Someone Asked Online To Share Some Hygiene Tips They Wish More Folks Knew, And 30 People Delivered

Welcome to the world of hygiene! Most people think that it is just some word explaining that you need to take a shower, wash your hands and brush your teeth every day, but there is so much more. Hygiene is all about keeping yourself clean and healthy, considering that in everything you touch, you never know what you might catch.

Before we dive into the tips, let’s point out why hygiene is important and why you hear this word so often. To begin with, personal hygiene can make you smell great (not smelly so that people need to stay far away from you). It also helps to prevent spreading germs and keeps you from getting sick. What else do you need?

Anyway, recently one person posted in the Reddit online community about the hygiene tips that they wish more people knew about. We gathered 30 of the most popular ones for you, so feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section!

More info: Reddit


I wish I had known that the natural Ph of vaginal secretions was acidic enough to stain clothing and such. It would’ve saved me a lot of anxiety of wondering what was wrong with me. Yes, it IS NORMAL for this to happen.

Image credits: Ok-Consideration2676


Close the lid before you flush.

Image credits: sandfleazzz


Maybe this is hygiene-adjacent but to stop that old laundry smell you have to leave your washing machine open to dry out. Every time!

Image credits: plantsplantsplaaants


3 years of a pandemic- and half you filthy pigs *STILL* don't wash your hands properly!

Image credits: trollin2023


Perfume is not a substitute for washing and deoderant.

Image credits: ReplicatedSun


ALWAYS pee after [making love] (your kidneys will thank you)

Image credits: crumpled_omlette


If someone offers you a breath mint. Take it. Assume He/she is giving you a polite hint.

Image credits: gtdreddit


Deodorant goes on before you start stinking

Image credits: Realistic_Sky3725


If you can smell you, we all could smell you two days ago.

Image credits: Lord_Cabbage_64


PLEASE wash your reusable water bottle! i know i know refilling your water bottle is super eco friendly but you gotta make sure youre washing it regularly to avoid any gross bacteria buildup

Image credits: linlindindin


Wash your hands after you use the washroom. Seriously I'm pretty sure whenever I go to a public washroom I see 50% of the men in there just walk out without washing. Crazy to think

Image credits: ragnarvixiv


you actually have to SCRUB your FEET.. just standing in soapy water doesn't actually wash off the bacteria between your toes.. if you have stinky feet, this will most likely fix your issue.. I didn't learn this till THIS YEAR, i'm 37, i've always had some stinky feet and never knew that i actually had to bend over and scrub my toes and bottoms of my feet.. i now no longer have stinky feet!! lol so basic but also just never occured to me because i always thought the soapy water i was standing in was enough..

my wife and i were talking about shower habbits to our teen one day and she mentions to "scrub those feet!" and i looked at her and was like, "what do you mean? she's already in soapy water, the feet get cleaned automatically".. her jaw dropped and she was like "oh my, i now know why none of those powders worked on your feet, it's the fact that your actually NOT cleaning them, every time in the shower." and redditors.. she was right.. and man i felt stupid for not knowing such a simple thing.

Image credits: HonestCup20


If your towel smells mildew-y, so does your body.

Image credits: AeKino


1. Clean your hairbrushes, especially if you have oily hair/scalp

2. "Clean your glasses" includes the frames and nose pads

Image credits: PM_ME_BREAD_PICS_


For the ladies- Using soap OUTSIDE of the girly. Do NOT put soap in the hole!! That will cause infection and basically just make you smell even more bad than you could imagine ?

Image credits: egpizzarolls16


Pillows cases need to be washed often.

Image credits: Fyodorface742


If you don’t floss, try it once, then smell the used floss. After doing it regularly for a week, it won’t smell like that anymore. Dental hygiene is important.

Started flossing at 21 and proud I’ve kept up the habit. Thought it was unnecessary until somebody told me to try the above.

Image credits: GuruRoo


Don’t keep wads of cash in your bra, especially if it’s summer. Money is dirty enough without being soaked in your sweat too.

Image credits: Storyteller678


For the sake of everyone else who will need the bathroom, if you're going to sit in there for 45 minutes playing on your phone while taking a dump, please courtesy flush.

I don't care how long you're in there for - I'm not the one paying your salary - but you're stinking up the room. So flush early please, and then stay as long as you like.

Image credits: flyboy_za


Wash behind your ears and inside deep of your belly button.

Image credits: WarSlow5450


Washing your [butt]

Image credits: Professor_Lowbrow


Brush your tongue!

Image credits: dioisjotaro


Cleaning/disinfecting your phone. It has so much bacteria and I hate when someone shows me to look at their phone and that s**ts crusty.

Image credits: Permission_Beginning


Floss your damn teeth. Brushing isn't enough to prevent the bad things that happen to good teeth. Ask your hygienist to show you how. 90% of people aren't doing it right.

Image credits: mentalhygenius


If you have to turn off a tap, make sure you turn it off with the paper towel you used to dry your hands with. No point in losing all that hygiene to communally touched (wet) surfaces.

Image credits: garlicroastedpotato


Nail brush. Buy one, use one.

Image credits: tangberry11


Wearing a mask doesn't camouflage not having brushed your teeth in the morning.

Image credits: Things1997


Washing your legs in the shower. I'm so surprised how many people don't wash their legs when they shower.

Image credits: tokkikahn_xo


Change your work clothes daily.

Image credits: ThulsaDoom716


You can wash your pillows and bath mats!

Also glycolic/mandelic/salicylic acids for body odour. Keep that skin acidic and inhospitable to bacteria.

Image credits: DramaticOstrich11

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