112 People Who Absolutely Knew What They Were Doing And Went For It Anyway (New Pics)

Richard Branson once said, “opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” He was mostly talking about business, but life is full of those moments where you can see the cards laid out perfectly to give you a win if you take a chance.

If you aren’t sure what I mean, then scroll down. Internet users gathered those moments when some designers, artists, or copy editors had to know what they were doing. So upvote your favorites, comment what you think must have been going through their heads and if you want more examples, Bored Panda has you covered, so find our other article on this topic here

#1 Hee Hee

Image credits: EnzoGourlami

#2 Kevin Lasagna

Image credits: Bucky__Goldstein

#3 They Took Her Jacket Off But Not His Arm… They Knew

Image credits: Pentamikk

Many of the ideas here are cleverly, or not-so-cleverly hidden puns. As much as we groan at them, puns have a long, titled history. The ancient Greeks and Romans were aware of them as comedic templates, and indeed, the word pun itself has Greek origins, though that isn’t saying much when one considers all the Greek loanwords in English.

Often we associate puns with groan-worthy dad jokes, but even masters of the language, like Shakespeare, use them frequently. Shakespeare himself used over 3000 puns in his plays, significantly more than can be listed in this article. Indeed, until recently, pun use was seen as a form of literary sophistication. After all, puns require the knowledge that certain words have multiple meanings or similar-sounding counterparts. The writer must then also create the context where the reader or listener can understand which version is being referred to. 

#4 Makes Sense

Image credits: hunterhendrix

#5 It Intended To Be Fuji Mountain, Going To Be A New Meme

Image credits: joonkeat

#6 They Definitely Knew What They Were Doing…

Image credits: J3ttf

Now most non-visual jokes are a form of storytelling. There is a setup, normally of some information, then a punch line as a finisher. The setup should be vague enough that the punch is unexpected, which humans tend to find amusing. We like it when we are surprised, and often this is achieved by subverting certain expectations. Many of the jokes in this list work in a similar manner, we see lasagna puns in a Wikipedia article about a football player which is not where we expect Italian-food-based puns.

#7 Grab The What

Image credits: solantf1

#8 The Costume Designers Must Have Known!!

Image credits: roubent

#9 He Definitely Knew

Image credits: dalai_lara

So clever joke writers will use the setup to mislead us, so the punchline can be even more unexpected. Deadpan humor goes a step further by never acknowledging that there is a joke. Now the ability to confuse us isn’t always benign. Mall architects use this to great effect. Have you ever been in a store or mall where the layout and variety of options quickly overwhelmed you? More often than not, this design is intentional.

#10 Worth Every Penny

Image credits: GlomOfNit

#11 Whoever Placed This Stand…

Image credits: Thepackman84

#12 Felt This Belonged Here

Image credits: haydutarsivi

This is called Gruen transfer or the Gruen effect. Retailers know that once a person has made the effort to come to a mall, they will probably spend some money. But if they can be confused or distracted, they will often visit stores they don’t need and spend money on things not part of their shopping list. This effect was named after Austrian architect Victor Gruen and, in a case of classic misdirection, he was highly opposed to the practice.

#13 Everyone Loves Pizza

Image credits: Nupadoop

#14 Safety First!

Image credits: termacct

#15 The Wasps That Built This Nest Knew What They Were Doing

Image credits: articulateantagonist

#16 Apple Logo Completed

Image credits: KamalHasa

#17 What Do You Guys Read?

Image credits: Hugosimpon

#18 This Cannot Be An Accident!

Image credits: soyguay

#19 How Many People Live Here And Have No Idea?

Image credits: randydufrane

#20 Dad Totally Knew

Image credits: reddit.com

#21 Noice

Image credits: momo_power

#22 Terry Knew

Image credits: BreauxSciencePhD

#23 They Knew What They Did


#24 Big Cocks

Image credits: Beagly-boo

#25 Hope I Got My Ticket

Image credits: _KillerKoa_

#26 It Was Well Worth It

Image credits: Hambrgr_Eyes

#27 Hmmm

Image credits: gurneyguy101

#28 Praise Be!

Image credits: rosseepoo

#29 Oh Snap

Image credits: silvyrphoenix

#30 The Graeme Clark Oration Award Indeed

Image credits: nyl2k8

#31 Couldn't Possibly Be A Coincidence

Image credits: Sarky-and-George

#32 Code Set By A True 8008 Appreciator

Image credits: MrPancakesMcgee

#33 Ik Most Posts Here Are Sexual But

Image credits: festival0156n

#34 Enough Said

Image credits: trxsh-josh

#35 4 Pictures, Side-By-Side In A Newspaper. They Knew What They Were Doing

Image credits: Insemzandtaya

#36 ... When Selecting Wood Grain On Toilet Doors

Image credits: DucksToo22

#37 Bet My A*s Frickin Birds Knew…

Image credits: Glass-Fan111

#38 What Is Happening Here?

Image credits: keith2301

#39 A Note From The Mailman

Image credits: racas

#40 You Had One Job

Image credits: Max-Carnage1927

#41 More Of A Mistake

Image credits: keith2301

#42 Norway's Biggest Newspaper: "Sperm Bank Exploded." "Sarah Swam For 54 Hours"

Image credits: thegreatsaiby

#43 They Knew

Image credits: xXTheMagicMan150Xx

#44 ? ?

Image credits: jimbomusik

#45 Geology Just Got A Lot More Exciting

Image credits: kashamorph

#46 Good Movie Bad Merch

Image credits: player82222

#47 Je Sus

Image credits: Clear-Result-3412

#48 They Definitely Knew, And I Love Them For It

Image credits: LekkerBroDude

#49 I Still Can't Believe I Didn't Get It Earlier

Image credits: Paschal-La-8394

#50 That Resemblance Is Uncanny

Image credits: Unlucky_Echidna8401

#51 They're Just Shoes, Allegedly

Image credits: jacob_lian

#52 Saw This Today

Image credits: randomstrawberry05

#53 They New What They Were Doing


#54 They Definitely Knew. (My Friend Sent Me This)

Image credits: Lord_Drakostar

#55 The Inside Of A Cat

Image credits: MaccasAddict17

#56 Oh No

Image credits: Ceu_64

#57 Eleanor Is Always Happy To Help Out

Image credits: Chankomcgraw

#58 Good Old Grandma

Image credits: rosseepoo

#59 Friendly Reminder

Image credits: mikeymiggz

#60 If Someone’s Drowning… Lol

Image credits: EltioEmiGomez7u7

#61 They Had To Have Known!

Image credits: MineDiamonds697

#62 They Definitely Knew

Image credits: SirKensingtonsSlop

#63 The Black One Can’t Be A Coincidence

Image credits: Vinchelion69

#64 What A Coincidence

Image credits: udayramp

#65 Route 47 In My Town

Image credits: nthensome

#66 “Shooting Bambi”

Image credits: Taco_Pals

#67 The Scientists Had Fun Naming These

Image credits: cak0047

#68 How I Bang Your Mother

Image credits: Sarcastic_Piggi

#69 A 4th Century Helmet

Image credits: Ok-Panda0702

#70 She Enjoyed The Ride

Image credits: Substantial_Gur_8230

#71 Billboard Found In Utah

Image credits: kanekrew

#72 This Shirt

Image credits: trtannehill

#73 They Definitely Knew

Image credits: Lex_osr

#74 She Might Not Have Known, But The Photographer Sure As F**k Did

Image credits: egarcia74

#75 A Fire Safety Armband. They Had To Know

Image credits: ShinyDaddy

#76 Iowa State Fair Looks Like A Good Time

Image credits: NonreversibleCube

#77 They Definitely Knew

Image credits: alexvictor97

#78 Who Placed The Sticker Knew

Image credits: Psycho3333

#79 Big D Baby

Image credits: snakeryder

#80 It's All About Perspective

Image credits: CakeKiller77

#81 That Door Handle

Image credits: Aator93

#82 Hmmmmmm

Image credits: Gump__44

#83 Hell Of An Airship

Image credits: SidTheSloth97

#84 Found On Facebook!

Image credits: Brief-Consideration9

#85 Ok Then?

Image credits: ZeroTwoModz

#86 I Mean, Come On

Image credits: reddit.com

#87 Seems Fair

Image credits: rosseepoo

#88 Someone Thought Long And Hard About This

Image credits: PurpleFirebird

#89 I’m Sure There’s A Brilliant Caption For This But I Can’t Think Of It

Image credits: chernandez1986

#90 Shippers Knew

Image credits: reddit.com

#91 Bull Titan U.s

Image credits: Agent_Exile

#92 Who Thought This Was A Good Idea?

Image credits: Jamster_1988

#93 Who Knew Roofing Could Be So Titillating?

Image credits: flopsychops

#94 A Royal Escort

Image credits: TimmyTur0k

#95 Just What The Doctor Ordered

Image credits: RdClarke

#96 Giga Chad Bench Spotter

Image credits: Late-Push-9131

#97 They Had To Have Known

Image credits: dysenterygary69

#98 What A Great Barbecue!

Image credits: private_unlimited

#99 This Is A Ring…

Image credits: C7StreetRacer

#100 They Definitely Knew

Image credits: TheRedditornator

#101 Hulk Wants To Smash!

Image credits: ThisIsYourMormont

#102 God Knew

Image credits: Ceu_64

#103 Oh They Definitely Knew

Image credits: Naaaaaas90

#104 Le Tits Now

Image credits: Fyice

#105 Forgive The Emojis, Not My Caption

Image credits: pomomp

#106 The Looser Eats The Third Popsicle

Image credits: EltioEmiGomez7u7

#107 Hmmm

Image credits: Jamster_1988

#108 D*ck Lick Park

Image credits: mikeymiggz

#109 Nice Carpet Pattern [nsfw]

Image credits: Onfour

#110 Those Recommendations… They Knew

Image credits: EltioEmiGomez7u7

#111 No Way They Didnt

Image credits: the-ateyo

#112 The Pool At A Holiday Inn

Image credits: Remarkable-Comment-7

source https://www.boredpanda.com/people-knew-what-they-were-doing-funny-jokes/
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