Someone Asks “What Do We Need To Stop Teaching The Children?” And Here Are 34 Insightful Answers

I believe that most parents and teachers want their kids to succeed. And while we try to equip them with the best tools and information for their future life, there are some things we're teaching that are actually setting them up for failure. Whether by accident or due to a lack of self-awareness and knowledge, we give them these 'lessons' that do more harm than good when they come into practice.

One Reddit user wanted to get more opinions on what we need to stop teaching children, so they asked other users to share their thoughts. And they had some really insightful responses. People called out the toxic ideas that many are still putting into kids' young and impressionable minds, often without giving it a second thought. Society is evolving, and many ideas are already outdated and considered harmful, yet their echoes still come up when it comes to lecturing children.

Over 16k responses later, Bored Panda selected the most eye-opening responses to what we should stop telling children immediately. There are many 'facts' that are just rarely challenged, so let's not forget that even if we made a mistake, there's no shame in admitting and correcting it. Scroll down and upvote your favorite answers, share your thoughts, and if you think of anything that wasn't on this list, please tell us in the comments below!


If he’s mean to you, he likes you

Image credits: forgetxreality


That play ends when you reach adulthood. Play is important, even when we're grown.

Image credits: Malcolmpargin


That while they are special, they are not any more special than anyone else.

Image credits: OrganicUse


That you are only successful and happy with a college degree, married, and have children.

Image credits: KMermaid19


That failure is something to be ashamed of and to avoid at all costs. We all fail sometimes and we need to be able to accept that.

Image credits: Ineluki_742


I don’t believe in forced apologies. They’re not legitimate apologies and the other child knows this. I also don’t feel adults should force children to accept an apology. Forced apologies and acceptances don’t have any benefits.

I am a 3rd grade teacher. My students know I won’t force an apology. Instead, I speak to the students about their choices and how it made others feel. I’ve found that, once students realize what they did, they do apologize on their own and the other student does accept it because they know the apology is sincere. Often times, students will even try to resolve the issue on their own. It’s common for students to ask me if they could speak alone in the hallway. They then return proudly stating that they resolved their issue.

Obviously, if something is not resolving itself, I’ll continue to help students through it. I will also step in for more significant disagreements. However, I’ve found that students are able to resolve issues an overwhelming majority of times. However, they are never truly resolved with forced apologies and acceptances of forced apologies because the underlying issue is still there.

Image credits: ITeachMunchkins


To just ignore bullies. As a former teacher, it does nothing to address the issue. The bullying persists 100% of the time.

Image credits: PragueNole09


That you need to be friends with everyone.

Image credits: No_Calligrapher2640


“Please” isn’t a magic word. It often won’t get you want you want.

“I’m sorry” doesn’t erase a wrong and is only one small part of an apology, which the wronged party is not obligated to accept.

Image credits: GrnHrtBrwnThmb


Boys dont cry

Image credits: ZhenKira16


Stop teaching kids *what to think*, and start teaching them *how to think.*

Image credits: VictorBlimpmuscle


That you have to give relatives a hug or kiss if they ask for one.

Image credits: UnoriginalUse


That it's acceptable to use devices in public loudly without headphones

Image credits: Musashi1596


That challenging authority is wrong.


Religion in public schools


That ugly = bad/evil. I partially blame TV animation for this one though. This often makes kids fear elderly people and make unfair connections between appearance and personality.

Image credits: _kevx_91


That doctors are scary. Many parents threaten their kids with the doctor when kids don't listen to them.

Image credits: SuvenPan


To accept collective punishment. Whomever did something to get in trouble for is who gets the punishment.

So many teachers do this to kids and it just breeds resentment for both the teacher and the kid who keeps getting the whole class in trouble.

I dont want my kids to be prepared to accept this as adults, and just deal with it from the govt, society, their employer, etc.

Image credits: mostlikelynotasnail


Breakfast cereal is healthy

Image credits: Lisa4today


Abstinence only sex education. Please teach these kids about contraception and how it works, it’s been proven that comprehensive sex education is way better at preventing teen pregnancies than abstinence only.

Image credits: Brief-Resolution2043


kids learn by watching us. whatever we want kids to do or not do starts with grown-ups addressing our own hang-ups. full stop.

Image credits: neuroboy


Food pyramid as it is. It's wrong.

Image credits: SorryIAmNew2002


You can get what you want if you’re nice.
It teaches children how to be manipulative & dishonest.

Instead, teach them to handle “No”.

Too many people grow up and get offended at being told “No”.

Teachers & Parents want their children to learn how to ask for things in a polite way - but not how to handle rejection.

My brother teaches children and he will actively tell kids “No” and encourage them to find alternative solutions that don’t infringe on someone’s decision.

Image credits: CantAimMustPray


That the size of your body (height included) is any measure of your worth.

Image credits: jswoll


As a teacher, I'm always amused by the things people think we teach kids. "Stop teaching ______!"

You know what I spent significant time teaching this year? That soiled toilet paper goes in the toilet. That you can control how loudly you burp. That you have to charge a laptop computer for more than a minute to fill the battery.

Then you get the, "Why don't schools teach kids how to do taxes?" Yeah, kids love taxes. We couldn't get middle school kids to stop playing Fortnite long enough to focus on "The Human Body" unit for a week.

I'm just amused by all the things people think happen in schools.

And of course there is the notion that parents can teach kids, too. That's what we're doing with our son. If there's something important he needs to know, we're teaching it to him.

Image credits: edgarpickle


That Santa gives presents to "good" kids. When rich kids get a bunch of Christmas presents and poor kids don't, we're basically telling children that it is because the poor kids are bad and the rich kids are good.

Image credits: filetemyoung


Family is everything. No sometimes their trash and need to be let go of.

Image credits: Livid-Addendum707


To push down their feelings and never cry. You don’t heal unless you work through your emotions. Support them, don’t scold.

Image credits: harrypotter62


That girls are weak or too emotional (I.e. crying like a girl or don’t be a p*ssy)

Image credits: toooldforacnh


That you need talent to be good at something.

Image credits: Aaveri


They have to finish their plates, or they're being wasteful.

Image credits: lnvalidSportsOpinion


that there are ‘things for girls’ and ‘things for boys’
(like colors, toys, etc)


“Stranger Danger” it has some decent basic principles about safety, but the unfortunate truth is we need to teach children how to detect if adults in their life are treating them inappropriately just as much as strangers

Image credits: kylestopthrowingfood


Gender stereotypes.

My son asked me why he didnt have pretty dresses like me. I couldn’t answer his question, i asked him if he wanted to wear dresses like me. He said yes and i sew him one. He’s so happy!

from Bored Panda
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