30 Of The Most Chaotic Conspiracy Theories Netizens Have Ever Heard

Despite the vast amount of knowledge we have about our world, there are always some pockets of ignorance. Humans love a good story, but some of us start to create narratives about the unknown that are frankly, fantastical. 

Someone asked “What’s the weirdest/craziest conspiracy theory you have heard of?” and netizens shared the most bizarre things someone had told them. We also got in touch with Accomplished-Leg-991 who made the initial post. So prepare your tinfoil hat, make sure you aren’t on a 5G network, and attune your crystals before you scroll through. Be sure to upvote your favorites and comment your own thoughts below. 


That Walt Disney was cryogenically frozen, and they made the movie Frozen so that when people googled "Walt Disney Frozen" the movie would come up first.

Image credits: LizardPossum


Rocks are soft until touched. Dumbest, but still my favorite.

Image credits: JiN88reddit


You social security number indicates which bank you were sold to at birth.

Image credits: compuwiza1

Bored Panda got in touch with the fantastically named Accomplished-Leg-991 who posed the initial question to internet users and they were kind enough to answer some of our questions. Naturally, we were curious to hear why they decided to query the internet about the strangest conspiracy theories people have had the (misfortune) of hearing. 

“I was prompted to ask the question after seeing a “conspiracy iceberg” full of dark and also weird conspiracies,” they shared with Bored Panda. Interestingly, the “slippery slope” that gets people into conspiracy theories as true believers seems to also generate interest in the more niche variants. 


Had a co worker that fully believes the government controls the weather so celebrities can have nice weddings

Image credits: pinballgizard


Dinosaur bones were placed on earth by Satan to trick people into "abandoning" God.

Image credits: River_7890


That Finland doesn’t exist

Image credits: im-a-disaster

Accomplished-Leg-991’s post ended up going quite viral as many people shared all the outlandish things they have heard, so we wanted to hear their opinion on what attracted folks to the thread. “I think the post got good reach as it is something most people will think about and hold in their heads as absurd or crazy and makes them wanna spill.”


Traffic barrels are left up for so long because the department of transportation bought too many & has no place to store them

Image credits: dailysunshineKO


That owning chickens are the gateway drug to believing conspiracy theories

Image credits: sarcasmawm


That birds are not real and are actually just surveillance for the government. It's a great eye rolling experience. 

Image credits: Dependent_Main2643

Lastly, we wanted to hear if Accomplished-Leg-991 themselves had heard any particularly bizarre conspiracy theories in person. “I’ve heard tons of crazy conspiracy theories but clockwork elves, the theory of the Las Vegas shooter, and the dancing plague I love. Plus there are tons more but there are a few,” they shared with Bored Panda.


My mother believes that it’s so difficult to get appointments with doctors is because illegal immigrants are taking all the appointments. I laughed until I realized she was serious.

Image credits: boughmadeofwood


Dollar general stores are run by the government to get information about UFOs

Image credits: cam52391


The earth is flat and everyone person has their own sun like the sun you see and the one I see is completely different

Image credits: Mediocre_Meat_5992


Mountains are all the stumps of ancient fossilized enormous trees.

I'm absolutely *obsessed* with this theory. It's connected to flat earth, but flat earth isn't a requirement for this theory nor do most flat earthers believe it.

Image credits: inkstainedgoblin


That ADHD havers are actually glitching through different dimensions

Image credits: Saltmetoast


Met a dude at the gym that believed that the CIA had built tunnels throughout the Earth's core, connecting all the major cities. Was some kind of global takeover scheme.

Image credits: Latham74


Recently TikTok kept giving bizarre suggestions where people trying to prove Ice Wall in Antarctica that Earth is bigger and something is hiding behind ice wall in Antarctica…. Wth

Image credits: move_progress_wait


Chemtrails have got to be up there.

Image credits: thisgrantstomb


Conspiracy 58. Basically, a conspiracy that the World Cup from 1958 never happened in Sweden as it was broadcast and it was a CIA psy-op. The conspiracy is documented in a movie *Conspiracy 58,* which makes a very compelling case - until at the every end of the credits, were it claims to be a work of fiction (but the text only in Swedish). People legitimately believe this theory now.

Image credits: malleoceruleo


The "5g waves emitted by the Emergency Broadcast test activate the Covid vaccine microchips and turn people into zombies/give them Marburg" one is definitely one of the weirdest I've ever heard

Image credits: furiousfran


Truck driver that delivered my flooring gave me this gem: The push for green lawns in the US is by Big Pharma.

The cliff notes version is that to get green grass, you need pesticides, pesticides cause cancer, cancer is good business for drug companies. It was like a 20 minute long rant to get to that conclusion and it was an adventure.

Image credits: StillBald


We're all infected by parasites that feed on our stress hormones reseased by negative emotions like guilt, sadness, anger, fear, and so on. They control our minds and, thereby, us to an extent. The only way to combat them is by being aware and questioning if your thoughts and actions are truly your own thoughts and actions.

Image credits: 42clickslater


A very strange conspiracy theory I've heard about is the story of the "Lizardpeople" or "reptilians". According to this theory, high-ranking political leaders and celebrities are actually hidden humanoid reptilians who control the world. They are supposed to be able to change their form and aim to manipulate humanity. It sounds like the script of a science fiction movie, but there are people who really believe it. Well, sometimes people's imagination knows no bounds!

Image credits: AdBeneficial4699


I have to say the one about politicians drinking infant blood in the basements of pizza parlors in order to get adrenochrome is a pretty crazy one. Because the only way to get adrenochrome is through vampiric acts since chemistry isn’t a thing

Image credits: AkuraPiety


My friend and his dad are big Conspiracy theorists. They listened to Alex Jones every day and believed him too. A couple of years ago it was on the news that some Navy Seals and the PD Swat were going to do a joint training exercise. Those 2 were convinced that it was all a ruse and that they were going to try and take over the city. So that day they didn't open their business and stayed home and armed themselves with every weapon they had and waited for an "attack"

Image credits: Melodic_Abalone_2820


Covid was not a virus, it was actually the result of the Catholic church lacing the world's water supply with King Cobra venom in order to genetically transform the world's populace into snake-human-demon hybrids, thus preventing them from going to heaven. This was all because the scientific name of the King Cobra and a piece of a bishop's miter contain the word "corona". The person who presented this theory apparently had no idea that corona just means crown in latin, he was presumably too busy being contacted by God through fortune cookies he got from a chinese restaurant.

Image credits: Mr_Squids


That the great fire of London was actually started by a rat spontaneously combusting.

Image credits: TheScarceRecrea


Some nutjobs have convinced themselves that every celebrity is trans. They point out all kinds of physical attributes that "prove it" like "masculine jawline" and "male eyes", or "too small hips that a woman wouldn't be able to birth through, must be a man". One bikini pic of Taylor Swift shows a bit pronounced pubic mound, and the conspiracy nutters never having seen a natural naked woman went "Yup must be a penis" It's called Transvestigation if you're interested.

Image credits: PzMcQuire


The uss Philadelphia experiment and the us army soldier who claimed he was in an interdimensional waiting room as a greeter for eternity until he was suddenly transported back onto the ship. People claimed it was a cloaking device gone wrong and left mena bodies trapped within the steel of the boat upon reentry. I never looked into it but read about it in a book that had the name like "Nothing in this book is true but it's exactly the way things are" or something similar. Always thought it was the wildest conspiracy theory ever when I was a stoned teenager reading it.

Image credits: Hereforthefreecake


There’s a whole podcast with hundreds of episodes dedicated to this subject. Worth a listen. One of the wildest ones is that Charlemagne’s grandson moved the calendar forward ~300 years and thus the dark ages never happened.

Image credits: seandowling73


Flat Earth.
Just . . . everything about it.

Image credits: GMSryBut

source https://www.boredpanda.com/wild-conspiracy-theories/
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