Someone Asked People “What Is A True Fact So Baffling, It Should Be False?” And 65 Delivered Illuminating Responses

Truth is stranger than fiction, they say. This recent Ask Reddit thread is a great example of that.

“What is a true fact so baffling, it should be false?” someone posed a question, sparking a viral thread full of random and hard-to-believe facts.

Did you know that cheetahs don’t roar? And what about the fact that we live many times closer to the last dinosaur than the first and last dinosaur did to each other?

Below we wrapped up some of the most unbelievable and mind-bending facts, so pull your seat closer.


The record for most children born to one mother is 69, to the wife of Feodor Vassilyev (b. 1707–c.1782), a peasant from Shuya, Russia. In 27 labors, she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets.

Edit: wife name is Valentina Vassilyeva.

Image credits: manoa99


People were deliberately infected with malaria to cure their syphilis, and the man who developed this treatment - Julius Wagner-Jauregg received the nobel prize for it.

(The extremely high fevers of the malaria infections [unalived] the syphilis bacteria, then the patients were cured of the malaria using quinine.)

Image credits: zazzlekdazzle


The longest time between two twins being born is 87 days.

Image credits: Psycondriact


Cheetahs cant roar, but they can meow like house cats.

Image credits: karatekid606


We live many times closer to the last dinosaur than the first and last dinosaur did to each other.

Image credits: Laikathespaceface


Giraffes eat bones.

Image credits: anon


There were more planes destroyed in World War II than there are (currently intact) planes on Earth today

Image credits: Dickcheese_McDoogles


More people died making the V2 rockets during WW2 than were [unalived] by them

Image credits: nellifant032


To scale, the distance between a nucleus and orbiting electron is 16 times longer than the distance between the Sun and Pluto.

Image credits: LonelyPauper


There are more trees on the earth than stars in the Milky Way.

Every time you shuffle a deck of cards, you've probably made an entirely unique order, as compared to every other shuffle in history.

Image credits: ConneryFTW


If you earned $1 every second, it would take 2,921 years to have more money than Bill Gates.

Image credits: grwrnotashowrthought


It's pretty well known by now, but calculators today have more computing power than Apollo 11. We got to the moon with slide rulers and huge balls.

Image credits: SayNoToStim


There is an extremely rare condition called "Stone Man Syndrome", it causes any, smallest damage done to tissue to regrow into a bone, speaking briefly. People affected by this sickness slowly turn into living statues as they get older

Image credits: EnderCorePL


In chess there are over 9 million variations after just 3 moves each. 288 billion different possible positions after 4 moves each. In a complete game there are more possible positions than there are electrons in the observable universe.

Image credits: canyouevenreadthat


You are closer to being a millionaire than Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos.

Image credits: vswr


From 1613 and 1620 a Samurai travelled to Rome by way of Mexico. During this time, Shakespeare was still alive, Virginia had been founded for around a decade, Gallileo was accused of heresy, and Pocahantes arrived in England. He met the Pope he was made a Roman citizen. His name was Hasekura Tsunenaga, and was the last japanese person to officially visit Europe until around 1860.

Image credits: thecinnaman123


A morbidly obese person can survive with absolute starvation without any sickness or feeling ill (under close control). There have been studies since 60's, there is a patient in 1973 who went under a 382 day starvation diet for therapuetic purposes under close control with only vitamin and mineral supplements and water intake without protein, carbohydrate or fat intake (no food at all). Dropped from 207 kg to 88kg and maintained it. After a follow up check-up 5 years later, the patient was 96 kilograms, stabilized. Prolonged fasting had no ill effects. If anybody is curious about the article, the pubmed ID is: PMC2495396.

Edit: fixed autocorrect

Image credits: Dartosismyname


There is no good metric for 'the number of languages on earth'. This is mostly because linguists cannot agree on what constitutes a new language and what constitutes a dialect of an existing language.

The best current metric of how many languages exist is the number of translations of the Christian bible.

Image credits: default52


Nintendo was founded in 1889.

Image credits: RanaGrenier


If Earth was a basketball, to scale the moon would be a tennis ball. It would orbit around 7.5 meters away, which is a lot farther than most people think.

If the nucleus of a hydrogen atom was a tennis ball, to scale the electron would orbit at about 2500 meters away. There is no ball small enough to compare to how small electrons would still be at this scale.

Image credits: anon


The Tyrannosaurus Rex lived closer in time to us than it did the Stegosaurus.

Image credits: bolivar-shagnasty


Ireland was a net exporter of food during the great potato famine.

Image credits: 270343


In the last 3,000 years, there were only 268 years in which there was no war in the world

Image credits: Kanuchoo


Oxford University Predates the Aztec empire by over 200 years.

And, for fun one of my favorites:

Woolly Mammoths were still around at the time the Great Pyramids in Giza were built.

Image credits: oldenbka


An eyewitness to Lincoln’s assassination at Ford’s Theater told his story on national television.

EDIT: Based on suggestions below, I’m proposing a new version of this factoid which makes it sound even crazier (but still factually true)...

An eyewitness to Lincoln’s assassination at Ford’s Theater appeared as a contestant on a nationally televised game show with Lucille Ball

Image credits: bufadad


there is no universally accepted definition of "vegetable."

it's a cultural and culinary term, and varies from place to place.

Image credits: cubs_070816


if sound could travel through space, the roar of the sun would be deafening even though it's 93M miles away.

EDIT: because space is a vacuum. sound can't travel though a vacuum.

EDIT AGAIN: obviously lots of other things in the universe would change, and yes, presumably other stars and planets would make noise too. we'd probably all die screaming as the earth itself imploded from the pressure of traveling so fast though a universe that WASN'T a vacuum.


Image credits: cubs_070816


When Mt Everest was first measured it was exactly 29,000 feet. It was reported as 29,002 because exactly 29,000 was not believable.

Image credits: 1pointtwentyone


If every single person on the entire planet took part in a rock paper scissors contest. Where everyone paired up and played, losers were knocked out and winners stayed on etc

You would only have to win 33 times in a row to beat all 7.53 billion people on the planet

Image credits: Afasso


One day Mao Zedong saw a sparrow eating grain. Thinking that the sparrows were hurting China's grain supply, he and the Communist Party launched the *Four Pests Campaign*. The Chinese military and population [took out] every sparrow they could find. Embassies didn't allow the Chinese to [take out] sparrows on their property, so the Chinese banged pots and pans outside the embassies 24/7 until the sparrows died of exhaustion. Unfortunately for the Chinese, sparrows mainly eat insects, not grain. The locust population exploded and [***43 million people starved to death.***](

Image credits: WooIWorthWaIIaby


If you took every civilian-owned firearm in the US and laid them side-by-side, you would have a giant belt of guns long enough to go completely around the moon.

After going completely around the moon, you would still have enough guns left over to equip every soldier in the world with two guns.


Giant squids have a donut shaped brain so their esophagus can run through the middle. If they try to swallow too large a bite of food they can get brain damage.


There used to be a radioactive energy drink called "Radithor" that was in the US market for a decade from 1918-1928. Some of the more prominent users had to be buried in lead coffins.


Taser is actually an acronym for "Thomas A. Swift's Electric Rifle."



There was this french guy named Tarrare in the late 1700s that could eat ANYTHING, in any amount. He was able to eat a quarter of a cow on one day and ate dinner for 15 for one meal when he was being tested. He was even able to swallow an entire eel, with bones included, without hesitating. When he went to the militar service, they used him as message transport, but after being captured he went back and tried to find a cure. In the hospital where he was staying, he was suspected of eating a baby so they kicked him out. He was average weight and when he died a few years later they could see inside his stomach just by opening his mouth. Here’s a video which explains it on better detail:


Sharks evolved before trees did.


Saddam Hussein was an erotic romance novelist in his spare time as the dictator of Iraq.



Sense of smell is molecular, meaning that molecules of what you are smelling are actually inside of your body as a result of smelling them.

Think about that the next time you enter a public restroom.


Only four people have been to the Challenger Deep, the deepest part of the ocean. One of those people is James Cameron, the director of Titanic.


If you're launching from Earth, the most difficult place to reach in the solar system is the sun.

The reason for this is that to fly directly into the sun you need to first launch from Earth, and then remove all of your orbital velocity around the sun. Anything less will just put you into a different orbit around the sun rather than directly into it. The amount of power required for that to do it directly is basically impossible currently.

As an alternative you could, for relatively little power, fly all the way out to Pluto distance, slow down much less, and then fall back into the sun. The trade off being the travel time is now about 90 years.

There are other in between paths that will could get you there for different balances of energy and time but all of them are tougher than getting basically anywhere else in the solar system with an equivalent balance.

There's a mission currently traveling to study the sun, the Parker Solar Probe, it won't be flying directly in, but plans to make the closest passes than any probe ever has. It's going to make seven passes by Venus to shed speed so it can get closer and closer to the sun. The full flight time is planned as just less than 7 years. As of this post they are 1 week shy of a year in.


A 500 lb. cigarette-smoking, beer-drinking brown bear named Wojtek was enlisted and served in the Polish army during WWII. "Private Wojtek" helped the Polish win the brutal Battle of Monte Cassino, and was even promoted to corporal. Following the war, he retired in Scotland.


Even if 99% of Earth's population thought you were unattractive, 76 million people would still find you attractive


The life of Frane Selak, the luckiest unlucky man in the world:

• January 1962- Frane is riding on a train through a freezing canyon when it fell into an icy river. All 17 other passengers died while he escapes with a broken arm and hypothermia.

• 1963- On his first plane trip he was sucked out of the plane’s door and landed in a haystack, unscathed. 19 other people were killed in the crash.

• 1966- He was riding in a bus when it skidded off the road into yet another icy river. 4 passengers drowned while he only received some minor cuts and bruises.

•1970- His car’s engine burst into flames while he was driving but he managed to escape before it exploded.

•1973- In yet another driving incident, his car’s engine was doused with hot oil from a broken fuel pump. This caused flames to shoot through the air vents, singing off all of his hair. He was otherwise unharmed.

•1995- He was hit by a bus but only sustained minor injuries.

•1996- To escape a head-on collision with a United-Nations truck on a mountain curve, he swerved into a guard rail that broke on impact. to save himself, he jumped out of his car’s open door and grabbed onto a tree branch as he watched his car plummet off the cliff.

Suffice to say the guy had a complicated relationship with the Grim Reaper.

Edit: Got his name wrong

Edit 2: Got the first edit wrong, turns out i was right the first time


President John Tyler, born in 1790, has two living grandsons.


When a woman with breast implants is cremated, the implants will melt into "goo."

It drips to the bottom of the furnace, and needs to be cleaned up once cooled.


Stalin, Hitler, and Freud all lived in Vienna at the same time.

Edit: And as others have pointed out (including a source further down), Tito and Trotsky were also there.


The phrase "plastic surgery" has nothing to do with the material. Plastic surgery as a field predates the development of plastics by 70 years. The two terms simply share a Greek word root meaning "sculpted" or "reshaped".


The smell of freshly cut grass is actually a distress signal. It's the smell of the grass releasing chemicals to save itself from injury.


If you could fold a piece of printer paper in half 103 times it would be the width of the observable universe.


Your head ages faster than your feet


1 billion seconds is about 31 years


In 1000 BC, a war was cancelled due to rain.

Edit: Wooo first silver! Thank you stranger!


[Switzerland has accidentally invaded Liechtenstein thrice in the last 50 years](

* On the first time in 1976, Swiss military got lost and ended up in Liechtenstein, so the Liechtensteiners offered them drinks like proper hosts.
* On the second time in 1992, Swiss military forgot that a certain observation post was actually not in Swiss territory but in Liechtenstein territory, so they just said sorry and forgot about it.
* Then again in 2007, the Swiss army got lost and entered Liechtenstein, but eventually realized they weren't in Switzerland anymore, Toto, so they turned back. Liechtenstein didn't even know this happened till the Swiss apologized (again), to which they basically said, no problem, bro.

Takeaways: The Swiss army are bad with directions. The Liechtenstein ~~army~~ people are chill bros.


We live closer to the lifetime of Cleopatra than she did to the building of the Great Pyramids.


A black widow spiders web is 12 times the tensile strength of steel!


The youngest mother to give birth became pregnant at 4 years old.


Horses can't vomit.


Mike the Headless Chicken lived without a head for 18 months.


You see your nose all the time, but your brain just ignoring it.


You can fit every planet between the earth and moon, including all the gas giants. But if you lined up all of Jeff Bezos’s money from end to end, it wouldn’t fit between the Earth and moon. It could go to the moon and back 34 times.

Jeff bezos has enough money to make a ladder to the moon. And to make it out of money.


If you shrink down our sun to the size of a white blood cell, the Milky Way galaxy would be equal to the size of the continental United States! Space is huge!


GPS satellites have to compensate for time dilation, because time runs at a different rate in orbit.


The USA is the third most populated nation on earth. If you were able to add one billion people to the US population today, it would still be the third most populated nation on earth.


I just read a post on /r/technicallythetruth.

We’ve all kicked a pregnant woman before.


17 inch pizza is bigger then 2 12 inch pizzas

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