Hey Pandas, What Are The Most Overrated Things Nowadays?

What doesn’t deserve its popularity? Whether it be a book, movie, way of life, or other trend, I’d love to hear about it!


Influencers. They are not a god




Most reality "stars", namely the Kardashian/Jenners.


Tik Tok


1) The expectation that life owes you something.

2) The need to have the very best the very first go. My first car wasn’t what I wanted, it was what I could afford, same with my first rental, my first house, my first job…

3) The belief that your opinion is sacrosanct and that anyone who disagrees with it is “Disrespecting” you.


Concern over gender and pronouns. Having your entire life and personality revolve around them. It’s like “great, you’re different”, now please just stfu and go to work or school


music used to be good quality music coming out of the radio now most of the stuff that gets played i have no clue how they got signed to a label let alone make it all the way on the radio


Beauty standards. Do I need to elaborate?


Dark Fantasy.
It completely dominates all media (Game of Thrones in TV, Dark Souls / Elden Ring in gaming, The Witcher in literature) while always using the same rehashed medieval-European settings, the same tropes, the same character archetypes. Plus the authors seem to have a contest about who can create the most bleak, depressing and needlesly violent story ever. Never understood the appeal.


I’ll start, I guess. My biggest pet peeve is this “aesthetic studying” trend. I think it’s great to have cute pens, a clean study space, etc, but honestly, I feel like a lot of study posts nowadays are more focused on the pretty aspect of studying rather than, ya know, being productive and practical. It’s really bad, learning should be about learning, not making cute notes.


Internet. Everything is "use this website, log on here, buy online" blah blah blah. Just a modern trend that I refuse to have anything to do with. You'll not see me using this new fangled internet.


The Human Race.


Taylor Swift. I like some of her songs, don't get me wrong, but I just don't understand Swiftie culture. Basically I'm saying I wouldn't stand in line for 3+ hours to get a T Swift concert ticket.


Pronouns and Victimhood. Go ahead and downvote me you pigs!


Goddamn politics. This needs to go away. I don't know what system to replace it but the cult followings and popularity contests it has all devolved into are childish and keeping us as a whole from reaching our potential.
I can imagine a Galactic organization of civilizations occasionally checking in on us - "No, they are nowhere near ready for contact."


Competitive Exams. Like it is a near 1% chance or less that you might clear them on the first attempt. But what about the ambitious ones? On average, an aspirant wastes 3-4 years of the peak of his/her youth studying for an exam. And unfortunately, most, like most, end up pursuing other career pathways because you gotta pay the bills, right?


Grading on the curve. Students should be graded on their own accomplishments, their own progress.


Food. Fancy restaurant food that has flowers or unnecessary garnish. cupcakes with cereal on the icing. Looks pretty, how does it taste?

Medicine advertised on TV


Dining out/ fast food.
It used to be good, but I swear every place just sucks nowadays.


“Smartphones” and E-scooters.


Iron Maiden. To me, all their songs sound the same and there are far better rock and metals bands out there. I would also add that you only need one AC/DC album and that is Back in Black.




homophobes and transphobes!


Owning your home. Sure it can be a good deal and potential wealth builder, in the right place, at the right time, at the right stage of your life. But it can be the wrong choice many other times. Replacing roofs, HVAC, floors etc. is way more expensive than many people are ready for. If your job falls apart, you may be trapped somewhere with limited options. If you have bad neighbors, you may be stuck with them for years. Especially now, any house you buy is probably at the highest price it will be for a long time, and you are competing with a lot of deep pocket investment companies. Don't be in a hurry and feel like you are missing out, if you wait to buy until you can comfortably afford ALL the costs. That time may be never if you live in a major city. I've both owned and rented, and it can be such a relief when you're renting, the furnace goes out and you can say "Not my problem!"




The Chicken Dance. I swear to gawd if I hear it at ONE MORE WEDDING RECEPTION I’m STORMING OUT!!! ?

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/DT2OcUP
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