94 Hilarious Reasons “Why My Kid Is Crying”

Anyone who’s raised kids or worked as a babysitter knows that they can go on emotional rollercoaster rides at times. Before you know it, here come the waterworks, and you’re left there, completely stumped, trying to figure out what caused the munchkins to be in tears. It might have been something random like a pancake that was ‘too spicy’ or not being allowed to play around in horse dung.

‘Why My Kid Is Crying’ is a roaringly funny Facebook page that collects all the hilarious and silly reasons why children have ended up bawling. Scroll down for the best posts and don’t forget to say a silent prayer for these patient parents who clearly deserve a long vacation.

We were interested to learn more about 'Why My Kid is Crying,' so we got in touch with one of the co-founders, Amy, who created the page together with her friend, Erin. She was kind enough to tell Bored Panda about the idea behind the social media project and shared some great advice for overwhelmed parents. Read on for the full interview.


"Because he threw food at the dog & she ate it"

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


I wouldn't let him drive the car.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


Because I wouldn't let her wear my dirty underwear around her neck like a necklace.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying

"The idea behind Why My Kid is Crying is mostly because kids are exhausting. They cry for the silliest reasons," the curator of the Facebook page, Amy, opened up to Bored Panda, adding that having a community you can open up to can help you get through the harder days.

"Kids can definitely be unpredictable and it's important to find humor in the chaos. Our Why My Kid is Crying page is a great way to connect with other parents who can relate to the challenges of raising kids," the mom said.

Amy said that she and her best friend, Erin, had their sons 3 days apart and that eventually became the inspiration for the entire page. "We would just share the funny stories with each other about our kids and why they were crying. So we thought other parents must be going through the same thing. We both started the page together as an outlet to just share and connect with other parents and just laugh together."


Because I won't wipe his lips off his face. He doesn’t want them anymore.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


He's eating the muffin she didnt want.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


Because we wouldn't let her "splash" in horse poo.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying

The co-founder of the page agreed that parenting is definitely exhausting. "It's definitely not easy, but remember to take care of yourself too. Self-care is important and it's okay to ask for help when you need it," she told parents everywhere that they need to remember their own needs as well. You can't focus on everyone else at your own expense all the time.

"Don't forget to take breaks and spend some time doing things you enjoy. I was once told when I became a new mom, 'The days are long but the years are short.' And if that's not the truest thing ever," she said.


Because I won't let her pull the dog's lips off his face...

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


Her father and I wouldn't let her get hit by a car driving thru the parking lot.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying

Bored Panda was also curious about what parents could do when the waterworks start. The co-founder of 'Why My Kid Is Crying' shared a few useful tips (and we hope you're all taking notes, dear Pandas).

"It depends on the situation, but sometimes all you can do is comfort them and let them know that it's okay to cry. Other times, a little distraction can help," the mom offered some advice.

"Sometimes you just have to laugh through it because they're upset you used the red bowl but they actually wanted the blue one. But it's always important to remember they are little kids with big emotions just trying to learn how to deal with them and looking to you for guidance," Amy said.


Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


Because I couldn't put her hair back on after she cut it at grandma's house.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


I tried to take the sausage off him. TWO HOURS AFTER DINNER TIME He refused to eat it, he just wanted to hold it.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying

Probably the best way to deal with stress as a parent is to look at the types of temper tantrums featured in this list from a different perspective. Try to see the comedy in the entire situation, even if, in the moment, you’re feeling frustrated and confused. Sharing moments like this with your family, friends, and random internet strangers, can help you focus on the humor.

Another secret to staying sane as a parent is to learn to ask for help. You’re a parent, but you’re not just a parent: no matter how family-oriented you might be, you’re a human being who has other needs and ambitions. So if you feel like you’re losing the plot a little bit (read: going insane from picking up the Lego for the twelfth time that week), ask your partner for a breather.


"We wouldn't let him eat rocks"

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


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Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying

Take a few hours or half a day off to be with yourself. Go on a hike. Do some exercise. Paint or read or write in silence. Or just book a hotel room, take a nice long bath, and get some well-deserved sleep. If you both need some time off together, get your relatives or pals to babysit for a little while. You shouldn’t feel guilty about needing to recharge.

In our experience, there are a few straightforward ways to deal with tears. If your kid is bawling like it’s the end of the world, you could try to distract them or make them laugh. It’s hard to be upset when you’re giggling or looking at a cute doggo. However, keep in mind that distracting someone a child from their emotions might not be good for them in the long run, so use that tactic sparingly. Something else that works equally well is simply… embracing the situation. Accept the fact that your child is upset, but don’t feel like you need to put on a performance every time there’s a tear over ridiculous stuff.


I wouldn't cut his plastic banana in half.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


She's crying because I wouldn't let her pull one of my pubic hairs out while I was going to the bathroom.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


She discovered her arm fuzz.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying

Be there for your child, support them, hear them out, but you don’t necessarily need to try and solve the problem. Because, sometimes, there’s no problem to be solved either way—your lil’ munchkin might simply be upset that you’ve set boundaries or stopped them from doing something dangerous.

Other times, your child might be tired, hungry, hurt, ill, overwhelmed, or confused. Just like we all feel, from time to time. Hug them, give them a snack, go for a walk, read a book together, find some other fun activity, or simply take a nap. Give it some time and they’ll be bright and cheerful again. Tears are a part of life, and it’s perfectly fine to be sad from time to time. Even if it is about pancakes being ‘too spicy.’


She kept trying to drink the ketchup like a baby bottle.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


"I wouldn't let him eat coffee pods"

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


Because I wouldn't let her use her marker on the couch.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying

The ‘Why My Kid Is Crying’ page had just shy of 10k followers at the time of writing. The curator of the project shares photos and screenshots of parents posting about the most ridiculous stories that got their darling little angels to tear up.

We’re not going to pretend otherwise—the posts are incredibly funny. The only thing we’d advise you is to not eat or drink anything while you’re scrolling. We may or may not have chuckled a bit too strongly as we gulped down some coffee. 


When I wouldn't let her snuggle the BURNING candles. Because the non burning ones are “laaame".

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


Because I won't smell his feet.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


He wants his booger back.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying

The founder of the page points out that kids “cry for the silliest reasons sometimes” and that you don’t always have to look for logic where none exists.

“Find some sanity in knowing that you're not alone when your baby or toddler throws a tantrum for something silly,” the curator alludes to the fact that crying over random and silly things is a very widespread phenomenon.


Because the noodles weren't shaped to her liking.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


"She was crying because I didn't let her eat the rug"

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


"We wouldn't let him go inside and eat frozen bacon"

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying

Random crying is not something that’s very rare. And that’s the beauty of the page: the content is incredibly relatable. Add some hilarious situations, a dash of weirdness, and some good old-fashioned venting, and you’ve got a powerful recipe for internet content that hits just right.

The thing is that as long as the internet continues to exist and people keep on having kids, parenting stories and memes will continue to be popular. It’s an evergreen topic (like cat pics and work rants).

However, that means that there’s always going to be some tough competition to stand out from other pages that tackle parenting. Carving out a niche, like focusing on ridiculous reasons why kids cry, is one way to set yourself further apart.


Because I wouldn't let him into the closet to play in the cat litter box.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


Because the Kraft Mac n Cheese was too cheesy.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


He's crying because he couldn't fit in the tiny box.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying

Which of these posts made you laugh the hardest, Pandas? Have you or your kids cried about something as random as in these pics? What's your go-to tactic to deal with tears? Share your thoughts in the comments. Meanwhile, if you'd like some more stories about all the silly reasons why kids cry, check out Bored Panda's earlier features right here, here, and here.


I turned his cape around so it was on his back.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


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"She was mad that I put toothpaste on her toothbrush"

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"I won't let her eat a dog bone the dog has already chewed on"

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"I won't let her drink coffee"

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


"He was crying because he couldn’t have the scentsy warmer that looked like a ball."

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


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I gave his sister a cookie too.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


"Because I gave him the sippy cup he cried for."

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


"I wouldn't let her eat dog food"

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


Because he couldn't have one of my pregnancy vitamins.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


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She met Santa.

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"Because she couldn’t stab her day care provider with a toy knife"

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The pebble was in his nose. Hes mad because i took it out and won't give it back.

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


I wouldnt let her stick her fingers in the brand new package of cream cheese.

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"Because we left Target"

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"I won't give him candy for breakfast"

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Because he couldnt lift the dumbbell.

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"Why my kid is crying? Because I told him not to put the caprisun straw in the water bottle because it was too short and he did it anyway and can't get it out"

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying


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"I bought him new jeans"

Image credits: Why My Kid Is Crying

source https://www.boredpanda.com/why-my-kid-is-crying-funny-posts/
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