“[Am I The Jerk] For Announcing My Pregnancy At My Sister’s Wedding?”

If you read our posts about various wedding conflicts, you can see how zealous the newlyweds are to ensure that the wedding remains their – and only their own holiday. Someone demands to kick out a “flashy” server, someone is indignant that a relative plans to announce their engagement on the same day… there are actually a lot of such stories.

Very often people support the bride when her righteous anger falls on the “violator” of this wedding monopoly on attention, but in the story that we are going to tell you today, everything took exactly the opposite turn.

The author of the post got pregnant, but her sister asked her to postpone this announcement until her upcoming wedding

Image credits: Jonny Hunter (not the actual photo)

So the woman spent her first trimester without telling anybody, yet wished she could have her mom’s advice

Image credits: weddingdrama2022 (not the actual photo)

Image credits: David Barnes (not the actual photo)

Image credits: weddingdrama2022 (not the actual photo)

Shortly before the wedding the sister told the author that she changed her mind and asked her to wait a bit more until the ceremony was over

Image credits: Quinn Dombrowski (not the actual photo)

Image credits: weddingdrama2022 (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Marco Verch Professional Photographer (not the actual photo)

Image credits: weddingdrama2022 (not the actual photo)

The expecting mom, however, was so upset that she told her parents about this on the spot, and the sister bashed her for doing so

So, the Original Poster (OP) says that she has always been very close to her younger sister, so she was the first (with the exception of her husband, of course) to find out about her pregnancy. Naturally, the sister was overjoyed and suggested that the mother-to-be should announce her pregnancy at the sister’s upcoming wedding. And this, in turn, meant that for the entire first trimester, the OP would not tell anyone about the upcoming addition to her family.

However, this turned out to be problematic for the expecting mom – after all, the first trimester was very difficult for her, and she desperately wanted to talk with her mother more than once for advice, but she stayed silent, because she had promised her sister that she’d keep everything a secret. And, of course, as it often happens, at the very last moment, the sister changed her mind.

Yes, that’s right – apparently, the bride-to-be decided that the wedding day should remain only her and her groom’s day, so she asked her sister to wait a little longer and announce the pregnancy after the ceremony. After all this, the expectant mother was literally devastated and offended – so on the same day, she told her parents about everything, and a week later, she wrote a post on Facebook.

Needless to say, the sister is now outraged by the Original Poster’s behavior, claiming that she supposedly stole her special day on purpose. And this is after the woman had been hiding her pregnancy for three whole months at her own request! In the end, a family drama erupted, and the OP admits that now she and her sister do not communicate at all, although until very recently they were very close, and she apologized to her sister several times. Moreover, a month ago, the OP delivered her son – and now his aunt does not even want to see him!

Image credits: rocksee (not the actual photo)

“This sometimes happens when another important event – whether it’s an engagement, pregnancy or even a new job announcement – is unveiled during the wedding, and I myself have led several such ceremonies,” says Denis Tsykanovsky, a wedding host from Tel-Aviv, Israel, who was asked by Bored Panda to comment on this story. “It really distracts the guests’ attention from the newlyweds, and sometimes they get very upset about this. After all, you really want everyone to remember this day as your special celebration. Yours, and only yours.”

“Therefore, when we, together with the bride and groom, are discussing the scenario of the upcoming wedding, we often come to the idea that it is not necessary to combine the ceremony with some other events. Unless, of course, this is not conceptually important for the newlyweds. Usually this is just a reasonable measure precautions to avoid possible resentment from relatives,” Denis states.

People in the comments also sided with the Original Poster, arguing that she was not really at fault and shouldn’t have to apologize for anything. After all, it was her sister’s own idea, and it was the bride-to-be that actually framed the OP, forcing her to go through a difficult first trimester of pregnancy without any mental support from parents and friends. “Please stop expending energy on this. Remember that she tricked you into being without your mother at a critical time,” people in the comments wrote.

However, weddings often become the source of incredibly bizarre stories. You could, for example, just read this recent post of ours about a bride who, right before the wedding, caught her groom being breastfed by his own mom. Or maybe this story about the bride who banned her polyamorous parents’ throuple partner from her ceremony. And if you too have experienced or faced something like this, please feel free to tell your own tale in the comments below.

People in the comments massively sided with the new mom, dubbing her sister selfish and rude

The post "[Am I The Jerk] For Announcing My Pregnancy At My Sister's Wedding?" first appeared on Bored Panda.

source https://www.boredpanda.com/announcing-pregnancy-sister-wedding-reddit/
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