People Share 100 Perfectly Fine Things That Society Considers To Be Bad For Some Reason

Say please and thank you. Make eye contact when having a conversation. Respect other people’s personal space. And please, never ever speak loudly on your phone when in a small, shared space.

Social norms are incredibly powerful. They let us know that we might not want to speak and behave the same way around our bosses that we do around our best friends, and they help us travel via public transit without infuriating all of our fellow passengers. There are plenty of unspoken rules that make our lives simpler, but there might be some that you disagree with as well. Just because society tells you something is right or wrong doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to question it.

Reddit users have recently been sharing examples of things society considers to be bad that are actually perfectly normal, so we’ve gathered a list of their most spot-on responses below. From circumstances we all experience to harmless behaviors that shouldn't carry any moral weight, this list is full of reminders that sometimes society’s rules are just arbitrary. Enjoy devouring this food for thought, and don't forget to upvote the replies featuring things you’d like to normalize as well!


Not having kids if you don't want them.

Having kids you don't want is bad.

Image credits: somepeoplewait


Doing nothing with my free time.

I work and have chores. When I don't have those things, I don't feel like hiking or scuba diving or anything.

I want to do nothing. Leave me alone.

Image credits: Val_Hallen


Waking up late. But getting a few more hours sleep is far more beneficial than some YouTube hustler saying you should wake up at 5 am for no reason.

Image credits: Broncotron


A lot of people are quick to call you "fake" if you're polite to those you dislike.

It's not being fake, it's being civil.

Image credits: ChuushaHime


In my experience, some people see not being close with your family as a red flag. Not sure why. Like, sorry? I didn't get to pick my family. Lol.

Image credits: ballslongerthanmypp


Men having emotions


Assisted suicide. If your pet does not have a good prognosis your vet will recommend putting them to sleep. Why do we make humans suffer to the bitter end? Sure, we give them medicine to make them comfortable, but why extend that timeframe if they nothing left to do? They made their will, they said goodbye, now they wait and run up a bill for their family to pay?? If you have terminal illness, you should be able to die with dignity.


Mental health care. People want to pretend if you just ignore mental health problems, they will go away. Does cancer go away if you ignore it?

Image credits: thetearinsound


Having disagreements. Totally normally to disagree with people. It’s even more normal to disagree with your friends and still remain friends.

Image credits: ZenoSalts


Piracy for incredibly old movies/games etc. If its no longer available, then it should be encouraged if anything.


Using social services. It is what they are there for, and you helped pay for them.

Image credits: SucksToYourAssmar3


Being alone

Image credits: Sacredkeep


Talk about your salary. This literally just exist so that the working class doesn't talk about unbalanced wages and starts to question their bosses

Image credits: 50KiloHack


Not tipping workers who do basic stuff like handing me a cup of coffee or a takeout bag. It’s okay to not want to pay 20% for just handing me stuff I bought.

Image credits: cocomelon36



Fewer children born into poverty or in situations where they aren’t wanted is a net positive. It’s actually been proven that abortion lowers crime.


Breastfeeding in public


Not going to college.

Image credits: MaskedBabes99


Not working 24/7 or participating in the “hustle culture”

Image credits: coachlasso


Admitting you were wrong

Image credits: Dragon_wryter


Talking to yourself.

Image credits: Playful-Profession-2


Admitting you don't know something.

Image credits: DrKennethWestFall


Social welfare… lots of countries, developed ones with real economies are quite happy with it. Yes, higher taxes, but if those funds actually take care of real needs, most gladly pay.


Not having kids.

Stop asking people, you never know what they’re going through, and it’s nobody’s business.


Knowledge, apparently. Seems like educating others and speaking on a topic you are certified to speak in is an offense to them somehow, so they think you're speaking down to them if you disagree with them.

Image credits: glitchystitchy


Skilled labor or working in the trades.

Mental health care.

Image credits: Katn_Thoss


**One example** of something that society considers to be bad but is not inherently so is aging. While aging is often associated with decline and loss, it can also bring wisdom, maturity, and a greater appreciation for life. It is often how society views aging and the cultural attitudes toward the elderly that are negative, not the process itself.

Image credits: hotcum69


Poverty. Have you noticed how most people treat those who make little money? Yes, there are some hard-core slackers who don't want to work, but most people work their asses off to make a living, and it's not because of laziness, but because of social or health reasons. It is worth remembering that one day you make fun of the poor, and the next day you are begging for your own bread. Be kind!

Image credits: AnastasiaFrid


Doing things (like going to a restaurant) alone

Image credits: littlephrogboyo


Politicians changing their minds when presented with new information.

Image credits: hey_you_too_buckaroo


Customizing your body the way you want.

This includes getting hormone supplements, hormone replacement therapy, birth control implants/IUDs, vasectomies/hysterectomies, tattoos, and any other form of elective implant, cosmetic surgery, etc.

As long as you’re provided with—and fully aware of—the risks and side effects, you should be able to have anything you want done, even if other people consider it “ugly” or “detrimental” or “harmful” or “mutilation”, or whatever other negative terms they want to throw at you.

Freedom of expression and bodily autonomy are human rights.


The real affects of sugar and fat

Way back when, there was some scientist that discovered the devastating affects of sugar, and he tried to pitch it out. Then the sugar industry hired a more well known scientist to pitch that fat was the issue that was causing a severe increase in heart disease in the US.

The sugar industry also paid the government and even managed to change legislation and food guides of what americans should eat. They really downplayed fhe affects of sugar so that they would keep making money. Interestingly the rate of heart disease skyrocketed after the sugar industry did this.

Today, we know a lot more about the affects of sugar but still uplay fat far too much.


Being lazy, there is nothing wrong with spending the whole weekend just playing video games and watching movies! As long as you don't neglect your kids or pets during that time who cares what you did on the weekends or after work!


Asking for help


Talking about nightmares/suicidal thoughts.

"oH donT sAY thaT"


Taking things that have been discarded but are perfectly good.


Failing. Failing does not mean you are a failure. Just means you tried something and it didn't work out right. It is very possible that "Those who never failed also never tried." is true.

Image credits: EldritchKoala


Cutting off your parents/family if they're toxic.


Still living with your parents in your 20's/30's.

Image credits: ServiceCall1986


Showing affection.

Image credits: MalibK


Atheism, according to a recent poll.


Making mistakes. I've f****d up a lot in my life, A LOT, but I've learned from it, grown, and become a better person than I would have been if I'd never made those poor choices. Making mistakes isn't bad, choosing to not learn from them is.

Edit: this got more traction than I expected, so let me explain. I'm a recovering alcoholic. I did a LOT of damage to my family and friends during my drinking days. The fact that I realized it was wrong doesn't magically absolve me of that, nor do I think it should. But I grew from those mistakes. My wife is the first one to point out that I'm a better person/husband/father *now* than I ever was before I developed a drinking problem. I'm a firm believer that it's important to offer people hope that they can grow from their poor choices, because if we can't then what's the point of stopping them if we're equally awful forever either way?

Edit 2: no, I never killed anyone drunk driving, I was just an emotionally absent, angry, rude, selfish, unhelpful a*****e who blew an insane amount of money (that we didn't have) on booze. Before my drinking problem, adequate was good enough for me. I was an adequate son/husband/father/friend for most of my life, and when I was drinking I was an awful one of all those things. Today I strive to be the best I can be of all of those things, but without my low point in the middle I would have stayed on my "this is good *enough*" path for my entire life. And if anyone else out there is struggling with alcoholism, just know that there's hope on the other side.

Image credits: Taco-Dragon


Sensitive straight guys


Talking about periods.


Sticking around through hard times. Sometimes it's not toxic, people are just flailing cause they need help, and if you help you may find a very loyal and worthwhile relationship.

Image credits: ShrewdBaby


A lack of professional ambition.


Caring about your own mental health.


As someone working in the conservation field two big ones for me are

• Cutting down trees
• Using herbicides

The lorax and save the rainforest got everyone all f****d up on that first one, and now most of our oak woodlands are giving way to late-successional forests, or becoming homogenized with no canopy gaps. That's great habitat for some stuff, but a lot of animals depend on the structural diversity and/or composition of disturbance-based forests.

For the second one, people equate any herbicide use with blanket spraying used in agriculture. Invasive species are a huge detriment to biodiversity, and the scale of the problem is often not really solvable, or at least not efficiently, with non-chemical means.

The longer I stay in this field, the more I learn that armchair naturalists and true treehuggers are some of the worst allies. They have just as bad a grasp on nuance and ecology as loggers and farmers in a lot of cases.


Cultural appropriation. The spread of a culture to people groups who are outside the originating culture is a good thing.




sex education for people younger than the age of expected sexual activity


Cursing and nudity. Especially in US. You people are so prude


Free healthcare


Talking yourself up.

I feel like every time I try to compliment myself I get hit with an eye roll and a “wow, how very humble of you”

In reality I have low self esteem, and I’m just trying to give my self positive words of affirmation to help boost my low self confidence. I don’t see what’s so bad about that


a socialist health system. You shouldn't need to pay to stay alive.


Being ugly



If we want to feed 9+ billion people without destroying the Earth, and exacerbating the 6th mass extinction, we are going to need GMOs.

Image credits: Incongruousconstant


Nuclear Energy, it’s just steam. Coal generator plants produce more radiation than nuclear ironically.


Casual consensual safe sex


Being vulnerable. Swallowing your feelings/not talking about them is not healthy at all and many still think that's something people should always do.


Using “swear” words.


Low grades in school. We equate it too much to intelligence.

And this is coming from a teacher who got straight A’s I advanced classes. I can comfortably say my brightest students sometimes had the lowest grades.


Guys wearing skirts or dresses


Helping others and gaining nothing from it. I don't mean like charity work but if I come across someone in need that might just need to talk to someone I don't mind being that person. Have a few friends that are baffled by that idea that I don't need anything in return to help.


Voluntary celibacy.

People act like you're missing out, or wierd just because you don't want to have sex.


Women choosing not to have kids.


Pirating eTextbooks.


Being comfortable enough to relax and find enjoyment at home. You shouldn’t need to constantly leave your home to find enjoyment. It’s not bad to spend those staying home without going out shopping, to restaurants, to special events etc. there’s nothing wrong with relaxing at home


Putting yourself first




The LGBTQ community lol




This may be controversial…. Men.

Yes, there are some really awful men out there. Contrarily, there are some men in my life who have shown me great companionship, men who I have incredible relationships with. And by relationships, I mean strictly on a friendship level or family.

There are also men who I have dated who I have the utmost respect for as well. Just because things don’t work out doesn’t mean it is solely because of him or his gender. It’s a two way street.

I am always taken back but the outright disdain for men online. Imagine if the script were reversed. Imagine trying to walk this world a decent man when you are constantly being beaten down. I just think males and females make a great team when they work together.

Are there bad men out there? Yes. Are there bad women out there? Also yes. Being s****y is part of human nature.


Providing help to pedophiles so they don't commit crimes.

Image credits: joeythenose


Governments providing basic healthcare and welfare



Image credits: Richarded27


Not being married or having children by a certain age.

Dedicating time to yourself for self care, mental health and overall wellbeing. For some reason people think that’s wrong and that you should work until you die. The whole live to work concept is daunting.


Sex work

Universal basic income

Recreational drug use


MSG. It is delicious, low-calorie, and relatively easy to acquire. It got a bad rap from a racist a long time ago and has had trouble shaking off the bad PR.


Anything that goes against capitalism...


Zipper merging on the highway


Being single.


Masculinity. And I say that as a feminine gay man.


In America, still living with your parents in your later 20s or into your 30s. If you are working hard and helping out a dent in a few bills, I don't see the issue.


Failing on tests and exams. Failing is natural and its part of the process.




Not having a romantic relationship


Socialistic policies. You're more leftist than you think.


Having unpopular opinions


Being comfortable and happy being alone.


Being shy or quiet.


Being trans


Talking about salary


Sex before marriage.


Critical thinking


Being conservative


Communism. Collective ownership of the means of production and shifting the economy toward collective good would do so much for people's lives but years of cold war propaganda has shifted the narrative to communism bad.

In the US we can only choose between two corporate parties now and there is no real left. Yayyy


Short people


Zipper merge!




Sex work

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