42 Entitled And Rude Relatives That Will Probably Make You Appreciate Your Family More (New Pics)

Ah, siblings. Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em. As a kid, I loved having brothers when it came to playing games or celebrating holidays together, but riding in the car together, with the three of us crammed into the backseat, was like being in a war zone. We could enjoy peace for about 5 minutes of the ride, but inevitably, someone’s joking or playing around would cross a line and suddenly at least one of us was screaming or crying. Now, I was never a perfect sibling myself, as I vividly remember slamming my younger brother’s fingers in a door once out of rage. (I still feel bad about that one...) But we’re adults now! We’ve learned how to set our differences aside, and oddly enough, we actually love spending time with one another now.

Unfortunately, however, not all siblings mature at the same pace, and sometimes conflicts between brothers and sisters persist into adulthood. In fact, new conflicts can even arise, due to siblings acting extremely entitled. Below, we’ve gathered some of the most appalling screenshots of conversations between siblings that have been shared on the Choosing Beggars subreddit that might make you even more thankful for your own brothers and sisters. Try not to become too furious while scrolling through this list, and don't forget to upvote the conversations that would make you consider blocking a relative!

#1 Girl Trying To Get Rid Of Her Sister’s Dog For Chewing Up A Shoe

Image credits: Slothity

#2 My Dad Is Going On 2 Months In The Hospital With Covid. This Is His Sister

Image credits: kcl086

#3 My Brother Paused 2 Of My Downloads To Install Fortnite

Image credits: VahniB

Do you have any siblings, pandas? Apparently, about 82% of us do, which means you likely know the experience of having to share everything while growing up. You might remember getting picked on by an older brother or sister, or perhaps doing the "picking" yourself, if you happen to be the oldest. Sibling relationships are often rocky while we’re young and growing up, as we can be competitive with one another or frustrated when it feels like we don't all receive the same treatment. But especially by the time we reach adulthood, our siblings can become our best friends. They were our first friends anyway, so why not nurture that relationship for the rest of our lives?

Your brothers and sisters can understand you in a way that even your closest friends may not, as they grew up in the same household and shared similar experiences. But unfortunately, the sibling to best friend pipeline doesn’t work for everyone. And sometimes becoming adults leads to an even greater wedge forming between brothers and sisters. This list features some shockingly egregious examples of sibling behavior that might inspire you to send a quick text to your brothers or sisters letting you know that you love them. And you appreciate them for never demanding money from you… 

#4 The Truth

Image credits: Yaboiindahouse20

#5 Cb Bargains Their Way Out Of 6 Months Free Rent, No Utilities…because They Wouldn’t Be Paid Extra Cash For Dog Sitting

Image credits: _tropical_tundra_

#6 Wants His Trust Fund To Buy More Drugs

Image credits: Life-Evidence-6672

If you and your siblings can’t seem to be in the same room together for more than an hour without getting under one another’s skin, know that you’re not alone. Sadly, it’s quite common to have to deal with conflicts between siblings, even as adults, so Kristin McCarthy wrote a piece for Love to Know discussing this topic. Kristin notes that it can first be helpful to get to the bottom of where this conflict is stemming from. 

It might be because you and your sibling have different relationships with your fellow family members, such as being much closer to your parents or another sibling. Or perhaps the conflict is rooted in competition between the two of you or an ongoing sibling rivalry that never seems to end. Whatever the cause may be, it’s best to identify it to work on resolving it.

Kristin goes on to write that, if you and your sibling are able to sit down and attempt to work through your issues, try to confront the conflict head-on. “While you may have stress and anxiety over sitting down with them, it is important that this initial step be made so you can move towards a place where you are comfortable in close proximity, despite differences. If you decide to meet up, pick a location that is comfortable for everyone, yet also neutral. You'll want to be on as even ground as possible for this.”

#7 I Hadn't Been Able To Locate My Pokémon Cards For 15+ Years Which Had Over 10 Pages Of Rare/Holographic Cards (Which I Spent Many Years Collecting As A Kid)

I found out today that my older brother sold literally every single rare/holo/valuable card I owned as soon as I left for college.

Image credits: PapaCologne

#8 Sister Asks Me If I Can Watch Her Kid, Then Asks If I Can Come Get Her And Comes Up With Lame Excuse As To Why She Can't Drop Her Off

Image credits: suckme_beautiful

#9 Shared My Netflix Years Ago With My Mom And Sister, Then Had An Issue Last Night So I Checked The Recent Devices. Found Out There Were Tons Of People With My Password, Plus Someone Upped My Plan. Reset My Password And Told My Sister I Wasn’t Going To Share My Password Anymore. Chaos

Image credits: Blue_ilovereddit_72

When it comes to resolving conflicts with a sibling, Kristin recommends following a few basic guidelines: present your problems, use “I” statements to avoid playing the blame game, remain calm, practice active listening, offer possible solutions, and check back in later. Issues don’t usually disappear overnight, but with some effort on both sides, wounds can be healed. 

Then it’s best to work on preventing any future conflicts. To do so, Kristin notes that it can be helpful to focus on preparing yourself before the next interaction you have with this sibling. “Consider all the possibilities surrounding the meeting. This mental preparation will help you calm your anxiety beforehand,” she writes. Then, remember to avoid confrontational conversation. If certain topics always lead to an argument, just skip them altogether. If a situation becomes uncomfortable, try to shut it down before it escalates, and if it comes down to it, simply limit your interactions with one another altogether. 

#10 My Sister Asking For My Netflix When She Is 33 And Lives With My Mom And Dad

Image credits: krisprieto

#11 My Unemployed Brother Asking Me To Order Him A Pizza

Image credits: Zaige

#12 My Brother Always Makes My Poor Mom Clean His After Him

Image credits: New-Needleworker-568

If the issue at hand does happen to be a sibling rivalry, Dr. Elizabeth Scott wrote an article discussing how to handle the accompanying stress of sibling rivalries for VeryWell Mind. She first notes that instead of immediately jumping to frustration with your sibling, it might be helpful to understand where the rivalry started. They often come from parental favoritism, which can cause lasting impacts on children. If the rivalry began in adulthood, however, it might have been caused by geographical proximity, shared personality features, or other factors such as personal views. 

Wherever the rivalry stems from, however, Dr. Scott urges readers to try not to take it personally. “Understand that your parent may not ‘love’ the other sibling more, they just feel closer or more invested in their lives, for whatever reason,” she writes. “They may not even be aware of it, and most likely are not doing it to hurt your feelings.” 

#13 My Brother Was Mad Cause I Wouldn’t Let Him Have Anymore Candy After He Had Almost A Whole Bag. This Is What He Did. This Is My 1,000 Dollar iPad That I Earned

Image credits: Eddie_thefreak

#14 There Was No Warning, She Didn't Ask. She Took Money To Go On Vacation

Image credits: CaroBri

#15 Parents With Children Should Skip All The Lines

Image credits: Sourlydeck580

But if you’re having trouble coping with an adult sibling rivalry, Dr. Scott recommends finding support elsewhere in your life, such as among friends or other family members who make you feel loved unconditionally. And resist the urge to perpetuate your sibling rivalry. Don’t go out of your way to compete or blame them for being favored. “You’ll also feel better if you accept that you may not get as much support and approval from parents as you want, and that’s okay,” Dr. Scott notes. “If you don’t come at them from a place of need, you will actually have more personal power.” Finally, remember to focus on what’s most important: your own family and nurturing the relationships that are most meaningful to you. 

#16 Karen

Image credits: Glittering-Orange930

#17 When Your Unemployed Brother Finds Your 6 Year Old (Broken) iPhone To Give His Daughter As Her Main Christmas Gift, And Then Finds Out It’s Broken…it Turns Into Your Fault, Naturally

Image credits: Putrid-Conclusion91

#18 Entitled Sister Wants To Come Visit On My Due Date

Image credits: srobhrob

The examples on this list are mainly siblings who have exhibited extremely entitled behavior, but all sorts of issues can cause rifts in sibling relationships. If you need some advice for how to get along well with your adult siblings, here are some tips from Laurie Kramer, a professor of applied psychology at Northeastern University in Boston. She first recommends making time to see one another outside of your familial obligations, like going to mom and dad’s for holidays. She also recommends resisting the urge to assume you know things about your sibling just because you grew up together. Allow them to tell and show you who they are now and have honest conversations about how you remember growing up and how things have changed. 

#19 When Asked If He Could Bring The Console To Our Dad’s House, Mom Gave My Little Brother A Definitive No. After They Left, I Walked Back To My Room And Found It Missing

Image credits: Time_Owl_2589

#20 I Wouldn’t Let My Older Sister (Who Lives At Home) Eat My Food

Image credits: hoezonelayer-

#21 My Brother Taking My Bluetooth Headset Without Permission And Returning It Like This

Image credits: Gibbydoesit

Kramer also reminds that siblings must remember to stop comparing themselves to one another. “Just as when your younger brother got a bigger slice of cake, it might not seem fair that, as an adult, they end up with a better job or bigger house,” Katie Hunt writes for CNN Health. “But these are old feelings that don’t stand up to honest scrutiny. We all make different choices, and there’s no innate reason your path should be similar to your sibling’s.”

#22 My Brother Demanding Money From My 65-Year-Old Mother

Image credits: Forgotten-Comment

#23 The Reason I Associate As Little As Possible With My Half Brother

Image credits: AppleLandfill

#24 When Your Younger Sister Who Lives Rent And Bill Free, With A Job, Wants You To Pay To See Her

Image credits: lmmjjj

Despite the fact that you share about 50% of your DNA with your siblings, you don’t always need to maintain relationships with them. If you’ve worked hard for years attempting to mend your relationship to no avail, it might be healthier for you to just stop trying. “When or how a person might know it’s time to cut ties completely depends on the individual situation and comfort level. If there’s persistent emotional manipulation, physical abuse, or other unhealthy or destructive behaviors that are causing harm, then it may be best to end the relationship,” says Kalley Hartman, clinical director at Ocean Recovery in Newport Beach, California. “If they’re not good for you emotionally, psychologically, or physically, it’s better to have a chosen family with friends, rather than sibling relationships chosen for us — especially if nothing’s going to change in that sibling dynamic.”

#25 Sister Sent Me This...she Was Blocked Immediately After

Image credits: VortexThing

#26 My Sister, Who Likes To Use My Complex’s Free Gym, Angry Because I Don’t Have The Fob Today

Image credits: lilvixen95

#27 It’s Everyday

Image credits: Eli_was_never_here

I genuinely hope that you pandas cannot relate to the posts on this list, but if you can, remember that it’s totally fine to set boundaries with your brothers and sisters. Just because you grew up together doesn’t mean that they’re entitled to treat you however they like. Keep upvoting the pictures that you find most appalling, and then let us know in the comments below if you have any personal stories of sibling entitlement to share. Then, if you’re interested in reading another Bored Panda article featuring relatives who don’t understand boundaries or manners, you can find more “choosing beggars” right here

#28 Got A Message From My Spoilt Brother Asking For A Lift To An Airport Two Hours Away The Night Before His Flight

Image credits: _Ginger_Pubes_

#29 My Brother Did This Be Cause I Didn’t Let Him Play For Another Hour After His Turn

Image credits: lawand0_0

#30 My Brother Likes To Make Large Sum Bets And Thinks I'll Just Pull Out Of My Savings To Help Pay His Dues

Image credits: H-OAP

#31 Mom..... Lets Just Go

Image credits: Future-Wedding-5929

#32 Anti Vaxx Mom Be Like

Image credits: secularChanar722

#33 My Own Brother

Image credits: MercerPS

#34 I Had This Lovely Conversation After Getting Multiple Calls From Her. Ladies And Gentlemen, This Is My Older Sister, A Mua, That Has Complained About People Doing The Same Thing To Her That She’s Doing To Me

Image credits: reddit.com

#35 Loaned My Sister A Few Thousand Dollars Of My Work Camera Equipment So She And Her Friend Could Take Graduation Photos. This Is The Exchange That Followed

Image credits: roguespectre67

#36 My Sister Wants Me And My Brother To Help Pay For Her And Her Kids To Swim At My Late Father's Pool

Image credits: Craig2G

#37 Me (26M) Talking To My Karen Sister (36F), She Hides The Towels When I’m Sick, So She Doesn’t Get Sick

Image credits: Dazzling_Parsnip1522

#38 Brother Who Refuses To Work Tries To Emotionally Blackmail Me Over Netflix Subscription

Image credits: reddit.com

#39 My Sweet Little Brother Who Begs Me For Money Every Day. He Is 30 And Married And Doesn’t Talk To Me About Anything But Borrowing Money Or Getting Handouts Or Asking If He Can Come For Dinner. The Vm After Was “What Kind Of Sister Let’s Their Brother Go Hungry?” Um, This One. Kthxbai

Image credits: hilariass

#40 My Sister Seems To Think I’m Selfish For Bringing A Controller, That’s Mine, That She Likes To Use Without Asking, With Me On A Couple Week Vacation

I bought it with my own money.

Image credits: lilpryn6655

#41 Sister Upset At How I Give Her Free Hbo

Image credits: callmejessicalange

#42 An Old Convo From Last Year, My Brother And His Friend Being Snobs Over Golf Clubs. They Actually Made Me Laugh But They Still Ended Up With Nothing

Image credits: Philks_85

source https://www.boredpanda.com/entitled-choosing-beggars-siblings/
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