TikTok Mom Provokes Online Debate After Explaining Why She Prohibits Her Kids From Going To Sleepovers

There are several aspects that can be discussed regarding parenting. One is the specifics of how parenting should be done, and the second is who is to decide upon the measures of parenting a child. When it comes to the first part, there is always a question of boundaries – how much to allow your children. When it comes to the second, there is a question of boundaries for parents and other people’s right to intervene in someone’s parenting. Both of those aspects intertwined in a heated discussion over TikTok videos by T. C. Huck, where the mom is responding to critical comments coming her way over not allowing her children to have sleepovers.

T. C. Huck is very certain of the boundaries that she has set for her children – safety comes first, and that also applies to sleepovers

Image credits: tc.huck

“The absolute hate that I have gotten over my parenting video”

“I’ve waited a little bit to come on and address some of them on purpose because y’all are very bent out of shape about it. And then I also posted the same thing on Instagram reels. And so that has now hit 3 million views. So people are coming for me. I mean, making troll accounts left and right.”

Image credits: t.c.huck

“Sending me nasty messages. I mean, wishing death upon me. All because I don’t allow sleepovers”

“Like, I’m gonna let that sit for just one second. All because I don’t let my kids have sleepovers.”

Image credits: t.c.huck

“Now. Did I ever say that they don’t go to friends’ houses? Nope”

“Did I ever say that they don’t go anywhere ever? Also no. All I said was sleepovers. So kids go to friends’ houses – trusted friends’ houses, people that I know, the parents are home. And the only thing is that I pick them up for showers and bedtime. So I picked this little block of comments. I mean, I could have picked millions of them.”

Image credits: t.c.huck

“But I picked this one because this kind of was the culmination of everything that I meant by no sleepovers”

“You don’t know what’s going to happen. And it has nothing to do with me trusting my kids. It has nothing to do with me not wanting my kids to have fun.”

Image credits: t.c.huck

“It has nothing to do with anything besides the fact that you cannot be positive that something won’t happen to your children at somebody else’s house”

“Even if you trust those people, they could have older siblings, sorry. Parents’ friends staying over, other people, there are a million other factors. There’s too many other factors that I’m not willing to risk my children’s safety for them to have a sleepover. Also, this ‘false accusations at your own house’ because people are like ‘well, do you allow them at your house?’ I’m not saying never.”

Image credits: t.c.huck

“But honestly, it takes two seconds. I have a son and I have a husband. It takes two seconds for somebody to say something that will ruin your life”

“I mean, y’all really came for me, if you ever have some time and you just want to like pass a couple hours at work, go read the comments on that parenting video. I assure you people ‘love’ me right now. But I said what I said. I stick by what I said. I also never say never. So will they never have a sleepover? As of right now, the answer is no. And I’m okay with that. I’m okay with keeping my kids safe the way that I feel.”

Image credits: t.c.huck

Watch the original video here:

@t.c.huck #parenting #parents #sleepover ♬ original sound – t.c.huck

According to T. C. Huck, when it comes to sleepovers, there are too many factors over which she is not willing to risk her children’s safety

In her TikTok video, T. C. Huck commented on the discussion over another video of hers on parenting, specifically, on not letting her kids have sleepovers.

The mother emphasized that there was a lot of hate directed her way after she released the video. This included nasty, sometimes even death-wishing messages. This was all based on one factor only – the woman not allowing her children to have sleepovers. 

While she lets her kids go to other kids’ houses, whose parents she trusts, sleepovers are not permitted. 

The reason T. C. Huck gives for not allowing sleepovers is safety – one cannot know for sure what can happen to children while they are in someone else’s house. According to T. C. Huck, there are too many factors in other peoples’ houses that might have a damaging effect on children.

Despite all the mean or skeptical comments, T. C. Huck is very certain of the boundaries that she has set for her children. The woman asserted that she sticks to what she said in her videos, arguing it to be her right to protect her children in a way that she sees fit. 

Setting boundaries for children is discussed by internationally recognized parent educator Dr. R. MacKenzie. In his best-selling book Setting Limits, the psychologist emphasizes the importance of setting limits, claiming that most relationship problems originate in families that are unable to set clear and effective limits. As a result, in a conflict situation, such families keep repeating the pattern of miscommunication, which he calls the “family dance”.

Image credits: t.c.huck

Contrary to some peoples’ intuition, for a child to have clear limits set for them by their parents can provide a feeling of order and security. According to Dr. K. Leman, it is in a permissive environment that children feel anger and hatred toward their parents for a lack of guidelines.

There is, however, one more distinction, standardized by clinical and developmental psychologist D. Baumrid, that could be of use when setting limits for a child is discussed. Setting limits might lead to a strict parenting style. However, strict parents who set high standards and demands on their children can themselves be divided into authoritative and authoritarian parents.

As discussed in the study, authoritative parents set high standards for their children, but also give them affectionate and responsive attention. Authoritative parents value independent thinking and let their children question their rules.

Authoritarian parents, on the other hand, are cold and irresponsive. Also, contrary to authoritative parents, they do not let children challenge their rules or express their opinions about them.

While authoritative parenting is shown to have the best effect on children, authoritarian parenting might cause behavior issues, low-self esteem, and mental health problems.

The video by T. C. Huck was viewed 1.7M times on TikTok. The majority of commenters on TikTok were expressing support for T. C. Huck for being cautious, taking responsibility, and protecting her children. There also were a few skeptical comments, expressing concern the prohibition might lead to children misbehaving behind their mother’s back.

The majority of commenters on Tiktok were expressing support for T. C. Huck for being cautious and protecting her children, though a few were concerned the restrictions might backfire:

The post TikTok Mom Provokes Online Debate After Explaining Why She Prohibits Her Kids From Going To Sleepovers first appeared on Bored Panda.

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