out 3 brothers asking for an Xbox 360 games and accessories. We figured we could do better than that and put this together for them.

Image credits: dmtry

#29 I Adopted 3 Dogs From The Shelter This Year And Decided To Give Them The Best Christmas I Possibly Could

Image credits: InLynneBo

#30 This Cute Christmas Eve Visitor

Image credits: sarin77

#31 My Blind 18-Year-Old Clearly Loving The New Christmas Lights

Image credits: Glittering-Honu

#32 My Father Made This Beautiful Christmas Tree. I Love It

Image credits: Jorn_GA

#33 My Teenage Daughter Painted A Picture For Christmas. She Knows I Love McLaren, F1, And Lando. The Effort She Put In Really Means The World To Me

Image credits: OhhLead

#34 Pub, Who Usually Would Charge £66.95 Per Person For Christmas Dinner, Is Offering Their Last Spaces For Free To Lonely Elderly People

Image credits: BerliozRS

#35 Christmas 1991, When I Was 7 Years Old, My Dad Gave Me This 66cc Honda. He Spent 6 Months Secretly Rebuilding And Painting It To Look Just Like His Yamaha So We Could Ride Trials Together

Image credits: elidevious

#36 Best Santa Ever

I whispered to Santa: "He is blind and autistic and is very interested in Santa." He said: "Say no more" and immediately got down on the floor to greet my little man.
He talked to Matthew for a long time. Let him feel all over him. Told him to pull his beard, feel his hat, and talked about his red suit. 
Then Santa said have you ever felt a real reindeer. Santa then carried him over to the display area. And had Matthew pet the taxidermy reindeer they had set up. It was great. My heart was full seeing Matthew so interested.

Image credits: Misty Wolf

#37 This Amazing Santa

While my girlfriend was getting chemo, we ran into Santa, who was also getting a dose. After visiting the kids in the hospital, he was going to go to his job at the mall. He's trying to bring joy and holiday spirit to those around him while fighting to live.

Image credits: reddit.com

#38 My Son's Girlfriend Bonded With My Mom Over Their Love For Frogs And Lizards And Made Her A Fairy Garden For Christmas. They Are All Wearing Friendship Bracelets

Image credits: RobMcD222

#39 My Boys Asked For An Xbox For Christmas. I Told Them We Couldn't Afford A Gift Like That This Year. However There Was A Really Good Sale And I'm Really Excited To Surprise Them

Image credits: JephriB

#40 That's The Sweetest Thing

Image credits: laurenaquilina

#41 There's A Woman I Greet To On The School Run Every Day. We're Strangers, But I Wrote Her A Christmas Card Thanking For Always Being So Kind To Me. This Morning, She Handed Me This

Image credits: JacklynKnoff

#42 Here Is My Opossum With Santa

Image credits: Kuthibale

#43 I Was Shocked To Get This In The Mail Today. Someone Found My Wallet, Which Was A Christmas Gift. All Cards And Cash Were Still In There

Image credits: supercalliefragislit

#44 I Missed My Connecting Flight And Was Crying By Myself When These Two Complete Strangers Came Up To Me And Helped Me Cheer Up

We chatted while waiting for our plane and played card games. Thank you so much, Matt and Levi. Truly great guys. Happy holidays!

Image credits: cchibear

#45 People Down The Road Are Hosting A Free Market For Those In Need Through The Holidays

Image credits: Krystaphonix

#46 For The Initial 8 Months Of Marriage, My Parents Maintained A Long-Distance Relationship, Exchanging Constant Letters. Going Through The Old Boxes, I Discovered Dad Even Mailed Our Cat

"Hey Peachy,

I'll bet this is your first Christmas card. I hope you're behaving and leaving the tree alone. Just wait until we get a dog - then you'll have something to play with that can play back!


Image credits: maddie_johnson

#47 Michael Esmond Paid Off 36 Families' Utility Bills. He Found Out Who Was At Risk Of Having Their Power Turned Off. He Spent $4,600 Making Their Holidays A Little Less Stressful

Image credits: DanielleApoNews

#48 I Work At A Children's Hospital, And Today, Someone Donated This Gaming Station

I've never heard of "Gamers Outreach," but they just helped make some kids' hospital stays a little more bearable, and I think that's awesome.

Image credits: SupaButt

#49 This 10-Year-Old Sweetie Had Been In The Shelter Since May, But On Christmas Eve, I Was Able To Give Her A Forever Home

A little backstory on this sweet girl for anyone interested. Her name is Duchess, and she was surrendered in May, where she bounced to a few different shelters. The shelter I adopted her from doesn't know the complete story, but her previous owners have had her for 10 years. She grew up with asthma, and the reason for giving her up was "too many animals." She's probably going to require an inhaler in the future, but she purrs louder than an engine, and I'm beyond excited to have her in my family.

Image credits: prettiestpooper

#50 This Year, My Family Will Spend Time Together Stuffing Stockings And Delivering Them To Homeless People

Image credits: StartingAnew123

#51 I Lost My Mom To Cancer Late This Year. Going Through Some Of Her Things, I Found This Present Made Out To Me. Needless To Say, It Means The World To Me

Image credits: AssignmentStrong2225

#52 It's My Cat's First Time Seeing A Christmas Tree. I Think He Likes It

Image credits: allavina

#53 The Latest Batch Of Harry Potter Wands. Currently Trying To Turn 200 Before Christmas To Give To The Local Children's Hospital

Image credits: willbo29

#54 Ukrainian Soldiers Celebrating Christmas

Image credits: GeneralStaffUA

#55 Rather Than Issuing Parking Fines This Holiday Season, My City's Parking Inspectors Are Leaving Notes Asking People To Donate To A Food Bank Or Local Charity

Image credits: stoivek

#56 Wonderful News

Image credits: JohnAda10163823

#57 For 12 Years, We've Been Buying Our Grandpa Gifts That Feature Cows For Christmas. This Year We Got A Real-Life Cow To Show Up In Front Of His House

His face and laughter was priceless and worth all the trouble!

Image credits: Rayn0rrr

#58 Last Christmas Me, And The Boys Took 100 Cheeseburgers And A Bunch Of Colas To An Orphanage

Sadly, I'm not in a situation to do it again this year, so I just thought maybe I could encourage someone to do something nice this year if you're able to. It doesn't have to be big, only what you can.

Image credits: 231923

#59 My Dad Dresses Up As A Santa Every Year So That He Could Entertain Local Kids. This Year He's Santa In A Snow Globe

Image credits: aubinfan

#60 When I Was Little, I Always Wanted An American Girl Doll, But We Could Never Afford One. Last Year For Christmas, My Parents Surprised Me With The American Girl Doll I Always Wanted

Image credits: youneedtocalmdown20

#61 If You Are Alone Or Have Nothing To Do On Christmas Day, Pop Into Meet & Deep News For A Mince Pie And Some Christmas Cheer. You Don't Have To Buy Anything. We Just Want To See You

Image credits: Meet & Deep News

#62 Christmas Gift To Myself, A New House

Image credits: Fa11enAngeLIV

#63 We're A Little Late, But Here's My Favorite Christmas Gift. After Nearly 30 Hours And Tons Of Intense Moments, This Little Guy Was Put Into My Arms

Image credits: suralya

#64 My Daughter's First Christmas

Image credits: syz_ygy_

#65 A Heartfelt Christmas Card From My Friend's Newspaper Girl

"To: The two women (I think) and their dog

Happy holidays from your newspaper delivery girl! I have not spent a lot of time talking to the two of you, but when I have, you've been very kind to me. I'm very grateful for that. And, on a more personal level, I also want to thank the two of you for being yourselves. I apologize if I've made an incorrect assumption, but the two of you are together, correct? As a young queer (bisexual) kid, it means a lot to see queer adults out (in all ways) and about being happy and just living their lives. 

Merry Christmas! (if you celebrate it)

I hope the two of you enjoy your movie!

From: The girl who delivers your newspapers"

Image credits: monkeyhatt

#66 My Partner Made Me This Jar For Christmas. It Was A Full Of Small Envelopes With Little Things I Do That I Didn't Even Know Anyone Noticed. I Definitely Didn't Cry

Image credits: SuspiciousLookingBee

#67 87-Year-Old Friends Got Together For The 64th Year In A Row To Bake Christmas Cookies. They Have Never Missed A December, Even Through Babies And Blizzards

Image credits: rneducator

#68 There's A Family In Our Church Who's In Need Of A Wonderful Christmas. So Today, With The Help Of Other Families, We Snuck Over Some Gifts For Them

Image credits: goodlyearth

#69 My Girlfriend Got Her Dream Job And Told Me She Was Going To Give Me The Christmas I Never Had This Year. I've Never Seen So Many Presents For Me Under The Tree

Image credits: mredditnoob

#70 This Amazing Woman Helping Out Not Only A Patient But His Dog Too

After this dog's owner was hospitalized, our resident was forced to give his dog to the Rome Humane Society. When our RN Jennifer heard about it, she immediately went there and adopted his dog so that she could bring him to visit while he completes his rehab.

Image credits: Adult Day Healthcare at The Grand at Rome

#71 I Introduced My Retired Bush Pilot Father To X-Plane 11 In VR This Christmas. He Was Blown Away

Image credits: BloodSteyn

#72 My 97-Year-Old Grandfather Got Sick And Couldn't Attend His Halloween Costume Contest, But He Is All Better Now And Is Enjoying His Christmas Party

Image credits: jzam0217

#73 Every Dad Ever: I Don't Want Another Dog. Yet We Have 4 Dogs, And He Puts Dog Picture Ornaments On The Bottom Of The Christmas Tree So The Dogs Can See Themselves

Image credits: Plantplant01

#74 My Mail Carrier Left Me This In My Mailbox, And It Just Warmed My Heart. He Works So Hard, Especially This Time Of Year, And He Is Just So Kind. People Like This Restore My Faith In Humanity

this time of year, I get recognized and thanked by a lot of the folks on my route, but this year, I wanted to flip the script and thank the people who I appreciate. Thank you for always being so kind and sweet whenever I come up to drop off packages. I just wanted to say thank you, and I appreciate you. There's so much negativity today, so I think there should be more emphasis on those who make a positive impact. Thank you for being you, continue being you, and keep being positive. It's what the world needs right now.
P.S. And your little dog too."

Image credits: cdavis9789

#75 I Bought My First Home Ever, And Tonight Was The First Time I've Ever Hung My Own Christmas Lights. It's Not Much, But I Think It Looks Good

Image credits: Tys_Wife

#76 I Will Celebrate Christmas With No Family, But It Didn't Stop Me From Cooking Myself A Healthy And Delicious Meal. Merry Christmas, Everyone

Image credits: scarlettvvitch

#77 With Everything Such A Mess With The House Fire, We Kinda Canceled Christmas. My Stepson Still Took The Time To Look Up My Birthstone And Pick Out A Necklace For Me For Christmas

I almost cried. I love my little family so much.

Image credits: ClnclyDprsd420

#78 I Made Cookie Trays For My Son's Real-Life Gaming Friends. He Thought I Was Making A Tray For The Group And Said That This Was "Excessive And Very Leslie Knope Of Me"

Image credits: theknittedgnome

#79 Making Felt Ornaments For My Son Who Was Born On Christmas Eve 2019. I Have A Few More To Go, But I Am Proud Of What I've Done So Far

Image credits: reddit.com

#80 I Brought My Beautiful Girl Home From The Shelter Just In Time For Her First Christmas With A Family

Image credits: reddit.com

#81 My Boyfriend Surprised Me With The Best Christmas Present Ever. Meet Arya

Image credits: jasminerose2017

#82 My Wife And I Are House Parents For At-Risk Youth, And Today We Are Celebrating Christmas. A Lot Of These Kids Have Never Experienced A "Real" Christmas Before Coming To Our Home

Image credits: RaymondGrizzly

#83 I Wear Pink As A Tribute To My Grandmother, Aunt And All Other Lives Lost To Breast Cancer

Image credits: BasisSame3308

#84 The "Victoria Fish Bar" Team Providing Free Meals To The Unfortunate And Lonely People

The "A" team at Victoria Fish Bar in Whitchurch has decided to be open on Christmas Day. Homelessness has been on the rise in Cardiff, and we think we need to make a difference as influential members of this community. Hence, on Christmas Day 12-3 pm, we shall be open for all homeless, elderly, and vulnerable people, providing free meals to all those who come. We realize that not everybody has the luxury of having a nice warm meal with family and friends at a loved one's house, so we will try very hard to emulate such an experience. So, to those who are homeless, elderly, or vulnerable, come and join us, and we can experience this great time together.

Image credits: Victoria fish bar

#85 Our Rescue Kitten Panther Has Discovered His First Christmas Tree

Image credits: JDefined

#86 My Son And I Showing Off Our Matching Christmas Tree "Tattoos"

Image credits: fuzz_boy

#87 Christmas For 2 Boys. It's Not Top Of The Line, But I Think They'll Love It! Most Excited I've Been For Christmas

Image credits: rxforyour7

#88 Proudest Day Of My Life. I Bought My Mom A Brand New iPad For Christmas. She's So Happy And Even Cried A Bit. She's The Best Mom I Could Ever Have. Merry Christmas

Image credits: Amphibinator7

#89 It's Mr. Meatpie's First Christmas

Image credits: ansooegagnon

#90 My Sister Used To Always Have Her Favorite Vicks Inhaler. Now That She's Gone, We Turned Them Into Ornaments, So She'd Still Be A Part Of Our Christmas Celebration

Image credits: Some-Specie

#91 During The Pandemic, I Fell Into A Depression, Wondering If I Was Worthy Of Love. This Year I Moved Across The World To Be With An Amazing Woman. Merry Christmas

Image credits: thesoraspace

#92 My Sister Lost Her Christmas Present. It Must Have Been In The Bag We Returned To Lands' End Because Two Weeks Later, We Got A Package From Them With The Lost Letter And A Gift Card

Image credits: bbackerr

#93 This Cowboy From The Kendall County Provided An Early Christmas Gift To Mothers At A Local Heb By Providing Them With Gift Cards

Image credits: HikeTheSky

#94 The Mother And Daughter Found My Tortoise Over 6 Miles Away, Who's Been Missing Since Before Christmas. They Tracked Me Down On Social Media And Brought Him Home Tonight

Image credits: McGriffff

#95 Due To Covid, My Dad Has Been Away From Home For Months. Today He Came With Christmas Gifts And Not Gonna Lie I Cried A Bit

Image credits: reaa143

#96 My Sister Sent This To Me For Christmas. I've Been The Proud Uncle Of Her Two Daughters For 8 And 7 Years

I said: "I hope I've earned it".
She said: "You definitely have".

Image credits: WendipxStarco

#97 This Wholesome Neighbor

My next-door neighbor lives on a fixed income, and sometimes I give him my empty cans so he can get a few bucks. Today, he gift-wrapped 3 (full) cans of PBR and dropped them off for me as a Christmas gift.

Image credits: CobraCornelius

#98 These Messages In A Bottle Are Christmas Gift For My Boyfriend To Remind Him How Much I Love Him

Image credits: minty_lilac

#99 My Boys Were Concerned That Santa Won't Come For Christmas, Since We Don't Have A Fireplace In Our House. So, I Decided To Build One This Week

Image credits: Farkinguy

#100 This Cute Mug, My Dad Got My Mum For Christmas This Year

Image credits: FreddoTheCheddo

#101 The Present I Made For My Adoptive Parents

Image credits: userunknown1998

#102 I Was Alone For Christmas, But My Old Polish Coworker Gave Me A Ton Of Leftovers

Image credits: eldersveld

#103 My 3 Kids Wanted To Spread Some Christmas Cheer And To Give Back. So We Made Some Ornaments To Hand Out

Image credits: Woitowiczfamily

#104 I Made This Christmas Quilt For My Aunt This Year. I Cannot Wait To Send It To Her

Image credits: stater_bros

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/IQxLPwA
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