People Are Sharing 78 Things That Aren’t Socially Acceptable But They Still Do Them

While joking about certain topics has become more prevalent, actually getting into the weeds and discussing things like mental health, social desirability, and being just self-conscious about everything rarely gets earnestly explored. Despite our better judgment, these things remain distasteful for public consumption and get sidelined. 

So it’s not surprising that an internet user wanted to know what “socially unacceptable” things people actually thought about themselves. Answers ranged from brutally honest to poignant, so strap in, get comfortable, and be sure to upvote your favorites and comment your own, personal examples. 


I feel like I'm constantly analysing how to interact with people - every conversation I have feels like a performance and not the real me, like Im just mimicking other conversations I've read or heard.

Image credits: fizzjamk


I can never tell if I am a lazy person or depressed.

Image credits: MotherChucker81


I talk to myself as if people were listening even when I’m alone

Image credits: Jesusdidntlikethat

We, humans, have a strange desire to appear in a way that we think will make people like or respect us more. In research, this is called social desirability bias and it is the bane of survey-makers across the globe. The long and short of it is that even in fully anonymous surveys, people will answer them in ways that they think make them look better. It’s not hard to realize just how much this can skew any data collection.

Beyond survey gathering, it also indicates that we feel a constant, omnipresent pressure to conform to certain standards publicly, even if we hardly follow them at home. We at some level are always aware of what is or isn’t socially acceptable and we’ll modify our public behavior to match. For example, people will state that voting is important and that they do it every election while not actually voting a single time. 


I hate kids and am a teacher. I’m a high school teacher and I enjoy teaching teenagers, but can’t stand kids under the age of 11.

Image credits: ljnr


I don’t know what the f**k I’m doing most of the time. Respectfully.

Image credits: yungwill22


As a woman I do not want kids.

I also think people should be able to choose voluntary euthanasia so they don't have to suffer if they don't want to (generally not for mental health problems but for physical ones).

Also, I don't follow rules because this post said one thing and I said three things, so there.

Image credits: nictme

Mental health is another topic that most agree is important to discuss but hardly ever broach the subject themselves. So one way people manage to accurately describe the way they feel is through humor. People joke about depression and anxiety quite often, despite both being relatively serious matters. The good news is that just joking about the topic can help alleviate some of the symptoms. Studies show that even a bit of humor can help take the edge off depression and help maintain happier relationships. 


I daydream wayyyy to much. I'm constantly day dreaming. At home, at work, while I'm driving, before I'm sleeping, while I'm eating. I'm always daydreaming.

Edit: I was not expecting this to blow up as much as it has. I'm really glad to know that I'm not the only one. I'll try to reply to everyone individually.

Image credits: Betty_blue21


When I'm out in public I sometimes put my earbuds in just to listen to what other people are saying around me, nothing playing on my end.

EDIT: Didn't really expect this one to get noticed and thank you for the award.

Image credits: 3lseworld


I have an incredibly hard time talking to people I don't know.

Image credits: bb54321

On a fully separate tangent, nose-picking. Abhorrent. Childish. Disgusting. Also, we basically all do it. Despite how unacceptable it appears to be, most humans pick their noses roughly four times a day, no doubt making sure to be out of sight from any fellow nose-pickers. Due to it being so socially unacceptable, people vastly underestimate how often it happens, with only 75% of US respondents in one study believing that everyone has tried it. 


I pick my nose relentlessly.

Image credits: spoink74


I have no real desire to do anything extraordinary with my life. I just want to have my own little corner in the world, and not be bothered by anyone. Or bother anyone.

Add-on: WOW this blew up! Thanks guys ?

Image credits: Specktakles88


A can go for weeks without talking to anyone. I have no need to talk. I’d make a great vow of silence monk.

Image credits: irrational_design

Ok, away from the nose and on to daydreaming. Most of us do this as well, due to boredom or just an escape from reality. But some take it so far that it can begin to interfere with their real lives. This is often called maladaptive daydreaming or excessive daydreaming. Basically, it’s daydreaming so intense and frequent that the person begins to forget where they are, which negatively affects their academic or professional performance. Often this manifests as fake conversions people have in their heads. It, unfortunately, remains understudied and is not currently classified as a mental disorder.


I have fake conversations with people i know in my head that result in me argumenting loudly to no one.

Image credits: tomo393


I definitely do not know at what point expressing my desire to talk to someone crosses from 'reaching out in a friendly way' into 'annoying and impinging'.

And I worry about it !

EDIT: It is weirdly reassuring to see how many others feel similarly.

Image credits: TheShendelzare


I am a grown man who likes to play with action figures and yes I do make the noises to pretend they’re fighting it’s my hobby it relaxes me and yet I rarely tell people because they look at me like I’m a child why should we loose our sense of wonder as we grow?

Image credits: buffkirby

We also absolutely love some gossip. As one post here mentions, the person will leave earbuds in without anything playing to eavesdrop on what people are speaking about. Or think about going out to dinner and overhearing a terrible first date or argument from a nearby table. Most of us, myself included, would stop what we are doing and listen in. From an evolutionary standpoint, this is an important element of social grooming, but it also often seems childish and people do not want to admit to doing it. 


I don't want to work.

I just want to live in a grassy field and eat fruit.

Image credits: BurplePerry


I have no ambition to do anything. no dream job or passions either. I’m not depressed by any stretch but I just would be happy and fine if all I did was lay around all day and live off saved money. However most people are utterly disgusted by that so I lie and pretend I have a dream job or that I’m passionate about certain things I honestly only really do any of those things for money or to pass the time. I don’t care about any of them.

Image credits: Boolian_Logic


I can’t do groceries by my self always have to call a homie to come with me. I can do anything publicly but idk wtf it is about grocery stores I need someone to hold my hand or else I am dipping WITHOUT ANY GROCERIES.

Image credits: Archamaru


I would rather sleep than talk to another person like, all the time.


I’m a reasonably attractive, goal-driven woman in my 20s and I have genital herpes. Right before the first pandemic shutdown I was raped at a concert and got it as a result.

I’ve healed a lot from what happened and have very much come to terms with it and I accept it’s a part of who I am, but yeah, generally the perspective on STDs sucks and people are quick to joke about them/judge people who have them when in reality these things can happen to just about anyone.

Edit: I made this post right before bed last night and woke up to so much kindness from you lovely people. Thank you for the reassurance and encouragement, appreciation doesn’t begin to cover how I feel right now. The anniversary of when everything happened is coming up in a few weeks so naturally this has been on my mind a bit more. You’ve all made me feel a lot less alone and have given me a more positive outlook. Thank you so much.

Image credits: seas1dbeginner


I pee in the shower and I’m not ashamed

Image credits: PencilShavingss


I've always struggled with sweaty hands and feet since I was a small child. In formal settings I enjoy the option of wearing opera gloves. People think I'm being fancy. Nah bra I'm just hiding that I have to shake 9000 hands at this event tonight and I don't want to have to keep wiping them on my dress.

Image credits: happyfunisocheese


Long one here.

I dumpster dive and find perfectly good fruit at the grocery store. I don't eat them but turn it into cider or distill it to something stronger. When I go to a group event or party I just bring a 10+ gallons of whatever to the party as my contribution to the group. I've given many people at least 200 gallons of alcohol to mix drinks for their wedding or events. All for free.

The thing is... I don't drink. Don't drink at all.


Fixing some confusing wording. Thanks. I don't think this is impressive at all as I think anyone can make alcohol/cider.

Image credits: boomawangg


It might sound ridiculous, but I was born a left handed person. It was unacceptable in our family and I was forced to eat and write with my right hand.

Now, I can write with both but much faster and neater with my right hand.

In my dreams, I still write and eat with my left hand.

Edit: Additional information.
I was born in Feb1982..... in India.
Studied in a catholic school, a Jesuit School to be precise.... so Christian(Italian) beliefs.

Yes, I started eating with my left hand again as I use my right hand to wash and wipe my rear. Couldn't wash with my left.

Edit2: Thank you everyone.

Image credits: Entire-Control-8273


I will do nothing but sleep and eat all day if i could

Image credits: fernandito_chiquito


Id rather be naked about 80%of the time

Image credits: Spicedmeat69


Sometimes I like having fake phone conversations. Sometimes because I just need to talk through a problem or plan something out loud but my mom isn't picking up the phone. Sometimes for my own entertainment (trying to get people to eavesdrop).

Image credits: deqb


When I worked in a human transplant tissue lab I would talk to the (deceased) donors to make myself feel better about processing a person who died suddenly hours before.. like “hey Mrs. Byrd, how are we feeling today?” When she is obviously lying in pieces in a cooler about to be swabbed, irradiated, and transplanted in another human.

Image credits: anon


I never just have a “few beers” if I have one


I shower once a week. Sometimes I go longer. I also have a hard time getting around to brushing my teeth.

I brought it up with my therapist and I’m trying to improve. Every time I have a good streak going, something f***s up and then I fall into weeks without cleaning myself. I don’t know what to do.

Even worse, I’m completely anosmic. So I can’t even smell myself, and often forget that I need to get clean.


I'm happy to be a jealous psycho who is married to another jealous psycho. When I share stories of how possessive we are people generally ask me how we're still together or if it's smothering.


The uncontrollable urge to discuss rats during sexual intercourse. It started off as a joke but now the thoughts are pretty intrusive.


I absolutely hate driving. It's hard to find a decent job when there's nothing good around, and the thought of driving further than 10 mins away makes me want to jump off a bridge

Edit: glad I'm not the only one who feels this way
Thanks for all the upvotes, that's my first time past 1k


I have a voice in my head who I talk to out loud sometimes. Not like my inner thoughts but it’s like they’re another person. I know they’re not real but they make me think twice about doing or not doing something. Usually for the better.


I’m fat


I think babies are obnoxious s**t machines.


I'm **always** slightly high.


I see no conversation off limits.


There is nothing I've encountered inside a fish tank or kitchen sink that I have felt too grossed out by to shove my hand in. Days old discolored grease congealed at the top of a sink filled with water? I'll reach in and unclog it. A fish filter that hasn't been changed in literal YEARS and is completely full of algae and fish s**t? I'll grab it with my bare hands and toss it no problem.


i am 46 years old and whenever i come across a self opening door i make a small movement with my hand like i am using the force... i dont even control that consciously anymore its automated behaviour


I’m a woman and I’m completely disgusted by pregnancy, I don’t find it beautiful at all. It creeps me out.


I enjoy the stink of my farts.


That i lie to seem cool i general dont know why i do probably cause i craved attention but i try not too


I had 2 kids by the age of 18 in a heavily Mennonite Christian area nicknamed "The Bible Belt" in southern Canada.


I have never been in an emotionally deep and mutually trusting relationship. I want to be but I've never met someone who felt the same way. I'm very introverted and one poor relationship experience left me reeling for the better part of a decade.


I met my wife at her wedding.

Edit: Holy s**t, that blew up. RIP my inbox. I posted this just before going to bed last night, sorry to leave you all hanging. I guess it’s story time!

My ex-wife and I went to one of her friend/co-workers wedding about 10 years ago (let’s call the friend Sarah). I had never met Sarah before. Over the years we kind of became friends but not particularly close. She’d come over to take care of our son once in a while when I was working nights and my ex had something going on, we went camping with her and her husband a few times, I even went to the movies with her husband once or twice. Sarah and I always got along really well. We had very similar taste in music, very similar sarcastic senses of humour.

Well, things started getting really s****y between my wife and I and eventually she left me. Sarah kind of acted like a buffer between us because things were tense and we still had a child to consider. This led to Sarah and I starting to have long conversations about pretty personal stuff. Little did I know her marriage was in trouble too. Her husband (let’s call him Dave) had essentially forced her into an open relationship that she didn’t want. She’d agreed to try it because she didn’t want to give up on it but by this point she’d had enough. I even called Dave and told him to sort his s**t out and stop doing this to Sarah. He did not and eventually Sarah left him. Through all of this she and I kept talking, almost like a kind of therapy. We were both going through really difficult things and being there for each other really helped get both of us through.

My ex, Sarah and some of my ex’s other friends were up at a cottage for a girls weekend, and on the Saturday night I get a text from Sarah saying she’s leaving because my ex had outed her for some very personal stuff in front of the other people there who she didn’t even know that well. Her plan was to sleep in her car and drive home in the morning. I was living between the cottage and where she lived and was worried about her so I told her to come crash at my place for the night, which she did (nothing happened).

After that we started hanging out more frequently and really started to become attracted to each other. Sarah had told me before this that she had feelings for me, I had still been trying to make things work with my ex and had told Sarah that we couldn’t because it would devastate her. By the time all this happened I’d started dating a little bit and had given up on working things out. I also wasn’t very concerned about how my ex would react anymore because she’d been pretty horrible to both of us for quite a while now. One thing led to another, and one night we just said f**k it. And that was that. We’ve been together about 5 years now, have a kid and couldn’t be happier.


Can't stand brushing my teeth. I do it but hate it.

EDIT: Kinda sad the highest upvoted comment I have is about hating brushing my teeth lol. Please brush your teeth folks: my mom's are falling out because of her poor hygeine when she was younger.


I have bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. No matter how much people scream “mental health matters” on their social media pages, the stigma is VERY MUCH still there.

EDIT: I wish I could go through and like every single one of your comments. Just know that I see you, I hear you, I recognize you AND your struggles, I appreciate you, and I wish you all the best!! Also PLEASE seek help when you feel like you need it. There are so many professionals out there who I promise will listen!


I think I’m autistic but I’m not diagnosed. I’ve been reading a ton of studies on ASD presentation in adults but I almost feel embarrassed doing so without a diagnosis.


I hate showering. I do it everyday but I hate it


I don't talk to anyone other than close relative
Not even friends


I think being a stay at home dad would be great. I hope I can be.


I'm suicidal. Passively, meaning I'm not making any plans. I'm safe and this is a constant for me. It feels like I can't tell my friends except in asking for help. I just want this to be something I can tell people because it's so significant in my inner world.

edit: i am getting professional help, i've been in therapy and medicated for a while. thanks for all your concern, im sorry i didnt say that in the original comment


I don't have any hobbys. I just don't have anything special I do to be entertaint or something that makes me super interesting.

People just question me what the hell I do all day without anything like that.
It's not a good look somehow?


If offered, I would probably endulge in a drug and prostitue fuelled orgy


I think my family are a bunch of self involved manipulating a******s and if they didn’t talk to me again, it might make my life easier.


I am faking everything. Literally. I could not care less about anything. But I fake it all.


I support my husband not working.

Come at me bros.


I'm 34 years old and sleep with my childhood teddy bear and I refuse to pass it down to my child.


I flake on plans 99.999% of the time.

Edit: s**t guys, I’m gonna work on this.


I am a pig farmer.

Most y'all eat your pork, but most people don't like to think of where it came from or how it got there. The number of times I've had people imply implicitly and explicitly that I am a murder is absurd considering a vast majority of them I know eat pork or love bacon. Outside of Reddit, I no longer tell anyone what I do.

What really gets me is that I take great pride in the high standards I keep at my farm. They have short and hard lives so I make sure they are taken care of and treated well by my coworkers.


On occasion, I prefer to drink hot water. All my friends think I am insane. Each time I explain, yes, I still drink cold water. Yes, I still use ice in the summer. But sometimes, I prefer hot water to sip on. They just don’t get it.


My father was not a very engaged parent, but when school started trying to force me to be right handed, he went to the school for the first and only time. He told them “ the boy is left handed, let him be” and they did.


I think this world is absolutely ridiculous


I prefer being alone/away from others


I heat up my cereal in the microwave. It’s cozy.


I work very very hard to be equally prejudiced to all people.


I'm a hopeless people pleaser, i'm working very hard on that but i've been abused into being terrified of making anyone upset so i tend to let people walk on me and push limits until it's really breaking me before i start setting boundaries and it often results in hurtful situations for everyone involved.

I'm working on it though.


I don't care what I look like in public. I dress to be comfortable.


I **love** not having kids!


I am really good at relating to everybody and then they say or do something I don't like and I ghost. It doesn't even have to be anything that serious...I just peace out. Someone said I just don't like people but I'm sure it's deeper than that.


I internet stalk the s**t out of potential crushes to decide if I want to actually pursue a date w them. Totally opposite of my fairly chill exterior.


I read fanfiction constantly. Like, a LOT of fanfiction


Apparently me not wanting to drink often is socially unacceptable to my peers. Had some guy basically yell at me over and over at a party because I didn’t want to drink :/


I don't go out of my house if it's not extremely necessary


I like to give imaginary tours to people from my life when I drive alone. It could be my wife, old friends, cousins, crushes from high school… Doesn’t matter who. I pretend like I’m taking them for a drive around the city to make my drive a little less boring. All this is involuntary.

Edit: Thanks for the award ? I didn’t realize my quirk is so popular. And glad that I’m not the only one.


I like sardines


I have spent unhealthy amounts of time imagining how radically different my life would be if I didn't mess up big time

from Bored Panda
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